Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    nadimich93 wrote: »
    How can i join this group

    You say hi my name is? And your in. I'm Nichole welcome. These friends are awesome. You are in good hands
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    All newbies feel free to add me as a friend

  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    Wow ladies, you have been super chatty!!!! I haven't been on in a week so lots of catching up to do!!!
    I had a crappy mother in law passed away last Wednesday so it's been a week of crying, eating, drinking, visiting, eating, drinking and then some more eating and drinking!!! And the eating has all been crappy takeaways and convenient foods as no one could be bothered with shopping or cooking. Oh well! I guess that's normal for a time like this but need to get back on track now.

    On a funny note, my father in law was collecting his wife's ashes today and my niece who's 5 said "I can't wait to see granny's lashes"!!! I've an image of a box with big eye lashes in it! Gave us a giggle!

    I'll catch up with all your posts soon, I'm sure you're all being as awesome as ever!!!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    So sorry to hear that Sinead, at least you found a glimmer of humour in the situation. Chin up.

    Welcome @nadimich93, you 'join' by jumping right in and getting amongst it. :smile:

    Well it's my Friday today, and it's pay day - what a double whammy of delightfulness! 4 days off work to look forward to. So I make this 'early meme day'! Yay!



  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    So sorry to hear about your mother in law Sinead. Grief, food, and alcohol go hand in hand sometimes, and that's absolutely okay.

    Cari- You crack me up! Are the Cadbury eggs as good as they look?

    Gill- I hope you have a great 4 day weekend! (and stupid computers!)

    Nichole- I feel ya. Why doesn't work know MFP is more important? ;)

    Jen- I'm jealous you have the dreadmill as an option. The dog and I went out on the icy roads this morning...made it one block before turning around. It's an indoor workout kind of day!

    Welcome Zezo! Glad to have you in our box reading, water drinking group!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm very sorry to hear about your mother in law, Sinead.

    Cari - great job on the run! The speed will come with time! It's impressive that you are out there running! And I am not a big fan of the Cadbury eggs, but can't wait to break into the Reese's eggs. Those are my favorite! Your memes made me lol this morning! Love it!

    Gill - glad to hear your calorie changes are working out for you! And enjoy that 4 day weekend!

    Welcome Zezo and @CCHaire and @nadimich93!

    Well, I felt like I had a terrible day food wise yesterday. We are incredibly slow at work lately and I was so bored out of my mind that I just kept snacking all day. And then when I dropped my son off for his driving lesson I didn't want to go all the way home just to turn around and come back to get him. So my husband and I went out to eat and have a few drinks. But-the scale was down a bit this morning which shocked me! I thought for sure it would be up after yesterday. So, maybe that will help motivate me to do better today. Still nothing to do at work, but I will try to keep myself busy in other ways. I am so looking forward to the 3 day weekend I will have. And we are staying home this weekend! It has been a while and I can't wait! Hope everyone has a great day! Keep up the awesome work!

  • gethntysear
    gethntysear Posts: 47 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Thanks for such a lovely welcome, my name’s Charlie sorry forgot to mention that :sweat_smile: seriously loving all the memes.

    @CariTJR I’ve just got a fitbit and it takes about 10mins to kick in with any exercise unless I specify that I’m working out, maybe that's why it's a bit off? Awesome doing the 5k run though, always in awe of runners whatever the pace, I just struggle to get my legs to do that fast moving forward thing :blush: And Mini eggs, just yes!

    @Rachel0778 Congrats on your OH getting the job, now I’m in the mood for steak.

    @indygirl217 I think that's lovely that you go out for walks together, I know I enjoy it when I go out for a wander with my mum.

    @ShyCush6 Really well done on the 1lb down and keeping up with your steps!

    @CCHaire Hey there!

    @sweetzezo92 Hey! I know exactly what you mean by being one of the packet readers, can’t help it now!

    @tazzy2911 Sinead I’m so sorry to hear that, my deepest condolences.

    @danan01 Seems like you got the right mindset today to keep pushing forward, that's brilliant. Boredom (and a desk job) was my killer too.

    Today was my weigh in day. Fiiinnnaaally the weight has dropped off, 1.2kg down from last week so I treated myself to a Fitbit Surge, I love new gadgets to play with! I’m hoping it will be more reliable than the app on my phone as it’s now attached to my wrist. Does anyone aim for more than 10k steps a day? Have circuit tomorrow, the pound class thing sounds amazing, so wish there was one around here. Bit worried about the easter break coming up, OH is what I would call as a feeder and a pastry chef, need to make sure we’re too busy to cook anything overly indulgent. DIY here we come haha!

    You’re all doing so awesome keep up the amazing work! It really is an inspiring thread.

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    uoflgirl89 wrote: »
    @FitEqualsSmile in my bracket I have Oregon going all the way, though there are a few surprises in there. My team isn't in it this year due to self imposed banned. So gotta say Oregon is gonna take it.

    My bracket is so broken! But then again I had Xavier beating Wisconsin and they didn't! I will not complain!! So excited to watch WI vs. ND! I still have 3 of the final 4, so we'll see!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    CCHaire wrote: »
    Hello I'm so glad to be a part of something it's going to help me in the long run

    Check in often! This is a great motivational group!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    tazzy2911 wrote: »
    Wow ladies, you have been super chatty!!!! I haven't been on in a week so lots of catching up to do!!!
    I had a crappy mother in law passed away last Wednesday so it's been a week of crying, eating, drinking, visiting, eating, drinking and then some more eating and drinking!!! And the eating has all been crappy takeaways and convenient foods as no one could be bothered with shopping or cooking. Oh well! I guess that's normal for a time like this but need to get back on track now.

    On a funny note, my father in law was collecting his wife's ashes today and my niece who's 5 said "I can't wait to see granny's lashes"!!! I've an image of a box with big eye lashes in it! Gave us a giggle!

    I'll catch up with all your posts soon, I'm sure you're all being as awesome as ever!!!

    So sorry for your loss Sinead! Kids can always brighten a moment! *hugs*
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Today was my weigh in day. Fiiinnnaaally the weight has dropped off, 1.2kg down from last week so I treated myself to a Fitbit Surge, I love new gadgets to play with! I’m hoping it will be more reliable than the app on my phone as it’s now attached to my wrist. Does anyone aim for more than 10k steps a day?

    I want the Surge! I've just been reading up on the differences between the Surge and the new Blaze, i'm a bit undecided. How are you finding it? Could do with some honest input to help with my decision. Do you find it too bulky?

    I have mine set to 10k steps a day, but I usually do around 12-13k, but I keep it at 10k for lazy days and then i've not got so many steps to do to hit target :wink: lol

    Well done on the loss too!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Thanks for such a lovely welcome, my name’s Charlie sorry forgot to mention that :sweat_smile: seriously loving all the memes.
    Today was my weigh in day. Fiiinnnaaally the weight has dropped off, 1.2kg down from last week so I treated myself to a Fitbit Surge, I love new gadgets to play with! I’m hoping it will be more reliable than the app on my phone as it’s now attached to my wrist. Does anyone aim for more than 10k steps a day? Have circuit tomorrow, the pound class thing sounds amazing, so wish there was one around here. Bit worried about the easter break coming up, OH is what I would call as a feeder and a pastry chef, need to make sure we’re too busy to cook anything overly indulgent. DIY here we come haha!
    You’re all doing so awesome keep up the amazing work! It really is an inspiring thread.
    The memes are awesome! I love the sense of humor this group has!! Way to go on losing!! Woot! Woot!! I usually try to aim for 12K, but 15K is my favorite days! ;) Gill kicks butt, she's a rockstar!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Today is my Friday as well... so here goes!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    I just love pizza... it is my downfall! Pizza & beer!

  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    Cari-Are the Cadbury eggs as good as they look?

    Unfortunately yes. They are delightful, and very difficult to resist! Those little cake bars are the worst, they come in a 6 pack, and quite frankly if I had no will power at all i'd eat the whole damn box. Luckily for me, my OH also finds them hard to resist, so he usually manages to eat most of them before I even get a look in lol.

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    Unfortunately yes. They are delightful, and very difficult to resist! Those little cake bars are the worst, they come in a 6 pack, and quite frankly if I had no will power at all i'd eat the whole damn box. Luckily for me, my OH also finds them hard to resist, so he usually manages to eat most of them before I even get a look in lol.
    Have you ever had the Cadbury Caramel eggs... I refuse to buy them! They are so yummy! My daughter doesn't like Cadbury eggs so I need to remember never to buy them or I know who will eat them! YUM! Chocolate covered marshmallow eggs are my absolute easter downfall... maybe the Easter bunny will not buy those anymore either! ;)
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    1 hour 6 minutes and counting and then I am ft work for 6 days. I can't wait. My girls leave tomorrow for myrtle beach for high school softball. So bummed I can't go. But I will get some cleaning done around the house. How many calories does that burn. 1000 a day. I can dream can't I. Happy almost Friday.