Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Maree23032014
    Maree23032014 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. I'm fairly new to My Fitness Pal. I'm struggling heaps. I've been doing this for about 2 weeks & I just wanna have a big cry. I do well one day & the next day I gorge myself on every bit of junk food I can get my hands on. My friends don't support me, & they hinder my progress by bringing junk food to share or eating junk food in front of me. I'm just so upset with my gluttony. I disgust myself :(
  • luteceaimee
    luteceaimee Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, is anyone still there?
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers. :)

    I hope everyone enjoyed their weekends!

    @irishjeepgirl1969 – So sorry to hear about your struggles, I know it’s easy to say, but try not to dwell on the bad parts of the past, look forward, take each day as a new start and don’t think about the negatives, concentrate on the positive steps you are taking.

    @Gillian – I’m so pleased it’s half term, not because I’ve got children, but because my work commute is cut from 45 mins to 20 which means I can get up late and still be at work on time! Lol

    @Maree – It can be very hard to adjust in the beginning, but you’ve taken the first step towards helping yourself by joining up. Don’t beat yourself up if every day isn’t a ‘good’ day to begin with, it can take time to get into it all. We ALL have bad days, but as you move forward you will find these happening less often, as the weight comes off this tends to be a motivator to keep trying. Maybe you can speak to your friends about the junk food situation and ask them to help you?

    For everyone who has had a loss or even managed to maintain, well done! For those who haven’t, don’t be disheartened, it’s a new week and new opportunity to shed those lbs!

    I had a disastrous Saturday, I not only fell off the wagon, but I jumped with both feet straight into a junk food puddle and rolled around in it for good effect. To say I went over my calories is a total understatement. But you know what, although I’m not proud of it, it’s the first time I’ve done that in nearly two months, so I’m not going to dwell on it. It’s been filed in the ‘write off’ draw and yesterday I was right back on it, kept to my cals and went for a run. Acknowledge it and move on.

    Running Club tonight and it’s freezing out there today, plus my knee seems to be giving me a bit of aggro, so I can see this being a tough evening.
  • tristramtrent
    tristramtrent Posts: 257 Member
    Hello, I am new here but can I join in? I enjoy the mix of triumph, fortitude and wry wit on this thread.

    Although I've been at MFP for a few weeks, it's quite a rollercoaster, and the biggest surprise at all is how little food I actually need to eat to stay the same, let alone lose. No wonder I accidentally made it to 115kilos or so at Christmas. My genes definitely worry I will one day have to survive a famine, or at the very least a Yellowstone winter.

    So far my allies are a little purple stationary bike, the woods around the house and my day job carving wood. This last one sounds energetic but only gives me a shapely right arm , the rest is jelly.

    Success to you all :) Off to pay bills, then bike, then carve.

  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    It can be very hard to adjust in the beginning, but you’ve taken the first step towards helping yourself by joining up. Don’t beat yourself up if every day isn’t a ‘good’ day to begin with, it can take time to get into it all. We ALL have bad days, but as you move forward you will find these happening less often, as the weight comes off this tends to be a motivator to keep trying. Maybe you can speak to your friends about the junk food situation and ask them to help you?

    For everyone who has had a loss or even managed to maintain, well done! For those who haven’t, don’t be disheartened, it’s a new week and new opportunity to shed those lbs!

    I had a disastrous Saturday, I not only fell off the wagon, but I jumped with both feet straight into a junk food puddle and rolled around in it for good effect. To say I went over my calories is a total understatement. But you know what, although I’m not proud of it, it’s the first time I’ve done that in nearly two months, so I’m not going to dwell on it. It’s been filed in the ‘write off’ draw and yesterday I was right back on it, kept to my cals and went for a run. Acknowledge it and move on.

    ^^ ALL OF THIS ^^

    I completely agree.. log it, learn from it, and move on.

    @CariTJR great words...
    we had snow on the floor this morning and it is freeeeezing today. good luck with your run and take it easy with your knee.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @irishjeepgirl1969 I'm so sorry to hear your BED is flaring up. I struggled with mine for years and it was only when I found a therapist/clinic that specialized in it that I was able to kick it for good. I hope that you are able to access local resources who can help you too!

    @zenjen13 I'm jealous of your swimsuit shopping experience. I would love a store like that instead of the department stores with the harsh glaring overhead lights. You are going to rock those swimsuits!

    @ObsidianMist great job getting back at the gym now that you're feeling somewhat better!

    @CariTJR your post made me laugh! We've all been there and it's awesome that you're acknowledging it and moving on

    Welcome all newcomers! Keep posting :)

    My Valentine's Day was fantastic. I fully enjoyed cupcakes and steak all within reason and woke up today feeling hot! I've decided I don't want the scale to have any effect on this current body love so it is staying in the closet for now. I'm sure I'll use it in the next few weeks just to check in on how I'm doing but I'd much rather have body love than a number on the scale any day.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Irishjeepgirl, that took a lot of courage to admit your eating disorder in the group!! Good on you!! I think that is an amazing first step, shining the light on it and not being afraid. I was going to say the same thing, try to find a therapist who specializes in that area and that will be well worth the money. Good luck and take it hour by hour and day by day. Keep a journal and post in here lots, we will help out as much as we can!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Maree, sometimes a good cry is what we need to do! Don't worry, it will get easier!! I promise. I felt exactly the same way when I started, like I was out of control, couldn't stay inside my calories and was a total failure. But I stuck with it, and exercised and I remember thinking weeks later that this was the first time in years that I didn't give up on myself after an hour, an afternoon or by the end of the day. I would start a diet and give up literally by that evening and say (ear muffs) *kitten* it, and eat the world. So just keep trying. Exercise is important, you will feel stronger and more in control too!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Ok last one!
    Cari, you make me laugh! I have rolled around in a junk food coma myself before!! Lol! But the most important thing is to only let that be one day, so good for you for snapping out of it and getting back on track!
    Rachel, you ARE hot!! Hot stuff!! Good for you, just keep riding that feeling! I woke up feeling slim and awesome today too! Got to the gym at 5:45am and did 20 mins on the moving stairs, at level 8 for most of it! My record speed!!
    Have an awesome day today everyone! Log everything, get your exercise in, and smile!!! Have an awesome week!!!!!
  • mysticwryter
    mysticwryter Posts: 111 Member
    Gibbsy21 wrote: »
    I keep trying to convince myself that it is easy. That all I have to do is eat less than I normally do and excerise more.

    That is not always the case. If it is working for you, that's great! I tried that before but sooner or later, my body started to plateau and I wasn't seeing anymore results. I found out that my metabolism was slowing because I wasn't fueling my body (and wasn't doing it correctly). I'm now increasing my caloric intake to jump start my metabolism with my macros; fats, proteins and carbs.

    I would suggest it for you, if you have reached a end point with the reduced calories.
  • agile_05
    agile_05 Posts: 6 Member
    @irishjeepgirl1969 and @zenjen13 - Thanks for the encouragement and sharing your experiences. You know what - I too that I had a particularly good healthy eating day today and had still overshot by 200. Its interesting how much I've been fooling myself ;-) and there is no hiding from it now :))

    The one big thing coming out for me from this logging experiment is I have become conscious of what I'm eating simply because I am logging it in and there is that extra responsibility/guilty/what-have-you-emotion associated with that exercise!!

    Today I also got off my lazy schedule and went for a half hour easy walk...its nowhere near the high calorie fat burning exercise I need to be doing...but then baby steps at a time for me. I have this big repetitive history of staring off on a workout routine and keeping good for a few days or even a couple of months at a stretch and then falling off the saddle completely!!

    Hope everyone is having an awesome start to your week!

  • agile_05
    agile_05 Posts: 6 Member
    @Maree23032014 ...Hey Am new to this too. I'm a big foodie and I also love to cook it. I hear you. I know what you are talking about resisting the temptation. I try hard too. I can resist buying the stuff but not resist it when it is laid out on the counter/table in front of me. I guess, its also a beginner's problem you know. With more awareness, we are going to probably remember to control before the lapse happes eventually.

    It is very good that you are having some good days. What is it that is going great on those days? focus on that. What is supporting you? See if you can get more of that. Its okay to have a few bad days here and there you know...more so for beginners I guess. I'm yet to hit the 'under the calorie limit' badge :smiley: Am sure with practice the good days are going to become more and more. Add me as friend if you like. Happy to give positive support anytime!
  • indygirl217
    indygirl217 Posts: 35 Member
    @mareeee1234 Sweetie, take it one day at time. When I first started MFP two years ago. I was 289. I was doing great with logging my meals and exercises and then I started to slack off. The next time I decided to jump back in again, I was at 311. I thought why bother. But here I am a third time. January 1st, I was 313. As of my last weigh in I was, 301.6. My point in that rant was, it will be days you slack off. Don't get disgusted at yourself. See it as it was and understand that feelings you were having that day. Keep a journal and keep moving forward. Good or bad, keep moving forward. I started keeping listing everyday why I wanted to lose weight and get healthy (I think I forget this weekend). I'm using that as my motivation.

    I have friends that are clueless and don't care that I'm struggle while they stuff their faces with chocolate and cakes and pies, mmmm pie. Sorry, I try not to let their decision impact mine. Is it easy, hell no. But in the end it will be worth it. :)<3
    Add me as a friend. I'm always up to offer some encouragement and support.

    Welcome @luteceaimee

    I survived Valentine's Day with eating only two chocolate covered strawberries. Yes!!!! But my birthday is Wednesday and I have been hearing rumors of a cake in my office. :# Oh well, it's my bday. You only turn 29th once. Well for me this is my 8th time doing it but who's counting. I will walk for an hour Thursday.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @indygirl217 Happy (almost) 29th Birthday! I hope you enjoy a slice of your birthday cake to the fullest!

    @Maree It's great that you started tracking for accountability. Don't get discouraged by going over. It's a learning experience for everyone and with time you will learn what works best for you to reach your goals.

    @bluepoppies777 You are a slim rockstar! Way to go on Level 8!!

    @agile_05 great job going for walk! I think the key to exercise is finding something that you enjoy and sticking with it. If you hate high intensity exercise it may not be for you. Focus on movement that makes your body feel good and want to keep coming back for more and you'll be a regular exerciser in no time!

    I've got a dinner party tonight that we're hosting that I am absolutely dreading. They are the Jones' from the phrase "Keeping up with the Jones'" and we are most assuredly not. I already pre-tracked 2 glasses of wine. I figure after those I will not care that my house is perennially messy and covered in dog hair/slobber. I guess we'll see how it goes!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Holy crap!! I have some catching up to do! Looks like you all had a great weekend! Hope everyone is on track and doing great! I had a wonderful relaxing weekend with my whole family... My fitbit died on Friday so I was without it all weekend and then it charged when we got back yesterday so I have a lot of catching up to do this week!! Yikes! I'm way behind!! =) Have a great day!!!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Good morning everyone! Its been a few days since I have checked in. Lots of catching up to do. Well, the weekend was ok. Lots of exercise with working on the house. We pretty much got the whole thing painted. 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, closets and bathrooms, ceiling and all. Up and down ladders all weekend long! My whole body is killing me! We stayed an extra day, so 3 days of work. But-what better way to help my body recover than going to the trampoline aerobics class! :) It can't hurt anymore than I already do. Maybe it will loosen me up a bit, right? I already pre-logged it so I can't back out! I am actually looking forward to it. Hope everyone has a great week!
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Welcome @tristramtrent, by all means join in with the merriment. :)

    @Rachel0778 - You have every reason to feel great, because you look great. Hope your dinner party goes ok, and if the guests get too annoying, get the dog to slobber over them.

    @agile_05 - Walking is great, you'd be surprised how the miles add up and it does burn some calories. Like you say, baby steps, keep at it.

    @indygirl217 - One more day of being 29 again, don't worry about the cake, eat it, enjoy it and work it off Thursday.

    @danan01 - I just found out we've got a trampoline centre opening here soon, I'll have to see if they do trampoline aerobics too, it sounds like great fun. Hope you enjoy it this evening.

    Well, I didn't make Running Club last night as my knee was still giving me a bit of a twinge. I felt it when I went out on Sunday and it was a horrible run, I couldn't wait for it to be over, and that's not like me. It doesn't hurt, it just kind of aches, it's just 'there' if that makes sense (well I know my knees 'there' I wouldn't be able to bend my leg otherwise, but hopefully you get what I mean), but it ached enough to make me think I needed to rest it last night.
    Then, I felt so guilty about missing Club that I got home tonight, discovered the OH was having a few pints down the local, and decided I could either sit on my bum and wait for him, or go out and have a sneaky run around the block, so that's what I did. I have to say it felt much better tonight, and by the time the timer finished I felt like I could have gone on a bit further, but didn't want to push it too much - can't be missing Club again next week!

    Hope you're all having a great day, and for those who aren't, don't worry too much, there's always tomorrow...
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    I'm away again, at a different ski hill for a mini getaway... Just snowshoed in the most stunningly beautiful area! Man I love snowshoeing!!! Fresh air, beautiful scenery and a crazy workout. I'm knackered!!! But happy!
    Hope everyone can find some awesome exercise today that makes them sweat and smile!!!!
    Danan, good job painting the whole bloody house and then still going to trampoline! Cari, hope the knee is ok, keep up the good work!!! Rachel, who cares about the mother effing joneses!!! Lmao!! Hope you have fun and if they don't, don't invite them over again!! Shy, glad you had fun this weekend!!! Get back into the swing of things and get those steps going on your Fitbit!! Lastly, Indy, have a super duper happy birthday!!!
  • britneywentland
    britneywentland Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone! I am new to this thread and just starting to get back to the gym, I need the motivation to keep going to the gym and lose weight as well as eat better :) Need to get back on the wagon and I am hoping you guys can help me! Also feel free to add me as a friend
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    @bluepoppies777 - I am so jealous of you right now, where about's are you, it looks beautiful?

    Welcome @britneywentland, keep us updated with your journey. :)