Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Gillian! Yessss never give up! You are awesome!
    Shy! You are a huge motivator for us, don't downplay yourself, you started this whole thread. I say give up soda, not booze! Lol!
    Cari! Haha you've got a mouth like a trucker, that's what we say around here when ppl swear like crazy. Love it.
    Indie girl! I say giving up red meat is a great goal, try the chocolate too, but if disaster strikes and you eat some thin mints, just don't tell your friend! Hahahaa!!! Have fun on your bday!
    Welcome noobs!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    I wanted to share two things I made on the weekend, maybe someone else would enjoy it. Chia seed pudding, there are lots of recipes on Pinterest, but I made mine with coconut milk, and added cinnamon nutmeg and cloves. So good, like a dessert! And the other thing I did was cut a yam in half, poke with a fork a few times, bake it face up in oven until soft. When it comes out, just spread a tiny bit of butter on top. It was so sweet and yummy!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I am way behind on catching up with everyone! Welcome all new posters, glad to have you hear!

    I have given quite a lot of thought about what to give up for lent and to be honest i have already given up so much so that i can achieve a healthier lifestyle and diet

    SO I am planning on NOT giving up

    I am not giving up on myself
    I am not giving up on my diet.
    I am not giving up on my fitness programme.

    I love this idea! After 10 years of Catholic School as a kid I'm a bit Lented-out so to speak, but I'm up for any excuse to stick to my goals
    CariTJR wrote: »
    @kerrirents , Hello my Name's Cari, and I HAVEN'T given up smoking (although I have cut down from 20 a day to 20 a week), you are my new inspiration! :smile:
    @bluepoppies777 , Your comment about not giving up alcohol for Lent really made me laugh. I hope you enjoyed your break in Whistler, sounded like great fun.
    Every year at Lent my Mother-in-law (well, she's not actually my MIL as we're not married, but she's as good as) asks me what i'm giving up as she's a practising Catholic, and I never know what to say.... so @tazzy2911 , I admire your grit for giving up those things, I'll be cheering you on through Feb.
    I think maybe i'll try and give up swearing. That might sound a bit odd but i'm really bad for swearing, my Dad was in the Army and I was brought up on a number of bases around Europe, and soldiers can't talk to each other without throwing in at least 20 rude words, so it became a bit of a bad habit. Of course I don't cuss when i'm talking to children or strangers, but I am quite bad for it none the less. Not very lady like at all haha. :blush:
    @indygirl217 , Your birthday night out sounds fabulous! I really hope you enjoy it to the max. Worry about the calories next week.

    I have the same situation, I call her my "mother-not-in-law". She gets a kick out of it. Good luck on the swearing. I'm ****ing terrible at it!

    @indygirl217 Happy Upcoming 30th Birthday!!! ;)
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited February 2016
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    I have the same situation, I call her my "mother-not-in-law". She gets a kick out of it. Good luck on the swearing. I'm ****ing terrible at it!

    I've failed miserably already.
    I told my work colleagues today that I was going to try and stop swearing, they just laughed their heads off, and one of them said "so what about the twenty swear words you've already said today?", to which my reply was (without even thinking) "oh for f**ks sake!" which just made them laugh even more....
    As @bluepoppies777 said, I have the mouth of a trucker.

  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Good morning all. I haven't checked in for a while-but I have been keeping up with all of your updates! You all make me laugh! Good luck to everyone giving something up for lent! I usually don't even try, because I can never make it all the way through. @GillianSmith2 - I love your plan for lent! @ChangeIsADecision I hope you feel better soon! That is so not fun being sick! @indygirl217 Enjoy your birthday plans! That sounds fun! Well, I haven't done very good this week. Really no workouts and I haven't come close to my step goals at all. But I have been trying to still watch the food and today the scale finally went in the right direction again. It seems like I gain and lose the same 3-4 pounds over and over again. But I finally broke through! Maybe I will use that as extra motivation! But-here comes the weekend again! :smile: We are planning on getting more work done on the house, so I will be moving and will probably get my steps in without a problem. Its the eating that suffers on the weekends. But-I will make it through and try my best! That's all we can do. You all are doing great! Keep it up!
  • indygirl217
    indygirl217 Posts: 35 Member
    @Jmgris1& @shanegan160 Welcome to the group. I have found a lot of good encouragement and positive feedback from this group.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm going to have to look up Chia Seed Pudding! I love cinnamon nutmeg!
    Welcome newbies!! Glad to have you aboard! Post often!!
    Cari!! You rock!! That's what I need to give up as well!! Swearing! I am like a sailor... Growing up Catholic, my grandma would have a heart attack if she heard my mouth some days! I've got a little out of hand... It's a bit too natural now... =(

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    I'm having a good week... I'm getting all my steps in daily... working hard for a weekend off!!! =) I won't be checking in Monday as well! Tuesday I will need lots of motivation to get back on track and quit slacking! Although I am packing my workout clothes and tennies!! =) I made need to hit the sauna and sweat out some toxins as well! LOL! Hope you all are having a great week!!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    HA! @ShyCush6 - Love your swear words post! HA! You're a nut.... I <3 it!!

    This is my plan for today! Just get some rest... and get to feeling better.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    For real!! B)

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited February 2016
    Sometimes you just need one of those days! Rest up and feel better girl! =)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    I'm sitting here reading this thread and laughing out loud!! Cari, it is super hard to give up swearing, harder than no booze for sure! And I love all the picture jokes that are being posted!! We are quite a group, love it!!! Danan01 you can do it this weekend, just plan ahead with the meals and it will be easier! Shy, have an awesome weekend!!! We'll be here when you get back!
  • agile_05
    agile_05 Posts: 6 Member

    Hi people...I just joined myfitnesspal last night. I have a big goal of 72 lbs to lose. Its been the monkey on my back for 4 years now. I did a couple of brief runs to get fit but they fizzled out. I've prioritized other seemingly more important things over it often and then there is the laziness!!!!

    This time round I want to make it stick and go the long run. I would love to have a supportive group to share the ups and downs of this journey. I plan to check-in everyday - as far as possible. I love the energy, humor and spirit in this one...could I be a part of this gang?

  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    agile_05 wrote: »
    Hi people...I just joined myfitnesspal last night. I have a big goal of 72 lbs to lose. Its been the monkey on my back for 4 years now. I did a couple of brief runs to get fit but they fizzled out. I've prioritized other seemingly more important things over it often and then there is the laziness!!!!

    This time round I want to make it stick and go the long run. I would love to have a supportive group to share the ups and downs of this journey. I plan to check-in everyday - as far as possible. I love the energy, humor and spirit in this one...could I be a part of this gang?


    welcome to the group. feel free to add if you like :)
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Happy Friday everyone :smiley:
    I hope you have all got great things planned for the weekend.
    Do any of you celebrate valentines day ?
    We will be having a nice meal and probably a few drinks but I will fit it in to my calories :smiley: so that means lots of exercise to be done
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member

    I had to 'beep' out a bit, to make it more acceptable, but this is so true! lol
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited February 2016
    Well Happy Friday everyone!
    @agile_05 - Welcome to the group, we're all a bit mad but don't let that put you off. :wink:
    Not the greatest week for me in terms of weight loss on the scale, only down 0.8 of a lb, and I don't log anything under 1lb so no loss for me this week, but I did do my measurements last night which I only do once a month, and since last month i've lost 1inch all over (hips, waiste, arms, thighs, back) so i'm pleased with that at least.
    I know you get some weeks like this, and that despite doing everything you should, it's just not reflected on the scale, so I won't let it get to me too much, i'll just be hoping for a better week next week.
    As for Valentines, my OH usually forgets, he's a bit of a nightmare (he runs his own business and his head is usually full of work related stressy stuff) and i'll prob end up with a card he's brought from the petrol station on his way home like usual lol. I will be looking to make us a nice meal though.
    I'm also going to get a run in this weekend, a bit of practice for club on Monday, see if I can't make it a bit easier on myself.
    Hope you all have a lovely weekend, whether you have a Valentine or not. :smile:

  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    @agile_05 Welcome to MFP and the group!

    Well, ladies I am taking my pale Canadian flesh out today to buy a new bikini. Please wish me luck bc those change room lights are horrid. I'm not at my goal weight but I always wear a bikini bc: it feels so much better, easier to get something that fits (curvy girl problems), I don't give bleep (that one's for you @CariTJR ) what anyone else thinks about MY body.

    Hope everyone had a good week, smile it's Friday!