Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • laurablah94
    laurablah94 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! Is it too late to join?
  • agile_05
    agile_05 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the welcome Gilliansmith2, CariTJR, zenjen13. You folks are making great strides...its inspiring to see those updates for me.

    My first journaling in today and I overshot the calories in full. Well...there's only one way to go i guess. better?

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited February 2016
    Welcome newbies!! This mornings jump on the scale proved to put me in a good mood... After last weeks debacle... I am right back where I was before... So honestly, I will take it!! I needed that! Now to behave this weekend and get some exercise in... Watch my (beeping) mouth and it will be a great weekend! =) Honestly, I think giving up swearing will be a good thing for me... maybe make it a habit eventually! Instead of the other way around!
  • indygirl217
    indygirl217 Posts: 35 Member
    @laurablah94 It's never to late. Jump in!!!!

    @agile_05 Welcome to the group. If you are looking for support, feel free to add me.

    Today is going to be a great day. It's Friday!!!

  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Hi guys! I weighed this morning and I am exactly the same, but all things considered with the weekend getaway, I'm ok with that! Valentines plans are nil around here... Just dinner at home! Not sure why, but we have never really celebrated it other than he gets me flowers and I make a nice dinner. I will have to hit the gym so I can drink extra wine!! @zenjen13. Good luck with the bikini shipping! Just put on sunglasses in the change room and you won't look so white! Lol! And that's what you will be wearing on the beach so you will just complete your look! @agile05. It takes a little while to figure out the calories when you start, but just keep logging everything every day and it will get easier and easier!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @bluepoppies777 Your Valentine's Day sounds perfect. Also, congrats on maintaining through the weekend getaway

    @indygirl217 Happy Friday minions style, I love it!

    @Shycush6 I hope you have a fantastic healthy weekend!

    @agile_05 and @laurablah94 welcome!

    @zenjen13 you are going to rock that bikini! Don't let those dressing room lights tell you anything differently because they're lying ******** (I clearly haven't given up swearing)

    @CariTJR I had to laugh at your post that you "only" lost .8lbs. That's a great accomplishment, congratulations!!!!

    @GillianSmith2 for Valentine's Day we are also staying home. He's cooking steaks and I'm making asparagus. HyVee (Midwest grocery chain) has the most amazing gourmet mini-cupcakes so I'm picking up 4 to split for dessert for us. Reasonable portion and wonderfully indulgent! We are also nerding out and going to see Deadpool tonight on a double date which is going to be a blast.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    I'm going to the gym today for the first time since coming down with this deathly cold! I'm still not 100% but I'm gonna give it my best.
  • laurablah94
    laurablah94 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you!
    Had a birthday party last night, which wasn't easy to get through, but it wasn't a complete disaster either.
    Saint Valentine's isn't really a problem (thankfully, after the Friday I've had!) as neither of us is particularly keen on it, so I'll keep to my plan.
    @ObsidianMist I hope you feel better soon, but you must have a strong will! I'd never manage to exercise when not feeling well
  • agile_05
    agile_05 Posts: 6 Member
    @bluepoppies777 - Thank you. This is the first time I've ever kept any food log. What a revelation!!!! There is so much simple mindless snacking I'm doing through the day which adds up heavily. 2 days now and I and overshot big time on both days. I guess after a few days of log....I may have an idea how to cut and restructure!!

    everyone....have a fab weekend and enjoy your valentine's day, big plans or not :)
  • irishjeepgirl1969
    irishjeepgirl1969 Posts: 188 Member
    agile_05 wrote: »
    @bluepoppies777 - Thank you. This is the first time I've ever kept any food log. What a revelation!!!! There is so much simple mindless snacking I'm doing through the day which adds up heavily. 2 days now and I and overshot big time on both days. I guess after a few days of log....I may have an idea how to cut and restructure!!

    everyone....have a fab weekend and enjoy your valentine's day, big plans or not :)

    Keeping a food journal was quite shocking for me in the beginning. I have struggled with BED for most of my life. I bawled like a baby the first time I finished logging a day that I thought was a "healthy eating day". Now, though, I have a mental menu for my day before I get out of bed. I almost always stick to it. In the beginning, I had to do prepackaged and prepared meals until I learned what a serving size actually looked like!

    In the last two years I have lost 90 andcregained 30. I've now dropped 10 of that 30. I still have about 70 to go. Just do it one day or one meal at a time! Make the healthiest choices you can, and MOVE! Nothing makes me want to eat healthy more than a good workout!

    You can do this.

  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    Thank you!
    @ObsidianMist I hope you feel better soon, but you must have a strong will! I'd never manage to exercise when not feeling well

    I felt quite a bit better than I had been, I don't get sick much and when I do it's usually just your everyday cold, I'm not used to feeling so *kitten* physically that I actually have trouble getting out of bed. so I felt healthy in comparison to that lol. it was definitely challenging to keep up though. it's honestly also partially because I kept having to call in to the gym to have my name taken off the list for that day's class and I hate making phone calls especially the same phone call over and over so it was partially the anxiety of not wanting to have to do that again lol.
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    @laurablah: It's never too late! Welcome to the group.

    @agile_05 : It took me about three months to get the hang of inputting my food. I started just by logging, then by weighing. Baby steps. The point is that you're here! It gets way easier and faster over time.

    @bluepoppies777 : Yay! Maintaining while on a getaway is great. Sounds like you had a great time.

    @GillianSmith2 : We don't usually do a lot for Valentine's Day. My sweet Husband is making me a romantic dinner and we'll just relax at home.

    @Rachel0778 and @bluepoppies777 : I ended up getting TWO bikinis! Ok, so, the last time I upgraded my swimsuits was about 6 or 7 yrs ago (with one bought two years ago) when I was a LOT smaller. I didn't look at the sizes, I just judged by whether it would keep me decent. :) Luckily I was in a specialty swim store and the associate was amazing - gave me tips for styles and sizing etc (and honest opinions) and did all the running around for me. I tried on about 50 pieces and got it down to one style in two different patterns. Also of note, this store had 'special' mirrors and lighting so that you didn't run away screaming. LOL I'm actually excited to lay on the beach now. Thanks for your support.

    Well, everyone, this will probably be my last post for a little while. Keep doing great work and keep supporting each other. I'll check in when we get home! :D
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    @zenjen13 glad you had a good bikini shopping experience! You will look fab on your hols! Have a great time in Cuba (if I remember correctly?!) I'm not at all jealous!!! :p

    Happy to report I've survived the first few days without chocolate, alcohol and Facebook! Chocolate is definetly the hardest so far!! So much temptation!!! Funny story yesterday...I was wedding dress shopping with my sister (she's getting married in August) and my mam, we stopped in a petrol station/shop/cafe for a quick cup of tea. We decided to share a little treat. The cafe part only had chocolate treats, the other cakes and things didn't look nice! So because I'm off chocolate the other two said they wouldn't have it either so as not to tempt me! (How thoughtful?!) So my sister said she'd go to the shop part and buy biscuits instead...2 minutes later she arrived back with a pack of biscuits....what type...double chocolate chip cookies!!!! :s:D:o Her thoughtfulness was short lived!!!!! Her theory was biscuits don't count!!?!!! (Spot the one who's a uk size 8 haha!!)
    I managed to resist though!!!

    Hope you're all having a great weekend. Happy valentines to everyone, enjoy the day if you celebrate it! And remember if you receive flowers and chocolates, eat the flowers and put the chocolates in water!!! Less calories!!! <3
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Welcome @laurablah, and I hope you feel better @ObsidianMist.

    @zenjen13, I bet you look fabulous in your new bikinis, you will rock that beach, and I am more than a little bit jealous as I've always wanted to go goto Cuba. I really hope you have the best holiday ever!
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    What the? I just wrote a really long post in response to everyone's comments and it's only posted the first two lines. ...grrrrrrr
    Right, well short version, basically you're all brilliant, and I'm off for a run. Byyyeeeeeee.
  • stephanie40403
    stephanie40403 Posts: 98 Member
    I am looking for some very committed friends. have almost 100 pounds to lose and can't keep motivated even a full day. Help..
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Cari, that literally happens to me ALL the time! Will write a long one and it only posts the first bit. That's why quite often I have 2 posts in a row! How annoying!!
    Tazzy that story made me laugh!! Your sister is funny!! Haha! Glad you resisted!! And glad that you are sticking with your lent decision on all three, that's hard!!
    Happy Valentine's Day to all. If you do indulge, just remember it's only one day, so get back on that horse the next day and work out twice as hard!!
    @stephanie40403. Welcome here. You can do it, it takes a while to become self disciplined and not give up every day. We all struggle with it, but it does get easier. Just go hour by hour, day by day at the beginning! Log everything even if you go over and learn from each day!
  • irishjeepgirl1969
    irishjeepgirl1969 Posts: 188 Member
    Time to be real.

    I have BED. I binge. I've battled this since I can remember. Sometimes, I can go days, weeks, months-even years and be in control. And then some invisible switch flips and I can't stop eating. That triggers depression because I know where my eating disorder is taking me: hell. For two years, I have had it under control. And the flip switched. I lost so much weight, worked so hard....and now I'm going back again. And I can't stop.

    Sorry, y'all. I just sort of had to admit all of that. I am so scared that I will end up back at 300 pounds for a third time. I am so scared that I won't be able to start again if I hit that weight again. For two years, I have been alive. I have climbed Peaks of Otter with my daughter, I have gone on long bike rides and played volleyball...I just don't know how to disable this faulty wiring.

    Forgive me. My melancholy Irish ancestry doesn't help my morose mood.

  • Acacia_Evers
    Acacia_Evers Posts: 263 Member
    My success story: I ate almost one pound worth of steak and one pound worth of sweet potato last night and I still lost weight this morning! Hell yeah it pays to get off my *kitten* once in a while and move!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    @irishjeepgirl1969 i am really sorry to hear that you are struggling at the moment, the only advice i can give is to try and remember how good you have felt the last couple of years and cling to that feeling. we will have no judgement on here so please post often and we will try to support you all the way :wink:

    @Acacia_Evers well done on the loss

    Welcome to all the newbies :smile:

    Happy Monday Morning. We have the kids half term holidays this week so that means a house full of kids as my sons mates always spend their time at our house, i must admit i do love that they feel welcome :) the only downside is they eat so much rubbish :wink:

    Have a great day :smiley: