Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    That d**n Happy Scale. It is definitely a love hate relationship. I will stare at it for weeks and then not even look at it. Had a crappy weekend as I felt like crap but that is okay. Got on the scale, saw the damage and moved on.

    Nichole - I had the same shin and knee issues and moved to the rower...LOVE IT. It burns way more then the treadmill and I actually enjoy it. Also love my active yoga classes. Have you tried meeting with a trainer? They can get you on a routine. I have a friend that meets with hers monthly, they set up a routine for that month and then change for the next. Keeps the cost down.

    Welcome newbies. Feel free to add me.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @FitEqualsSmile I'd be in tears if I was no longer able to attend my favorite classes too, I absolutely feel your pain!

    @ngolden3320. Glad to hear the Happy Scale app is going away. If something is giving you that much unnecessary grief it is not worth your time! For gym routines, I am all about group exercise if it's an option. I never push myself as hard flying solo as I do in a group environment

    @bluepoppies777 You are absolutely right, so much of this is a mind game. I likely won't be weighing myself on Tuesday because of it because I know it will put me in a bad headspace. I also like the larger drops with less frequent weighings and measurings

    @zenjen13 Welcome back! How was your March break?

    @GillianSmith2 Awesome loss, keep up the amazing work! And great job not letting a pulled muscle keep you down
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I am definitely at that suuuuuper emotional TOM, I wasn't hungry but I definitely wanted to self sooth by eating all the things. I was really proud of myself for how I handled it this weekend though. Friday I wrapped myself in a blanket bundle on the couch, made some sugar cookie tea, and colored while watching my favorite trashy TLC shows.

    Sunday I still wanted to eat all the things, so I ended up making my dinner vegetables, cheese, and chocolate. It still fit into my calorie goal, but it was definitely more about feeding my soul than my body. The vegetables made it healthy, right? ;)

    This week I'm making homemade pizza and chicken fried rice so that way I can make healthier versions and try to feed my cravings in a more positive way. At least I know these feelings are cyclical. This too shall pass!

  • JillPoverud
    JillPoverud Posts: 27 Member
    Started the day off with a short yoga routine and a few minutes of meditation. Going to aim to do this every morning.

    Bluepoppies777, I love your posts on positive thinking, I've never said "I'm going to lose weight this week" to myself, but I'm trying that for sure! :)

    MaryKayPedersen, I found purchasing a fit bit or some other type of tracker is motivating to move more. Mine shows me steps, distance, calories burned, heart rate and it really does make me get up and walk around more.

    Anapalooza77, losing weight after kids seems to be harder! I find it hard to fit in exercise, and plan around them, as well as eat food that will make me lose while giving them food that they will eat. What a balancing act! Motivation will come, get some exercise and eat healthy today and you'll be on your way

    CariTJR, I hope you are all better!!!

  • uoflgirl89
    uoflgirl89 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello ladies and Gents. So this weekend was horrible for my calorie intake, with march madness basketball the wings, cheese sticks, cookies and cakes were all over the house at my parents. We spent almost all day Saturday with them watching the games. Then this morning it took everything for me to wake up and force my self to the gym. I took it easy today, but I figured a little something is better than a whole lot of nothing. So here is to a good week, finally off TOM but still think I am retaining some water weight. So waiting till Friday to check the scale. Everyone have a great day.
  • indygirl217
    indygirl217 Posts: 35 Member
    I haven't posted in the feed for a couple of weeks. I have been terribly bad. I'm paying for it now. My scale doesn't like me and my fitbit is a traitor. I believe they are silently working against me.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    zenjen13 wrote: »
    Ok so I totally missed a page of awesome updates. @GillianSmith2 you rock! It's great to see such success, you look amazing.
    On a separate note: how many freaking Jens do we have here? Lol

    I think there's 4... lol! All the "kool kidz" are named Jen!! ;)
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    zenjen13 wrote: »
    @ChangeIsADecision My sis is on android and I think she uses Libra? I will ask her for a review. Yeah, I just lost .2 today for a total of 14lbs! If I didn't have my app then instead of celebrating this small victory I would be upset that that the loss is so small. Using Happy Scales makes me realize that every little bit counts!

    I'll check that app out.... Thanks for the suggestion.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    edited March 2016
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    Welcome Newcomers!

    Jen @jkhoffe How did the run go? Running for beers is my mantra too ;)

    Jen @ChangeIsADecision Good job putting health first! (and the wonderful beer that follows)

    @Rachel0778 - It seems the Jen's have the same approach... Healthy effort = Delicious reward! <3 So how did your pound class go? That sounds like a blast!!!
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Hello everybody!
    Well, i'm still not 100%, but I do feel much better than I did, and i've got my taste back!
    RC tonight and i'm dying to get out for a run, i'll take it easy though and if I have to walk due to a coughing fit then i'll walk for a bit, but at least i'll be out and running - yippeee!
    Sorry to hear people have been having a tough time, flippin weekends, and apps and TOM cravings, these things are all put in our way to try us. But you know what? You're all awesome, and you've all come so far already, don't be discouraged, this time next month you'll be even further forward! Keep on at it!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Wow! I have some catching up to do!! Awesome!! You girls rock! I had a long 3 day weekend... so I will read up and see where we are all at! My weigh in for Friday was .5 down... so I am hoping for a better change this Friday, wasn't what I was hoping since I gained the weekend before! =( But I had a good weekend and know I will be right back on track! Now for some reading! ;)
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    I used to have that pinned up at my desk at work - my coworkers and I laughed so hard when we put it up! But, happy to say, that this group is motivated, and it doesn't matter if it's Monday or any other day - we get to the gym, get our steps in, and try our best to eat right!
    I had a pretty decent weekend - LOST the 1 lb!!! Was super happy to break the plateau that I had for a few weeks there. So let's get at it!! I'm going to the Pound Class today with my friend, so I will tell you how that goes, Rachel!! I'm excited, have wanted to do that for weeks already.
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Well the scale went up this morning but I am okay with that. I had too many chocolate shakes to help my REALLY sore throat this weekend but they were really yummy. My fat percentage continues to go down regardless so that helps the mental frame of mind.
    Hit the gym this morning with my PT and then rowed 5,000 meters. I was supposed to have a yoga class this afternoon my car had other plans and is in the shop so I am going to try one I burned a few weeks ago. Fingers crossed.

    Chins up and scales down everyone.

    @uoflgirl89 - so who is your team? We are Syracuse all the way. If they make it the Elite Eight we might even make the trip to Chicago.

    @indygirl217 - if only that was true, cracked me up.

    Cari - glad you are feeling better. I was coming down with something but I think I scared it off.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Ru freaking kidding me. I'm really getting discouraged. Last week TOM gained like 6 lbs. weighed in this morning. And lost 1.1. What about the othe 4.9 lbs I gained. Aye good this week worked my *kitten* off. WTF. Old me is creating in trying to say screw it. I officially hate Happy Scale

    That was so me last week... It's tough but it will come! You can do this Nicole!! Im right there with you... Happy Scale is not happy with me right now! Feeling is mutual, but we will get there!!
  • uoflgirl89
    uoflgirl89 Posts: 26 Member
    @FitEqualsSmile in my bracket I have Oregon going all the way, though there are a few surprises in there. My team isn't in it this year due to self imposed banned. So gotta say Oregon is gonna take it.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @JillPoverud Love your idea of mindfulness in the morning. What a great way to start your day off right!

    @ChangeIsADecision Can I be an honorary Jen if I get a beer after working out too? ;) Pound class was awesome! I am an uncoordinated mess with no rhythm but I still had a lot of fun flailing with drumsticks lol

    @ShyCush6 .5 down is still a win! It's going back in the right direction and that's what counts :)

    @bluepoppies777 You know just how to put a smile on my face, even in the face of Monday! Definitely let me know how your Pound class goes so we can compare notes!

    @FitEqualsSmile Sorry to hear about your sore throat! Sounds like you're killing it in the BF% and gym departments though
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member

    Buhahahahahaha Buhahahahah BRUHahahahah - LOVE IT!!!!
  • linlinjay
    linlinjay Posts: 66 Member
    I have about 25 lbs left to lose but i love eating tasty stuff too much and its killing me