Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Good Monday morning everyone! Sounds like everyone had a great weekend! We had some friends come visit from out of state, so that was fun to spend the weekend with them. But it also meant eating out, and a few too many drinks! But-Back at it today. I'm going to get right back on track! I will probably do the trampoline class again tomorrow. I did go last week, and it was fun! I was able to get through most of the class without stopping too much. It is definitely a great workout! Welcome all the newbies! Hope everyones week is off to a great start!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    #dailycheckin - Good afternoon MFPeeps! I took a little break and boy can I tell! My pants don't fit!! :o But they will after I've been on track for a week or so. Like everyone else we had a great weekend... My BFs and I had "Pinterest Drink night" Friday evening... my LAWD!! New rule: no drinks with the word "hammer" in the title! :s


    But us girls still got up early and went hiking (2.5 miles), got home hubby brewed some beer, spent as much time outside as we could. I even got a 2+ mile walk in at lunch today!


    @bluepoppies777 - Gurl... I love your enthusiasm!! Great job on the weight loss and spinning!! :)

    @danan01 - that trampoline class sounds like a BLAST! I would love that! #jealous :'(

    @Rachel0778 - Ha...I'm right there with ya! Too many calories over my 2 week break and I had to change pants this AM b/c my first selection wasn't going to work! Eeeeck! :/

    @CariTJR - I'm jealous of you too... I love skiing! But I don't love running... run some for me. ;)

    @GillianSmith2 - Happy Birthday! That's so fun... eat a little extra but you dance most of it off! Dance Parties are the best! B)

    Gotta run... Hope all is well and Welcome any newbies!
  • SumnyUK
    SumnyUK Posts: 33 Member
    @GillianSmith2 Happy birthday, and well done for sticking to the diet (almost) despite celebrating. That's the way to do it!

    @CariTJR skiing sounds fun - and it's great exercise as well, isn't it? Hope your legs are ok with the running club tonight.

    @Rachel0778 Wise choice to go maintenance. Far better than pretending to stick to the diet, then fail, and then end up not giving a toss and overdoing things. You've got a great attitude to weight - it's just a number (although a great marker), whereas it's how your body feels that is really important.

    @bluepoppies777 Congrats with the loss, and I'm well impressed by you getting up at 5:30. Well done! Totally agree with your thoughts about mind-over-matter. Yes. Positive thinking DOES help. We can do this!!

    @danan01 And good morning to you as well Dana. Sounds like a fabulous weekend.

    I've been good today. Went out for the same 5k as I did on Saturday, and it felt a little easier today. So even though it's still only week 2 of getting back into things, there's a definite improvement. Looking forward to when I can get some long runs in again, I love them, but I know my tendency to bite off more than I can chew, so I'll make a nice and gentle build up this time. I also have a an inflamed Achilles tendon to try to sort before the runs gets to be too long.

    And on other news... we've been trying to sell the house for the last 7 months. Had a buyer who pulled out in September. Had it back on the market for a couple of months, and when we had decided it wasn't going to happen, we managed to find a new buyer in November. Yehaw. The new buyer decided to pull out today. Meanwhile we have spent quite a bit of money on deposits and solicitors and surveys and all sorts of stuff for a newbuilt we were going to buy. To say I'm (well, we both are!) dissapointed is an understatement. So f**k the diet today. I'm on my way to the local supermarket for something nice (and probably either unhealthy, fattening or immoral - or maybe all three things at once).
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Just left the grocery store. Shopping cart 0 me 1. It tried and almost succeeded to kick my *kitten* with its square wheel that went in the wrong direction. But since I've been working out. I WON. Yeah me.
  • indygirl217
    indygirl217 Posts: 35 Member
    So birthday is over and I had a blast. I went to the Ballet Saturday with my best friend and it was so lovely. I had too many glasses of wine and played at the casino. All and all, it was so worth it. Now I have to get back on track because I eat everything that I shouldn't have last week. I will be walking up the stairs for the rest of the week, not elevator for me. UGH!!!! I hope everyone else enjoyed their weekend.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    @SumnyUK I like your new profile pic, nice! That sucks *kitten* that the buyers pulled out! Boo! Definitely drown your sorrows... I would too. But only for one night! Lol.
    @ngolden3320 you must have abs of steel! Lol!
    So, @indygirl217 are you telling us you aren't doing lent anymore?! Haha!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited February 2016
    You guys are awesome! Look at all these posts! Love it!!
    Great start to the week, staying in my calories and resisting the urge to snack!

  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    I ran for 5 mins straight! I'm so pleased I didn't give up, not even on the big hills! Yipeeee! Although my legs have officially had it now, so a nice rest day tomorrow, well, a 10k step rest day anyway.

    @SumnyUK - So sorry to hear about your house, my fellas business partner has had the exact same thing happen twice to him now too over the last 6 months, last time they'd packed everything and were literally about to move out. Blow the calorie goal for tonight, I say go for unhealthy, fattening and immoral!

    I'll write a proper update tomorrow, I'm off to put my poor legs up and give them a rest. Goodnight all.
  • SumnyUK
    SumnyUK Posts: 33 Member
    @ngolden3320 Yet another good reason for working out. I can just imagine the victorious look on your face!

    @indygirl217 At least you had a good time. So dust yourself off girl, you can do this!

    @ShyCush6 Ah yes, the dreaded snacks. Good on you!

    @CariTJR Wow, you rock! Well done with the five minutes, it can feel like an eternity!

    As for me... well, I had a low-calorie ready meal that was surprisingly tasty with a few beers. And then after the beers I found the rest of those bl**dy salted peanuts from the other day and consumed another 1,000 calories of peanuts. But apart from that, it was a fairly well behaved blow-out. So that's my misbehaving for the week. I will now be good for a while!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    I can't wait for Easter to come and go. Those dang Cadbury Eggs are everywhere :#:s
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    @Rachel – Wow, what a fabulous NSV, I can’t wait until I put something on and it’s way too big. I bet you feel great!

    @bluepoppies – You got up at 5:30 and went to the gym? My goodness, you are a machine lol. All credit to you, I have to drag myself out of bed at 7am each morning and it’s all I can do to stumble to the shower, let alone get up and exercise. So pleased for you that you’ve broken the plateau - we get there in the end.

    @danan – Great attitude, enjoy your weekend with drinks and treats and then get straight back to it again. At the end of the day we’re all going to have weekends where the calorie count goes out of the window, it’s all about being able to do that, get back on track, and keep moving towards your goal.

    @Changels – Lol, that made me laugh, drinks with hammer in the title? Sounds like a recipe for a massive hangover to me!

    @ngolden – I know right! Flippin chocolatey yumminess temptation EVERYWHERE right now. You can’t go into any shop and not be met with walls and walls of Easter eggs. In my local supermarket they’ve got them stacked up right by the door as you walk in, there is no escape!

    @indygirl – So glad you had a great birthday weekend, don’t fixate on what you ate/drank it’s done now, as I said to danan, weekends like that are going to happen, don’t look back, just keep going forward.

    @Shy – You got this!

    @Sumny – Thank you. I know 5 mins is probably nothing to you, but it was a big achievement for me, I’ve only been running for 2-3 mins at a time until now, then our coach threw the programme out last night as he said we were all doing so well he thought he could step it up a little. Boy it was tough, I won’t lie, I’m overweight and unfit and it was hard, but I didn’t give up, and I amazed even myself – I think it’s the Taurean in me, I’m just too bloody stubborn to let it beat me! Lol

    Well today my legs hurt, my arms hurt, my whole body is aching, but I’ve still got a smile on my face. The weekend wasn’t great food wise, I had a curry Friday night, and currywurst on Sunday for lunch, and a glass or two of wine in between… but I’m ok with that, the exercise is building up such a bank of calories each week that I can overindulge a little and still be on track. :smile:
  • joycefarmer68
    joycefarmer68 Posts: 29 Member
    I would like to join your core group too! I need encouragement. struggling to get started and keep on track. :wink: thanks joycefarmer68
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @bluepoppies777 Congrats on reaching your first goal!!! That's fantastic!

    @ChangeIsADecision Pintrest drink night sounds fun but definitely dangerous! Which drink was your favorite?

    @SumnyUK I'm so sorry to hear that the buyer pulled out! I can't think of a better excuse for a massage or pedicure. And your immoral calorie blowout sounded pretty reasonable and mindful!

    @ngolden3320 You tell that shopping cart who's boss!! Will you also whip mine into shape when it decides to veer towards the oreos (entirely of it's own volition!) lol

    @indygirl217 your birthday celebration sounds amazing. I'm so glad to hear you were able to enjoy the evening at the ballet, I bet the performance was spectacular!

    @CariTJR great running milestone, you go girl!

    @jkhoffe you got this!

    @joycefarmer68 Welcome!!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I now know why I wanted to eat everything in sight this weekend, hello TOM! I didn't weigh this morning because I felt that would potentially add insult to injury but I think I'm ready to hop back on the scale next Tuesday to check in. I'm feeling it and seeing it in my body so here's hoping for a loss!

    Tonight I'm finally going to get up the courage to try the local Krav Maga class (and I'm posting it here so I can't chicken out). Wish me luck that it ends up being a good fit!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    @Rachel0778 I just looked on YouTube for Krav Maga to see what the heck that is, as I've never even heard of it before. Ummmmm Jeeeezus!! You are brave! Not sure if it was the background music of "Thunderstruck" or the crazy looks in people's eyes when they were going nutso in that class, but WOW!! You wouldn't find me in that class! I'll stick with uncoordinated Zumba! Lol You will have to report back and tell us how it went!!
    I also wanted to know, people doing lent....are you still doing lent or has everyone bloody well given up?! I'm sure Cari may have with the trucker mouth?! Hahaha!!! Or still attempting?
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited February 2016
    @bluepoppies - I gave it a go, I think my attempt probably last maybe 7 minutes hahaha. I was definitely not sticking to it last night while running up those hills, I think I probably swore for every foot stroke that hit the ground - f**kit, i'm not Catholic anyway! lol
  • serenityfrye
    serenityfrye Posts: 360 Member
    I'm in! Could def use motivation. Currently struggling with an energy roller coaster due to autoimmune issues and a shoulder injury that limits my lifting :( But today was a high energy day so I got my workout in. Good to 'meet' you all!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    @CariTJR -great job on the running! Any time I've tried lately I am lucky to make it maybe 30 seconds before I have to walk again. Some day I will get there! That's an awesome accomplishment! @ChangeIsADecision Pinterest drink night sounds fun! Welcome @serenityfrye and @joycefarmer68! Have a great day!
  • indygirl217
    indygirl217 Posts: 35 Member
    @bluepoppies777 That goal is so far behind me. I can't even see it anymore.
  • aanelson72
    aanelson72 Posts: 13 Member
    I would love to be in a core group! I find that the weight tends to come off very slowly for me and it's easy to get discouraged.