Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Had my daughters birthday yesterday. I ate a small piece of Oreo ice cream cake. Not my favorite so I wont have to finish it off :). My washer quit spinning last night so I didn't make it to the gym. I did however get a workout in by lugging 3 baskets of laundry (1 soaking wet) through the parking lot to my moms apartment and back again so I could get clean cloths. Don't want my husband to miss work because he has no warm hoodies to wear to work. LOL
    I really enjoy reading everyone's posts. It is really making this journey a little easier for me. And best of all it puts a smile on my face everyday. :p Happy HUMP Day.

    I'd say lugging wet baskets of clothes counts for some calorie burn! ;) Glad the oreo cake is at your house and not mine! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Sorry i have been MIA for the last little bit. Have been trying to get my stuff together. All is going well, but i am really looking forward to spring and spending more time outdoors exercising. I am fed up of being cooped up in the house. I went out and looked for a winter coat again this weekend. I have been trying to find one i like for months now. My old one is a 4x so i stopped wearing it, because it looks ridiculous on me, and resorted to wearing one of my sons highschool jackets that doesnt fit him anymore. It is very masculine, and i wanted something feminine. I found a beautiful coat and its a large!!! I am so happy, and it fits me like it was tailored just for me.

    Great NSV on the "Large" coat!! Sweet!! I'm really looking forward to spring as well!!! Can't come soon enough!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Happy hump day everyone!

    @ngolden3320 - I hope your wash machine gets fixed soon! That happened to me a few weeks ago. It sucks having to haul all the laundry of 5 people (3 teenagers) to the Laundromat. Luckily my husband was able to fix it himself, but we had to order the part and wait for it.

    @ShyCush6 - great job on the loss! I wish I liked taking our dog out running, but for some reason I would rather go by myself. If I can get my husband to come with, then we will take the dog (walking) but I don't like dragging the leash. I make him do it.

    @lovematthewchristopher - Way to go on the new coat! 4 sizes is amazing! It is fun when you find something that fits great and looks great! But-I am in the same boat. I CAN"T WAIT until we can be outside all the time! I am not a fan of the cold at all!

    @Rachel0778 - That class sounds fun, and a great way to meet people! I need to do the same thing.

    @tazzy2911 - Good for you for sticking to the lent commitments! I'm impressed!

    Keep up the great work everyone! You are all amazing!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    @tazzy2911 You ROCK, sister! Good one sticking to your lent goals! Keep it up!
    And holy cow @lovematthewchristopher WAY TO GO!! That must feel incredible being down that much, yeah!
    @Rachel0778 You are one brave woman, good for you! I think I will just stick with spin class, no crazy martial arts for me!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    I got up the bravery to try Krav Maga last night and I had a really good time. The gym is owned by the nicest couple! They invited me back on Thursday to try another class before I commit to a monthly membership (which is really reasonable). It's not a huge calorie burn since there's a lot of instruction in between drills for safety but I liked the movements and the social interaction of it all. I have to remind myself that activity doesn't have to be intense to count. Plus I need more local friends and this is a great way to start making connections.

    Good for you Rachel! Always fun to experience new things, make new friends and you are right... it doesn't need to be intense to count!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    I've been reading all your posts and you're all just so brilliant! I mean seriously, dropping weight, dropping dress sizes (lots of them!), going to the gym and doing insane work outs, jogging with kids and puppies, trying completely new things, sticking to commitments made, resisting temptations, making mistakes, but more importantly, picking yourselves up, dusting yourselves off, and getting back to it. And all with a wonderful sense of humor .... You're all so inspirational. What a great group of people. I love reading this thread!

    As for me, all I have to say is, giving blood HURTS. I'm off to sit on the sofa with my ouchy arm, hope you all have wonderful days/nights.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Not to toot my own horn but after the three days I've had I derseve to eat everything in sight but I just left the gym instead. Monday shopping cart w square wheel tried to kick my *kitten*. Yesterday washer took a dump and had to truck laundry to my moms. Today my daughter texted me from lockdown at school cause they found a loaded gun that a kid being bullied took w him to school. Scared to death. Thank GOD police confiscated the gun arrested the kid and all turned out ok. Thank you GOD for looking out for not just my kids but the whole school o:)o:)o:):'(:'(:'(
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    hi all, it sounds like you are all doing so well :)
    Ive been having problems with the fitbit app on my phone so havent managed to get on the weekly steps challenge GUTTED :(
    I'm doing good with exercise and steps although ive got DOMS today from a new workout set we did yesterday ouch and yes i have still got kickboxercise tonight, kickboxing class tomorrow, and kickboxercise again on Saturday. love it :smiley:
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    hi all, it sounds like you are all doing so well :)
    Ive been having problems with the fitbit app on my phone so havent managed to get on the weekly steps challenge GUTTED :(
    I'm doing good with exercise and steps although ive got DOMS today from a new workout set we did yesterday ouch and yes i have still got kickboxercise tonight, kickboxing class tomorrow, and kickboxercise again on Saturday. love it :smiley:

    You go girl! :) You make me tired and sore just hearing about it. :#
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @serenityfrye Aikido looks so cool. I haven't had the opportunity to try it. They do a lot of weapons practice in Aikido, right?

    @danan01 I'm with you on the walking solo, the leash is a pain! Chance doesn't really give me a choice in the matter though lol

    @ShyCush6 and @bluepoppies777 Love the motivational quotes! It definitely helps to start the day with intention

    @CariTJR right back at you! You're rocking it with your workouts and losses lately!

    @ngolden3320 That is terrifying!!!! I am so glad that your daughter is okay! Seriously, you need a spa day after this week

    @GillianSmith2 your kickboxing class sounds amazing, what a great burn. Stupid fitbit app though! Your body still knows it earned every last one of those steps

    Yesterday my supposedly relaxing midday yoga class decided it was weights day. Holy burn! That's what I get for picking up the 8 pounders when she recommended 5. No pain no gain, right?

    Tonight is my second Krav Maga class in my trial period. I'm looking forward to hopefully meeting more of the regulars. A different gym is now offering Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muy Thai classes so I'm going to give them a try this weekend to see which one I like best.

    I didn't realize how much I missed contact sports in my life until I took that class. I'm smiling just thinking about hitting the mats tonight or learning a new submission hold this weekend. I had to give it up after grad school because of my commute/long hours/finances so I am so excited to finally be able to embrace the fitness I love again instead of just getting by with group fitness classes I only sorta like.

    I hope everyone is still having a fabulous, active, healthy week!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @Rachel0778 You really impress me. Lord help anyone who tries to mess with you! :o
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Not to toot my own horn but after the three days I've had I derseve to eat everything in sight but I just left the gym instead. Monday shopping cart w square wheel tried to kick my *kitten*. Yesterday washer took a dump and had to truck laundry to my moms. Today my daughter texted me from lockdown at school cause they found a loaded gun that a kid being bullied took w him to school. Scared to death. Thank GOD police confiscated the gun arrested the kid and all turned out ok. Thank you GOD for looking out for not just my kids but the whole school o:)o:)o:):'(:'(:'(

    Yikes! Glad everyone is ok. That is so scary!!! Glad you turned to the gym and not comfort in food... I'm so bad at that! Way to keep on track!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    hi all, it sounds like you are all doing so well :)
    Ive been having problems with the fitbit app on my phone so havent managed to get on the weekly steps challenge GUTTED :(
    I'm doing good with exercise and steps although ive got DOMS today from a new workout set we did yesterday ouch and yes i have still got kickboxercise tonight, kickboxing class tomorrow, and kickboxercise again on Saturday. love it :smiley:

    I wondered why we were missing you in the fitbit challenge! You're not there kicking my *kitten*! ;) Way to go with kickboxing! It's awesome you found something you love doing and you stick to it!! Way to go girl!! You rock!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    Yesterday my supposedly relaxing midday yoga class decided it was weights day. Holy burn! That's what I get for picking up the 8 pounders when she recommended 5. No pain no gain, right?
    Tonight is my second Krav Maga class in my trial period. I'm looking forward to hopefully meeting more of the regulars. A different gym is now offering Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muy Thai classes so I'm going to give them a try this weekend to see which one I like best.
    I didn't realize how much I missed contact sports in my life until I took that class. I'm smiling just thinking about hitting the mats tonight or learning a new submission hold this weekend. I had to give it up after grad school because of my commute/long hours/finances so I am so excited to finally be able to embrace the fitness I love again instead of just getting by with group fitness classes I only sorta like.
    I hope everyone is still having a fabulous, active, healthy week!
    It's so motivational to hear that others are finding classes and exercises they actually enjoy and not the ho-hum boring class you go to just to go. I really need to find that fit for me! Love hearing all your stories and all the new things you're trying! Keep it up and way to go with the 8's... you overachiever! =) Keep it up!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Right there with you Cari... these guys are amazing! Including yourself! You are doing awesome with running and it's motivated me to get back out there and step it up! Went for a short jog this morning and hoping to get another short one in tonight!! My scale doesn't move unless I get a good burn in each day! Almost seems as though it doesn't matter how good I eat... I don't know if I believe the weight loss is 80% what you eat and 20% exercise.... I think it's more 60% exercise and 40% eating for me.... I suppose we are all different!
    Hope you are all having a great week and keep up the motivation!! It's almost Friday!!
  • serenityfrye
    serenityfrye Posts: 360 Member
    @Rachel0778 the classes I took focused on hand to hand takedowns but I wasn't able to stick around long. They did more weapons stuff in the krav class before hand which was fun too. I think they're pretty loose with their terminology and it's all just mma really.

    Way to go all of you keeping at it despite setbacks. Your inspiring!
  • indygirl217
    indygirl217 Posts: 35 Member
    I finally found a kickboxing class that I enjoy. I tried it yesterday for the first time and it kicks butt. I know it's going to be an exhausting workout but so worth it in the end. I just need to find another Zumba class and I'm back in business.

    New goal: stupid cussing. Daughter said some very unladylike things the other day while I was driving. I realize than my road rage is rubbing off on her.
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    I just had to share these 2 pics...I'm off work today so went out for a lovely morning walk with my 2 dogs. Now we're back and on the couch catching up on some tv. My 2 neglected babies either side of me!!!