Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Its cut off the rest of my post ggrrrrrrrr
    Anyway, one good things is Muller have brought back my favourite yoghurts, Coffee Shop Skinny Latte, and Skinny Cappuccino, so I'm off to commit coffee yoghurt suicide.
    Keep up the good work everyone, at least I can live vicariously through your achievements!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    @CariTJR back before my knee decided to shred itself and give up on me, I ran four half marathons and loved running. Just know that it is totally normal to have some runs where you feel light as a feather and totally energized, and other runs where your legs will feel like absolute lead with iron shackles on your ankles. There is no rhyme or reason for it either! I remember feeling like I should call the paramedics on a few runs! Obviously last night was hard for you, but don't be discouraged! I'm sure the next run will be fine, it doesn't mean that all of them will be dreadfully hard! Stick with it, it takes a while to work up your cardio, and you have made great strides so far! And man, I love yogurt! Especially orange or lemon flavour. Delish!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    The past few days I have been telling myself If I don't change my bad habits now -- when will I!! I am going to be 65 this July. I hate not being able to fit in my clothes. I have a closet full of beautiful clothes that I don't want to get rid of. So -- what am I waiting for. Time to do this NOW, and enjoy the rest of my life wearing nice clothes, having energy to do things, feeling good about myself. Life is short.

    Last week I lost a very dear friend to cancer at the age of 67. I lost 4 siblings before any of them reached 60. And now I find out my only remaining sibling, a brother age 57, has serious heart problems and has to wear a life vest with a defribilator attached to him the rest of his life. He doesn't even have the energy to walk 1 block. So I have been eating to comfort myself. So crazy - what good is that doing! So if I plan to get healthy -- what am I waiting for. We all take life so for granted. Things can change in a second. So I want to be the best I can be - today.

    Food tastes so good, and habits are so hard to break. But feeling good about ourselves, doing our best to live the fullest life we can is so much more important than the taste of food. And if we can do this, one day at a time, those days will add up.

    I know I have been struggling for the past year. I was 15 lbs from my goal weight, and started to gain, and have been unable to get in control. Today is the day I change all that. So time to get back on here, looking for motivation, and to support others as well!
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited February 2016
    Welcome @joan6630 , you're in the right place if it's motivation you're after, this lot are wonderful.
    And you're right, habits are hard to break, which is why nobody here ever expects anyone to be perfect, we're all just trying our best, and sometimes we fail, but that's why this thread is so special - there is no finger pointing, or judgement, just people trying to help one another and have a laugh in the process.

    Having said all that, now it's time to confess - I had a terrible weekend (again), i'm really struggling with weekends lately, I just find it so much harder when there's no structure like during the week. Mon-Fri my breakfast/lunch/dinner is already 'planned' because of the working day, but on weekends I just find it so much more difficult. My OH works Saturdays and I never know what time he'll finish, or what he'll want to do when he's done, as he's a bit of a spontaneous sort, and it just throws me out completely. I really need to learn to plan a little better, and not let things deviate me off course so much. A bit of stress, like we had yesterday when the car wouldn't start and our day out was abandoned, and i'm reaching for the biscuit tin. I gave up logging in the end because I couldn't remember how many Cadbury mini eggs i'd had, or how many oreos. But it's Running Club tonight, and i've done ok today so far, so hopefully I can turn it around again. As Aerosmith sing "I'm back in the saddle again!", I just need to learn not to fall off in the first place!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome @joan6630, @SaraLikesSunsets and @mtzgirl!

    @CariTJR No structure makes for a rough day! Could you implement a meal structure up to dinner time (plan an emergency snack for in case he's late) and have a rough idea of the calorie ranges for his favorite restaurants/meals to do a quick add for to try to make the spontaneity feel more in control?

    I had the best time at the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class on Saturday! I am so sore and absolutely covered in bruises and I already called today to set up a membership for all of their Mixed Martial Arts classes. I forgot how much I missed the challenge that these classes bring to my fitness routine.

    In other news, flourless PB2 brownies from SkinnyTaste are awesome (at 137 calories apiece and 6 grams of protein).

    And I'm finally going to step on the scale tomorrow just to check in since I'm in a good headspace. Hopefully it's down, but either way it will be good feedback.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone!! I've been seeing on my news feed that others are struggling with weekends too, Cari (including myself!). I was thinking about it yesterday, while I was in my couch eating cake, Lol!! We are not robots, so we will fall off the wagon at times. And we are emotional humans, so some of us struggle with eating when we are feeling all sorts of things. I like to eat when I'm happy, sad, stressed, bored... You get the picture!! Ha! I think the most important thing is to not let a day or weekend roll into a week or month or just give up completely. So yay us for picking ourselves up and dusting ourselves off and getting back in the game! I agree with Rachel, maybe we should try to plan our meals a bit better in advance. I always go over because of the alcohol, but it doesn't mean I have to totally lose it! If anyone else has any ideas, tell us please!! I think it's also important to exercise on the weekends, even if it is just a walk. To keep our heads in it a bit more!
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm baaaaaack! Hahaha :) It'll take me a few days to catch up with all your posts - hope everyone is doing well and kicking butt! Cuba was amazing and we had a great time but I got Delhi Belly my second day there so no worries about gaining weight from all those mojitos and cervezas. I will admit, it's hard to come back to logging after a week and a half but I'm glad to see you're all here and are still chatty as ever! I'll lurk your older posts for a while. B)
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,583 Member
    I tried my first spin class this weekend. I've always heard that spin classes have a sort of cult following, and that they are crazy-nausea inducing-sweat stains for days, but after losing 16 pounds, I thought, "I'll give it a try and if I can't do it, then I'll just go back to the gym and lose some more and then try again."

    The instructor was amazing! She helped me learn how to adjust the bike for my height and made me feel super comfortable when I told her I was new to spin. The 60 minute class was amazing - we actually fogged up the mirrors behind her! The upbeat music made me push myself more than I have ever done so on a bike at the gym on my own. I am going back at least once a week!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    I just signed up for the Lucky 7K - I love this race, it's such a fun one with lots of slow runners like me
    have taken a bit of a break from running, so this will be great motivation to get back in

    Way to go! It's great to sign up for runs and know you have to be ready and train for it! Good for you!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    @ShyCush6 your puppy is ADORABLE! Love the sweater!
    I'm so excited for the weekend. Is anyone else going to watch Fuller House on Netflix? (just got released today!)

    Thanks Rachel! So how was Fuller House... I didn't check it out but I am sure I will at some point!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    mtzgirl wrote: »
    Hello. Is this still open to new people? I've lost 36 lbs so far and I'm looking for a supportive community!

    Welcome! And way to go! Please check in often! Great group of motivators!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Hi everybody! My name is Sara but I prefer to be called my middle name (though I will still answer to Sara). I am a job corps student. I have been overweight to some degree my whole life, though it got worse when I became an older teenager and ended up gaining a ton of weight due to stuff like being sedentary, lacking motivation, medication side effects, etc. My trade at job corps is one where I'm sitting down all day, often until 3:00pm. I would love to be 150 pounds or smaller, but also look great, be healthier, and have more confidence and better self esteem. :) I would like to be in this group and make some new friends. I try to be active, even though I am a bit busy sometimes.
    Welcome! I think you will find a lot of us have the desk job syndrome.. =( I bought a little exercise bike for under my desk and I peddle all day! It's helped immensely and was only $50. Also, set a timer and get up and walk around every 30 min. Just once around the office is better than nothing. Hope we can help motivate you along your journey!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    Its cut off the rest of my post ggrrrrrrrr
    Anyway, one good things is Muller have brought back my favourite yoghurts, Coffee Shop Skinny Latte, and Skinny Cappuccino, so I'm off to commit coffee yoghurt suicide.
    Keep up the good work everyone, at least I can live vicariously through your achievements!

    Keep your head up lady! You still put in the effort and maybe you just weren't feeling it that night! You are doing amazing and are so inspiring, so do not let one night get you down! You burned calories just walking and that is better than some of us who sat on our couch all night!! ;) Keep up the great work and enjoy the yogurt!! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited February 2016
    joan6630 wrote: »
    The past few days I have been telling myself If I don't change my bad habits now -- when will I!! I am going to be 65 this July. I hate not being able to fit in my clothes. I have a closet full of beautiful clothes that I don't want to get rid of. So -- what am I waiting for. Time to do this NOW, and enjoy the rest of my life wearing nice clothes, having energy to do things, feeling good about myself. Life is short.

    Last week I lost a very dear friend to cancer at the age of 67. I lost 4 siblings before any of them reached 60. And now I find out my only remaining sibling, a brother age 57, has serious heart problems and has to wear a life vest with a defribilator attached to him the rest of his life. He doesn't even have the energy to walk 1 block. So I have been eating to comfort myself. So crazy - what good is that doing! So if I plan to get healthy -- what am I waiting for. We all take life so for granted. Things can change in a second. So I want to be the best I can be - today.

    Food tastes so good, and habits are so hard to break. But feeling good about ourselves, doing our best to live the fullest life we can is so much more important than the taste of food. And if we can do this, one day at a time, those days will add up.

    I know I have been struggling for the past year. I was 15 lbs from my goal weight, and started to gain, and have been unable to get in control. Today is the day I change all that. So time to get back on here, looking for motivation, and to support others as well!

    You got this Joan! Please check in often, we are here to support ya girl! When you go to grab that cookie... long in, vent to us and maybe it will distract you enough! Always here for you! Sorry about your loss.. =( Cancer sux. And so sorry to hear about your brother. That is really rough. He is so young.
    Today is the beginning of a new journey and you WILL do this!! I know you have it in you!! ;)
  • aevans0026
    aevans0026 Posts: 8 Member
    I just started my new diet and this app a week ago. I've lost 5 pounds so far but I have a lot more to go (about 60). I used to be very active, but then I started having a lot of trouble with my knee. So I stopped being active and the weight kept packing on. I love food. I love to cook and that has been my biggest hurdle. I'm trying to get back in shape but between work and kids it's been a real struggle. I've started doing some exercises at home but I find it really hard to get motivated at home. So I'm hoping with some outside motivation and people who know what I'm going through will help. Look forward to your suggestions and advice. And I hope to cheer you all on as well.
  • Suezyq47
    Suezyq47 Posts: 199 Member
    I tried my first spin class this weekend. I've always heard that spin classes have a sort of cult following, and that they are crazy-nausea inducing-sweat stains for days, but after losing 16 pounds, I thought, "I'll give it a try and if I can't do it, then I'll just go back to the gym and lose some more and then try again."

    The instructor was amazing! She helped me learn how to adjust the bike for my height and made me feel super comfortable when I told her I was new to spin. The 60 minute class was amazing - we actually fogged up the mirrors behind her! The upbeat music made me push myself more than I have ever done so on a bike at the gym on my own. I am going back at least once a week!

    I go to spin class at least 3 times per week for the last year. I find that it is an excellent way to burn calories. The people in my class are regulars and we have fun while sweating like crazy! I am so happy I tried spin and plan to continue this for a long time!

  • JennK730
    JennK730 Posts: 62 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    Hi! I've been a member here for a while, I dropped out for a bit and now am motivated to get back into the action. Recently joined a gym and I'm working at this. My best success was a group of people who shared almost daily and motivated and pushed each other. We shared struggles, success and just overall frustration and joy! I'm looking to find those core people again. Create friendship and get to a healthy lifestyle! I plan on checking in daily, I'm bad on the weekends, but I will try harder. Please share in this group if you are looking for a core group to help you get to where you want to be. I don't care if you have 20 or 100 lbs to lose, I promise to be a good cheerleader! =)

    Send me friend request if like, starting 30 day walking Challenge tomorrow March 1st
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    @Rachel – That is exactly what I need to do, have set times on the weekend to eat, like I do during the week. At the moment it’s just a case of eating when I’m in between shopping, or housework, or running errands, and I can get to 4pm and realise I’ve only had a coffee. Then I’m so hungry I eat everything in sight – structure is what I need! Glad you enjoyed your Jiu Jitsu, my OH used to do MMA and kick boxing, he loved it, but due to injury it’s no contact sports for him anymore (he used to compete). You're so impressive.

    @Bluepoppies – You are like my personal therapist, offering up all sorts of useful advice and motivation to me lately. Thank you, I appreciate it. :) You were totally right about the running, it was just a bad day, hopefully there won’t be many more like that!

    @Zenjen – Welcome back! I hope you had the most amazing time, Delhi Belly aside…

    @wishfuljane – Well done, starting a new class can be a bit nerve wracking, so good on you for getting out there and trying it, and even better that you enjoyed it.

    @shy - Thank you, I am trying, and I guess that's what counts. The yoghurt was scrummy by the way. ;)

    @aevans0026 – Welcome, I’m sure you’ll find the support you need here.

    @jkhoffe – Don’t you just love that feeling after a run when you get into bed and just feel every muscle totally relax – aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. Lovely. Lol

    Well after a disastrous run (forever to be known henceforth as the ‘non-run’) last week, and a rubbish weekend I’m pleased to report my head is back in it again. Kept to my cals yesterday and went to RC last night. I’d been in two minds whether to go all day as I kept going back to my ‘non-run’ on Thurs in my head, and half of me was saying “get your fat *kitten* to running club, it will do you good”, the other half of me kept saying “what’s the bloody point, you can’t even manage 3 mins straight!”, but in the end at 6:50pm (club starts at 7:15) I dragged myself off my warm sofa and decided that even if I walked the route, that was still better than doing nothing. A bad workout is still better than no workout as my OH says. So I got my gear on and headed out. I’m so pleased I did! We’re basically more or less running the whole route now, a few stops to heard everyone back together so nobody gets lost, but in comparison to the other night it was a breeze. Well actually that’s a lie, it was tough, but the point is, I did it. No lead legs, no dizzy spells, just plodding along all the way more or less. I felt so good afterwards – I’m back in the game! Yipppeeeee. :D

  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @CariTJR good for you. I to had a crap weekend where I ate everything in sight. But yesterday back to working the MFP plan and I feel better. I don't know why I was eating because the whole time I was doing it I kept telling myself I wasn't hungry and my stomach felt crappy the rest of the day. :/ I have been going to the gym 4 days a week but I think since it is a new month and I don't get winded as fast I am going to start T25 when I get off work and then go to the gym later. If I make it through to tomorrow I will let everyone know. :# Hope everyone has a good day.
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Good morning everyone! @CariTJR - good for you for getting back out there and doing it! You didn't let one bad run stop you from doing it! I have to tell myself that frequently. Don't let one bad day ruin all the progress you have already made! We went to work on the house again this last weekend. It was an ok weekend food wise, and I know I put in the steps and burned some calories! My body still hurts today. We were tiling floors, so lifting tiles and up and down off the floor more times than I can count! But-Im not going to let it stop me from going to class tonight! Maybe it will help my sore muscles a bit to give them a good workout! Hope everyone has a great day!