Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited March 2016
    I don't know why I was eating because the whole time I was doing it I kept telling myself I wasn't hungry and my stomach felt crappy the rest of the day. :/

    I totally relate to this, I was doing the exact same thing at the weekend, I was eating crisps or something, sitting on the sofa, and I was thinking 'why am I eating these, i'm not even hungry anymore' but I carried on eating them anyway! Why do we do it? Daftness.

    @danan - Thank you, I know, it was just so demotivating, you end up thinking why am I bothering, clearly i'm not cut out for this. But like you say, it's about not letting it 1 bad day/run ruin all the progress you've made so far. Well done on managing to stay on track while house renovating, I can imagine that being really difficult without a kitchen to use, you must have to eat out a lot. Kudos.

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone!! I've been seeing on my news feed that others are struggling with weekends too, Cari (including myself!). I was thinking about it yesterday, while I was in my couch eating cake, Lol!! We are not robots, so we will fall off the wagon at times. And we are emotional humans, so some of us struggle with eating when we are feeling all sorts of things. I like to eat when I'm happy, sad, stressed, bored... You get the picture!! Ha! I think the most important thing is to not let a day or weekend roll into a week or month or just give up completely. So yay us for picking ourselves up and dusting ourselves off and getting back in the game! I agree with Rachel, maybe we should try to plan our meals a bit better in advance. I always go over because of the alcohol, but it doesn't mean I have to totally lose it! If anyone else has any ideas, tell us please!! I think it's also important to exercise on the weekends, even if it is just a walk. To keep our heads in it a bit more!

    I struggle with the same things... I agree we should make a pack to get at least one 30 minute burn in each day on he weekend... like you said even a walk, just to burn some calories!!! Is it bad that the alcohol puts us over everytime! LOL!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    zenjen13 wrote: »
    I'm baaaaaack! Hahaha :) It'll take me a few days to catch up with all your posts - hope everyone is doing well and kicking butt! Cuba was amazing and we had a great time but I got Delhi Belly my second day there so no worries about gaining weight from all those mojitos and cervezas. I will admit, it's hard to come back to logging after a week and a half but I'm glad to see you're all here and are still chatty as ever! I'll lurk your older posts for a while. B)

    Glad to have you back!!! mojitos and cervezas.. yum! =) Sounds like a great trip! And good for you to get back into logging right away!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    I tried my first spin class this weekend. I've always heard that spin classes have a sort of cult following, and that they are crazy-nausea inducing-sweat stains for days, but after losing 16 pounds, I thought, "I'll give it a try and if I can't do it, then I'll just go back to the gym and lose some more and then try again."

    The instructor was amazing! She helped me learn how to adjust the bike for my height and made me feel super comfortable when I told her I was new to spin. The 60 minute class was amazing - we actually fogged up the mirrors behind her! The upbeat music made me push myself more than I have ever done so on a bike at the gym on my own. I am going back at least once a week!

    Awesome! I loved spinning too! It's a great workout! Way to try something new! Glad you love it!!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @zenjen13 Welcome back! What's Delhi Belly?

    @aevans0026 Welcome!

    @wishfuljune Great job on breaking out of your comfort zone and trying a new spinning class! Sounds like a phenomenal environment.

    @CariTJR Way to go on getting out there and making it to running group even though you didn't feel like it. That's a huge NSV!!!

    @ngolden3320 I'm the same way. I almost never overeat due to hunger, it's almost always eating my feelings. Then I have to play the game of what feeling is it, and why did I decide to eat it instead of feel it, which can be a really uncomfortable exercise!

    @danan01 Sounds like you guys are making a ton of progress on the house! Talk about built in exercise! Way to go on doing your exercise classes on top of that!

    @ShyCush6 It's totally alcohol for me too, who knew there were that many calories per bottle of wine?!

    So I bit the bullet and finally stepped on the scale this morning, down 1.8!!!! It's good to know that I'm doing what needs to be done even when I'm avoiding the scale. If I lose another .7 by next week I'll be down a total of 10 pounds in 100 days which is an even faster rate of loss than I expected. Cross fingers for me for next Tuesday :)
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    @Rachel0778: Traveller's Tummy. Otherwise nicknamed by Hubby and I as "the Cuban Shitz". lol :o First time travelling that we've ever had it and several in our group got it but at various times so the source was unknown. Still had a great time regardless of having to stick near a toilet some days. :)

    Great Job on the loss btw! 1.8 is a huge loss, you must be doing all the right things.

    @CariTJR : You're doing so well with your running group! I love hearing about it, keep it up!

    @ShyCush6 : Confession: I got back last Friday so I gave myself the weekend to recover and not log. But I said to myself that Monday was my new deadline so I stuck to it. Yup, alcohol is something I have consumed less of since counting cals. Although, you'll still see a lot of it in my diaries. Musicians Life. :)

    @ngolden3320 : We ALL have days like that. Seriously. Personally, I log it bc it helps me to acknowledge what happened and that seems to allow me to accept it and move on rather than beating myself up about it. Does that make sense? Just by logging in you are succeeding, believe me. :) Let us know how your workout goes!

    I had my first yoga class last night after a two week hiatus (one for provincial holiday and one for MY hoilday). It didn't kick my butt as much as I thought it would although I am sore today. It's good to be back logging, working out and chatting with all of you. Have a wonderful healthy week everyone!
  • Angelszophia
    Angelszophia Posts: 127 Member
    HI add me!!!
  • aevans0026
    aevans0026 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! So if I might ask what, in your opinions, are some good exercises to build endurance and stamina? Beginners exercises I mean.
  • Naptownbabi
    Naptownbabi Posts: 256 Member
    Hi, Im Monet. I would love to join on this motivation group. this is probably my 100th time re-starting here on MFP and already today I feel like crap because of lunch. @ngolden3320 that was me shoveling in the food but I wasn't that hungry. And now it feels like my body has shut down and there are a lot of hours left in the work day.

    My goal is to lose eventually 100lbs, but to get to that 1st 25 would be amazing. I haven't weighed myself in a while but I believe I'm around 220 at 5'2". I really hope I can gain support and motivation from this thread
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Hello, friends! I love this thread! I know I can log in at any point and read what everyone is going and what their highs and lows. Some days we are feeling discouraged, and some days we are confident, but we can lean on each other and know that we are all in the same boat!

    I tried Yin Yoga last night at the gym with my friend... Let's just say I am not a yoga person!! I always knew I preferred to really move and sweat, but I was lying there thinking about grocery lists, what I wanted to eat when I got home, brushing the dog... You get the picture! I guess I don't have the skill of mentally turning the brain off and being calm. And it didn't help that a few ppl farted and I almost got the giggles!! Good grief, I will stick to spin and just sweat it out hardcore. But at least I tried something new, so I was glad for that!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    @aevans0026 you could look up all of that stuff on Pinterest, they have so many work outs for beginners. And YouTube as well! Sometimes I take a picture on my phone of some of the workouts from Pinterest and do them. What the heck did we do before all of this technology?!
  • uoflgirl89
    uoflgirl89 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone. I am just getting back into this. I was on here a fwe years ago and lost 61lbs, but due to injury it all came back. Its now time to make a change and I need some motivation from some MFP friends. I am happy to add anyone that is will to be cheerleaders for each other.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @aevans0026 What kind of exercise are you currently doing/are you comfortable with? Do you have any medical limitations? Do you have access to a workout facility or classes?

    @Angelszophia and @uoflgirl89 Welcome!

    @zenjen13 That sounds brutal! Hopefully you were still able to enjoy vacation! And my loss was over several weeks because I wasn't in the right mindset for the scale. It's above my .5lb/week goal though so everything's going along as planned

    @bluepoppies777 Sorry to hear yoga was a bit of a bust, but way to go on trying something new! My goal for a yoga class is to find one challenging enough that if my mind strays I will fall on my face. That way it forces me to be in the moment lol. I'm not a very good meditator either!

  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    oooh it seems like i've missed a few days on here. It looks like ive got a bit of reading to catch up on.

    I hope you are all doing well.

    Welcome to the newbies.

    Ive been doing well on my diet and my weight loss is still going in the right direction, my fitbit app is finally back to normal so i have managed to get on the fitbit challenge yay :smiley:

    im off to do some reading and will catch up with you all soon :blush:
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    Well after a disastrous run (forever to be known henceforth as the ‘non-run’) last week, and a rubbish weekend I’m pleased to report my head is back in it again. Kept to my cals yesterday and went to RC last night. I’d been in two minds whether to go all day as I kept going back to my ‘non-run’ on Thurs in my head, and half of me was saying “get your fat *kitten* to running club, it will do you good”, the other half of me kept saying “what’s the bloody point, you can’t even manage 3 mins straight!”, but in the end at 6:50pm (club starts at 7:15) I dragged myself off my warm sofa and decided that even if I walked the route, that was still better than doing nothing. A bad workout is still better than no workout as my OH says. So I got my gear on and headed out. I’m so pleased I did! We’re basically more or less running the whole route now, a few stops to heard everyone back together so nobody gets lost, but in comparison to the other night it was a breeze. Well actually that’s a lie, it was tough, but the point is, I did it. No lead legs, no dizzy spells, just plodding along all the way more or less. I felt so good afterwards – I’m back in the game! Yipppeeeee. :D
    Knew you had it in you! Way to go and get off that couch! Motivation to do it again next time!! Keep it up girl!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    So I bit the bullet and finally stepped on the scale this morning, down 1.8!!!! It's good to know that I'm doing what needs to be done even when I'm avoiding the scale. If I lose another .7 by next week I'll be down a total of 10 pounds in 100 days which is an even faster rate of loss than I expected. Cross fingers for me for next Tuesday :)
    Woohooo!! You got this girl!! Awesome!! I know you can do it! You have really been racking up the motivation with new classes and kicking butt! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    zenjen13 wrote: »
    @ShyCush6 : Confession: I got back last Friday so I gave myself the weekend to recover and not log. But I said to myself that Monday was my new deadline so I stuck to it. Yup, alcohol is something I have consumed less of since counting cals. Although, you'll still see a lot of it in my diaries. Musicians Life. :)
    I had my first yoga class last night after a two week hiatus (one for provincial holiday and one for MY hoilday). It didn't kick my butt as much as I thought it would although I am sore today. It's good to be back logging, working out and chatting with all of you. Have a wonderful healthy week everyone!
    Confession: I would have done the exact same thing!! You need to get back into it slow... too hard on a weekend coming back from fun!! ;) Way to go on the yoga class...
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Hello, friends! I love this thread! I know I can log in at any point and read what everyone is going and what their highs and lows. Some days we are feeling discouraged, and some days we are confident, but we can lean on each other and know that we are all in the same boat!

    I tried Yin Yoga last night at the gym with my friend... Let's just say I am not a yoga person!! I always knew I preferred to really move and sweat, but I was lying there thinking about grocery lists, what I wanted to eat when I got home, brushing the dog... You get the picture! I guess I don't have the skill of mentally turning the brain off and being calm. And it didn't help that a few ppl farted and I almost got the giggles!! Good grief, I will stick to spin and just sweat it out hardcore. But at least I tried something new, so I was glad for that!

    I am the same way. I can not shut my brain down... I find a good hard burn works better for me and I can still keep my brain spinning as I workout... Way to stray from the giggles! ;) You tried.. that is what counts!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    oooh it seems like i've missed a few days on here. It looks like ive got a bit of reading to catch up on.
    I hope you are all doing well.
    Welcome to the newbies.
    Ive been doing well on my diet and my weight loss is still going in the right direction, my fitbit app is finally back to normal so i have managed to get on the fitbit challenge yay :smiley:
    im off to do some reading and will catch up with you all soon :blush:

    Glad to have you back Gill!!! A few days away and there is a lot of catching up to do! This group rocks!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    It looks like you have all been doing great, some ups and downs but getting back to it is absolutely great :) i love the pictures of all your pups soooo cute :smile:

    @ShyCush6 Glad to see you back also. And this group certainly does rock :)

    @cariTJR you rock girl, you may have had a rough day but you got straight back out there and tried again. wy to go.

    @indygirl217 how is the kickboxing going, I hope you are enjoying it :smiley:

    @zenjen13 welcome back, i hope you had a great holiday despite the bad belly :smile:

    @Rachel0778 Way to go with the weight loss, well done :)