Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @GillianSmith2 I feel the same way sometimes. Maintenance was when I started to drive myself crazy last time and started the binge/restrict/repeat cycle because I was so afraid of regaining the weight, which of course then caused me to gain weight. I realize it was because I never figured out how to not be either overeating or undereating and freaked out over every water weight fluctuation. I also had people in my life constantly commenting on/critiquing my body. You just have to come to a point where you realize it's your body and none of their business. It might be worth taking a maintenance break before you hit goal to get used to the transition. I know I'll be doing that this time around.

    @Shycush6 I love that running quote, too funny!

    Welcome all newcomers, keep posting!
  • thickbluebug
    thickbluebug Posts: 17 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    It might be worth taking a maintenance break before you hit goal to get used to the transition. I know I'll be doing that this time around.

    So how are you going to do the maintenance break before you hit goal? I am really interested. I am a chronic binge/restrict/repeat cycle,,,,,, er. I keep between 50 to 75 lbs off and have since 1999. yeah, that 25 lbs is bad but like I said I am a binge loose cycle person. I did restart seriously in January to loose an additional 50 lbs and afraid I will gain again.

  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Got home and went for a quick 30 min run tonight. My motivation tonight? Well if I'm completely honest, once I'd had this daft idea that a run was needed, got dressed and got outside, my main motivation was getting back in the house again, it was flippin freezing! I had to run to keep warm! Lol todays motivation was sponsored by the rubbish UK weather....
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @thickbluebug once I'm about 5lbs away from goal I'm going to take a month off or so and eat at my maintenance calories just to get a feel for the increased amount of food and prepare myself for the weekly fluctuations that go along with it. It will be a practice run, so to speak, so I won't freak out when the real thing hits.

    I also set up my plan this time around to go at the speed of snail. I'm at .5lb a week loss, which has so far kept the bingeing at bay because I don't feel deprived (my diary is open so you can see that I eat a fair amount of junk food to satisfy cravings when they arrive).
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    @ShyCush6 and Rachel0778 Thank you for your words of wisdom they really do help :wink: Ive just done a kickboxercise session and got rid of some frustration :smiley: but i think a new plan for the next few weeks may be needed. I will keep you updated as to what i do. @ CariTJR your right about our UK weather its awful, I hate the British winters they are so miserable. I cant wait for summer IF we get one.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Ohio weather is sucking right now also. Left for work this morning and it was snowing again. :'( On the bright side the weather is supposed to be in the 60's next week. :) Welcome all of the newbies. If you are looking for friends feel free to add me. Happy Friday everyone.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited March 2016
    @jkhoffe, don't panic, do what I do, forget today and weigh yourself again tomorrow. I sometimes find it's like a 'glitch in the matrix' and re-weighing the next day gives a totally different result. Might be due to excess sodium, TOTM, even just normal fluctuations, I mean seriously, I can fluctuate 1/2lb between walking to and from the bathroom! Or it could be something stupid like your scales aren't level - this happened to me the other week, totally freaked out because i'd put on 1lb, moved the scales and it turned out that'd not been on the floor evenly, i'd actually lost 2lb!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    @jkhoffe - Nice job! Vent - Let it out - then "LET IT GOOOOO, LET IT GOOOO, Turn away and SLAM the DOOR"... sorry. Had to get that out .... :#
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    edited March 2016
    #dailycheckin Hello MFPeeps! I'm on day 3 of being under my calories! There really is 'power' in taking control of one's health and learning from past lessons/mistakes.

    My BF sent this to this AM! Love it!
  • TheLittleRedHairedGirl
    Hi everyone! I think it's great that your all banding together to help keep each other going! Somehow I've ended up with a large number of 'friends' but only a few of us actually cheer each other on. I would love to add you guys for motivation and to motivate. I am an active user, I log in several times a day and post my wins along with my struggles so that people can see what works for me and what doesn't and maybe learn from my own trial and error. I am in this to change my lifestyle, I don't see this as a 'diet' more like a road to a healthier, fuller life. Feel free to add me. I'd love to have friends who actually want motivation.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @TheLittleRedHairedGirl Welcome! Feel free to add me and keep posting!

    @ChangeisaDecision Way to go!!! I love the phrase you posted. It's a great reminder to take another shot.

    @jkhoffe .5 is a sneeze! Keep sticking to your guns, go on that awesome run, and know that the results will come from your positive changes

    @ngolden3320 I'm with you on the weather, I'm just dreaming about the 60s!

    @GillianSmith2 How'd the kickboxing session go? I hope you were able to punch out your frustration!

    I took my first Muay Thai/Kickboxing class last night and it was a lot of fun. All the guys there have way more experience than me and lots of them are training for upcoming matches/fights but they were soooo patient with me. I took one serious kickboxing class 4 years ago so I've got no experience to speak of so it was wonderful to be so welcomed! I officially signed up for a membership so they're stuck with me now. I'm taking it light today since I've got Brazilian Jiu Jitsu on Saturday again, I seriously can't wait!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    @Rachel0778 The kickboxing was great thank you, it really does get rid of that frustration. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

    I think I have a new plan to look forward to. I have never really got to a weight and been happy with the way I look, even as a teenager and being at a really low weight i still felt flabby and fat. So I suppose in the back of my head I am thinking I have done all of this work and just have no finishing point. I have spent some time looking around on the different message boards and have decided that when I have lost the next 8lbs I will do a recomposition as this seems to get the definition I am looking for.

    OH it feels good to be refocused :smiley:
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    #dailycheckin Hello MFPeeps! I'm on day 3 of being under my calories! There really is 'power' in taking control of one's health and learning from past lessons/mistakes.

    My BF sent this to this AM! Love it!

    love it :)
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Had my first NSV today. I noticed out of the blue after being at work for several hours that I had to keep pulling up my jeans and they no longer folded over. This weekend I am going to buy a belt, maybe with a couple of extra notches that way I will be able to see the changes even if the scale doesn't show it all the time. YEAH ME :) Happy Friday.
  • uoflgirl89
    uoflgirl89 Posts: 26 Member
    Ok so I need a little guidance. I put in my information into the system and I am debating if I am doing light activity or no.. I work as a lab tech in a Dr. Office and get anywhere from 6,000 or more steps a day just there. So what would you say my daily activity is then? The reason why is I feel that my current calorie intake goal is a little high its at 2,019 and I figured it should be closer to 1800? I dont know if anyone else has had this thought. I know when I lost those 61lbs before a couple years ago, I cut calories down too quickly and it caused me to plateau out.. I really dont want that to happen this early on.. Any thoughts on this?
  • uoflgirl89
    uoflgirl89 Posts: 26 Member
    I am also trying to do small goals this time.. I am wanting to lose between 15-20lbs by May 14. does this sound realistic and is it better to do smaller goals to reach teh ultimate goal?
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    edited March 2016
    @ngolden3320 awesome NSV well done :smiley:

    @uoflgirl89 If you have put all your details in MFP then I would go with what it says. Try it for a few weeks and then alter your calories to suit your needs. If your weight loss is slow then drop a few, if its to fast then add a few. Do what feels comfortable for you and your needs :smiley: hope that helps

    I am set to sedentary but i let fitbit add my exercise so not sure what to advise on that one.
  • JillPoverud
    JillPoverud Posts: 27 Member
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    Okay someone pull me back in!!! I'm so mad, thought I had a decent week, got on the scale and I gained 1/2 a pound this week...GRRRRR makes me want to say f$@k it

    Okay - I am done feeling sorry for myself....not happy about the gain, but stay the course. Instead of quitting, i will have a stellar food day and go for a long walk at lunch, and a run after work.
    Take that scale!!

    Great attitude. I'm new to this page and would love to join in.

    I have 70 pounds to lose, want to lose at least 40 by my vacation this September, but the weight is coming off so excruciatingly slow. And very small changes in measurements as well, only around .5 inches in a month. Not so sure what I'm doing wrong - I think it's stress! (It's a disease, people! Love the IT Crowd!)

  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Hi everyone! I think it's great that your all banding together to help keep each other going! Somehow I've ended up with a large number of 'friends' but only a few of us actually cheer each other on. I would love to add you guys for motivation and to motivate. I am an active user, I log in several times a day and post my wins along with my struggles so that people can see what works for me and what doesn't and maybe learn from my own trial and error. I am in this to change my lifestyle, I don't see this as a 'diet' more like a road to a healthier, fuller life. Feel free to add me. I'd love to have friends who actually want motivation.

    Feel free to add me, i'll be happy to help motivate, although you'll have to listen to me throwing tantrums when my runs don't go well lol ;)
  • quiznut1
    quiznut1 Posts: 9 Member
    Lost 10 pounds since January 2. Male, 5'10. Started at 164.3 lbs, 19.9% BF, and trying to reach 12% BF, 160 lbs.

    Trying to reach 15% BF first (it would be about 148.8 lbs) by doing intense cardio intervals/some weights, and eating clean. At 15% BF I will shift to more intense weights, and not as intense cardio.

    Historically I have done well applying myself intensely for a couple months to reach short-term goals (master's graduation ceremony in May, wedding in 2011- lost 30 lbs in months before), but not so good at staying consistent in working out to maintain/maintenance.

    Any thoughts/feedback on how to stay in a sweet spot after reaching a intense short-term goal are helpful.