Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • aevans0026
    aevans0026 Posts: 8 Member
    Ohio weather is sucking right now also. Left for work this morning and it was snowing again. :'( On the bright side the weather is supposed to be in the 60's next week. :) Welcome all of the newbies. If you are looking for friends feel free to add me. Happy Friday everyone.
    It's the same way here in Kentucky. It's in the 60's one day and the 20's the next.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    sjmoran wrote: »
    I would love to join too. I have been going strong with cardio and thought I was doing well with eating the right portions and kinds of foods but am having difficulty with the actual weight coming off. I know what I am doing is sort of working because my body is tighter and my clothes less tight :smile: Rock on!

    Welcome! Post often and keep giving us updates of tighter body, less tight clothes and we will cheer you along the way! =)
  • aevans0026
    aevans0026 Posts: 8 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    @TheLittleRedHairedGirl Welcome! Feel free to add me and keep posting!

    @ChangeisaDecision Way to go!!! I love the phrase you posted. It's a great reminder to take another shot.

    @jkhoffe .5 is a sneeze! Keep sticking to your guns, go on that awesome run, and know that the results will come from your positive changes

    @ngolden3320 I'm with you on the weather, I'm just dreaming about the 60s!

    @GillianSmith2 How'd the kickboxing session go? I hope you were able to punch out your frustration!

    I took my first Muay Thai/Kickboxing class last night and it was a lot of fun. All the guys there have way more experience than me and lots of them are training for upcoming matches/fights but they were soooo patient with me. I took one serious kickboxing class 4 years ago so I've got no experience to speak of so it was wonderful to be so welcomed! I officially signed up for a membership so they're stuck with me now. I'm taking it light today since I've got Brazilian Jiu Jitsu on Saturday again, I seriously can't wait!

    I love kickboxing. I had signed up for a class a couple years ago and fell in love with it. Although I know I'm not, I loved feeling badass. When we moved I had to give it up. I really wish there was something like that where I live now, but alas there's not. I've been doing a kickboxing exercise video but it's just not the same. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu sounds like a lot of fun as well.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited March 2016
    aevans0026 wrote: »
    It's the same way here in Kentucky. It's in the 60's one day and the 20's the next.
    Lol, I just had to use google to work out what 60F is in Celsius, I was thinking 'that's hot!'. Doh!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    Got home and went for a quick 30 min run tonight. My motivation tonight? Well if I'm completely honest, once I'd had this daft idea that a run was needed, got dressed and got outside, my main motivation was getting back in the house again, it was flippin freezing! I had to run to keep warm! Lol todays motivation was sponsored by the rubbish UK weather....

    Motivation is motivation! Take it when you can get it! =) Way to get out there and do it!! Proud of ya girl!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    Okay - I am done feeling sorry for myself....not happy about the gain, but stay the course. Instead of quitting, i will have a stellar food day and go for a long walk at lunch, and a run after work.
    Take that scale!!

    Way to pull yourself back in and move ahead... It could be water weight, it could be scale fluctuation... or it could be your body being stubborn and liking the warmth of the extra weight. ;) You got this and you will see a loss... just keep moving and you'll get this!! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    #dailycheckin Hello MFPeeps! I'm on day 3 of being under my calories! There really is 'power' in taking control of one's health and learning from past lessons/mistakes.

    Way to go on calorie goals!! You rock lady!!! Love the quote too!!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Hi everyone! I think it's great that your all banding together to help keep each other going! Somehow I've ended up with a large number of 'friends' but only a few of us actually cheer each other on. I would love to add you guys for motivation and to motivate. I am an active user, I log in several times a day and post my wins along with my struggles so that people can see what works for me and what doesn't and maybe learn from my own trial and error. I am in this to change my lifestyle, I don't see this as a 'diet' more like a road to a healthier, fuller life. Feel free to add me. I'd love to have friends who actually want motivation.

    Welcome! I hope you check in with us often! Always here to cheer!! Feel free to share success, struggles, or just to vent! Always someone out there that has felt the same thing and can help get you over the hump! This is a great group!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Had my first NSV today. I noticed out of the blue after being at work for several hours that I had to keep pulling up my jeans and they no longer folded over. This weekend I am going to buy a belt, maybe with a couple of extra notches that way I will be able to see the changes even if the scale doesn't show it all the time. YEAH ME :) Happy Friday.

    AWESOME!!! Great NSV!!! I love hearing those... it's nice the scale doesn't run our lives!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    uoflgirl89 wrote: »
    I am also trying to do small goals this time.. I am wanting to lose between 15-20lbs by May 14. does this sound realistic and is it better to do smaller goals to reach teh ultimate goal?

    I would almost say light activity. Like Gill said, try it and see if that works for you. It's a estimate, everyone is different.
    I think Your goal is attainable... You know your body best... What a .5 lb a week.. That's achievable! You can do this!!
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member

    This is going to be me in around 50 mins and counting - Happy Friday everybody! :D
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Gibbsy21 wrote: »
    I have maybe 70+ lbs to lose, and sometimes, I just wish I could do one thing and have the weight all gone. I keep trying to convince myself that it is easy. That all I have to do is eat less than I normally do and excerise more. But its hard to stay motivated, so maybe this can help me because I think I could use a little push.

    Rome was not built over night.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Well girls! I had a great week! Stayed well above my 10K step goal everyday this week. I've watched my eating and was excited to see the scale down 2 lbs. this week!! Now to behave and not let it go back up over the weekend! That's what I am not good at! Plus I am having wine & craft night with the girls tonight so I need to watch my wine intake!
    Hope all of you are having a great week and let's keep it rolling through the weekend! =) Loving the sharing onthis thread! You guys rock!
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Hahaha, here's one for the drinkers...
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Wow, I am late to this party but would love to join. I am in Western New York and can not wait for the weather to warm up. I have lost about 20 pounds since the beginning of December but still have about 40 more to lose to get to my goal of 125. I try to work out 5 to 6 times a week but can not do anything to high intensity as I have migraines related to my blood pressure spiking so I stick to yoga, rowing and working out with a trainer for weight training a couple times a week.
    I have been tracking my food for a while now but thought I would try these boards to keep my motivation up. ADD ME :)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @ngolden3320 Awesome NSV! Way to go!

    @uoflgirl89 .5 pounds a week for the last 20 pounds sounds like a great reasonable goal. I agree that your job sounds like it fits in the lightly active category. I almost always eat between 1900-2000 calories a day for a .5lb a week loss so the estimate it gives you seems accurate

    @JillPoverud Welcome! .5 inches in a month sounds like a great success. Weight loss doesn't always happen quickly. Keep focusing on healthy sustainable changes and you'll get there! It's better to take a slow sustainable route than get it off fast and gain it back just as fast

    Welcome @quiznut1! I don't have any experience with trying to get really low body fat, but my thought is that right now you're in a restrict, restrict, restrict, overdo it and gain it back, restrict, restrict, etc pattern. Instead of focusing on eating clean 100% of the time instead try to incorporate foods you love into your budget. Make your budget something you feel comfortable sticking with for the long haul so that once maintenance hits, you already have a plan for long term success.

    @aevans0026 moving a giving up classes always stinks. At least you've got the online videos as a stopgap!

    @ShyCush6 you're rocking it with the loss, way to go!!!!

    @CariTJR you're cracking me up with your memes!!! I'm also super jealous of timezones, it's only 1030 here

    @FitEqualsSmile no such thing as late to the party, welcome! It looks like you have a great plan for success
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    @CariTJR Before MFP, I used to do Bacardio all the time! haha! :)
    @ShyCush6 Way to go with the 2 lbs! Awesome!
    Have an awesome weekend everyone. Get out there and sweat!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    aevans0026 wrote: »
    It's the same way here in Kentucky. It's in the 60's one day and the 20's the next.
    Lol, I just had to use google to work out what 60F is in Celsius, I was thinking 'that's hot!'. Doh!

    LOL! I Love it Cari!! 60's isn't that warm but when you are from Wisconsin it's amazing! I can't wait until next week!! I'm tired of the 20's and 30's!