fernettacaswell Member


  • Stay at every diet and take one day at a time making healthy choices and if you do bad get right back on it. That is what everyone tells me. I am a female and I weigh 339 lbs. I know how you feel about not going outdoors and the breathing. Things that normal people take for granted are excruciating for me. I have been…
  • My name is Fernetta and I live in Kentucky. I am morbidly obese and weigh 344.5 lbs. I am scared I am going to die but for ome reason I do not get scared enough to get really serious. I have to do that!!! I want to live, I am 49 years old and I have 2 wonderful grown sons and 5 beautiful grandchildren that I want to watch…
  • Please add me to your grup, I actually have about 160 + to lose. My name is Fernetta Caswell and I live in Kentucky. This is my 3rd day dieting or changing my eating habits. I have TYPE II diabetes and possibly sleep apnea. My doctor said if I do not get the wait off then I will be dead in 5 years!! I am trying to walk at…