

  • Hey Kirk!! Megan here from GA. (Originally from Wabash, IN) Good Luck! Great support here!! I get on here when I feel like giving into temptation and before I know it my craving is gone! Love it here!
  • We have some shopping to do. I am going to be getting a heart rate monitor today hopefully. Some of my exercise is going to be walking around the mall. YAY! Who is from IN here?????? Indyrick, I am assuming you. I am originally from IN but live in GA now and I miss it sooooooooo much!!!! I wanted to be there for the snow…
  • I agree that you have to be completely ready to make the change. I have worked out and dieted soooo many times and gave up because everything sounded so good. But this time I found foods that were just as satisfying but healthier for me. And I LOVE it!!! YAY!!
  • Wii workout is basically all I do. I have the Jenny McCarthy Shape Up. I LOVE IT!! I also do Wii fit, and EA Active. I am getting the Just Dance 2 in the next few days. I can't wait to get Zumba!!! I LOVE MY Wii!!!!
  • I was up early this morning too. Hubby has been calling me at about 6 every morning to get me up to work out. (He leaves for PT at 5:30am...YUCK!) Burned over 600 calories doing my Shape Up exercise this morning!!! Today I am taking care of a sick child and listening to what sounds like a war zone outside my house!!! I…
  • Welcome!! I LOVE this site. Joined to make a lifestyle change and I am VERY happy I did! Very enlightening seeing your diet broken down. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!