kmclame Member


  • YouTube is a great source for free workout videos. I should also recommend cycling as a great form of exercise. If you have a bike that's great, or maybe think about investing in a stationary bike (you can find cheap ones at Walmart, etc.). It all depends on what exercise you enjoy. Experiment and see what you like. It's…
  • You're absolutely right, the title of my post is misleading. I apologize for that. What I'm trying to say is that if 1200 calories per day is *not* working for you, try to up your intake and don't be afraid to do so. Everyone is different and I'm not trying to undermine those who have been successful at 1200 calories.
  • I have used Sony in-ear headphones for years. I absolutely cannot wear the hard iPod earbuds, or anything like that. In-ear headphones are squishy and stay in your ears while running, etc. I love them. Here is an example of what I'm talking about:…
  • I'm definitely no expert, but I can only run if I have some good music to listen to. I almost forget that I'm exercising if the music is good enough. :) Also, have you thought about investing in a treadmill? That way you can run indoors, and not have to worry about the humid weather outside.
  • Added! My goals are similar. I'm 5'7, 22, and trying to go from 148 down to 130. Good luck to us both!