

  • Personally I think that is a good amount to pay per week. I live in Melbourne (Australia) and I can easily pay over $120 a week on all of my meals and snacks. Especially considering you are getting more for your money with portion control, nutrient control etc. I think it is a good deal. I have wanted to try Lite n Easy…
  • I do this too to allow for any margin of error! And also because I am really bad a guesstimating how much of each ingredient I am eating. I feel like this way I can allow for any calories that may have been 'missed'.
  • I am: 163cm tall 67kg Trying to get below 60kg I exercise usually three times a week. Usually I know what we are having for dinner and I eat according to this: eg. If it is a lower cal dinner I will have a higher cal breakfast/lunch. I usually average about 1250cal - 1300cal a day. So, as long as I 'budget' my calories…
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