

  • Hi! You can go to www.shakeology.com to read about it, including reviews from users. There is also a facebook page all about Shakeology, if you want to know more about it, and see peoples comments. I know a LOT of people that love it, and swear by it, and have had fabulous results in improving their health with it. I have…
  • I would say more water, and find a kind of fiber that doesn't make you gassy. It would really help. I really like the Oats & Chocolate Fiber One bars...they are only ~130 calories, and you get ~35% of your daily fiber in one bar. Fiber One Honey Cluster cereal is also great, and you get 51% of your fiber in one bowl. It…
  • Shape and/or Fitness have playlists on their website, that might help! I watch TV shows...I used to do music, but I always knew exactly how much time, or at the very least, how many songs were left! And that just didn't work for me. In my old building, I had a portable DVD player that I would watch and/or hook up to the TV…