justincantwell Member


  • Its like comparing a person who does just cardio to a person who does cardio & weights. For long distance runners adding more muscle to their body can be counter productive (making the legs bigger and weigh more). Marathon runners burn so much calories it would be darn near impossible to maintain that good lean muscle…
  • I was previously a crossfit instructor and can tell you it is hard work for sure, but you will not fail as long as you show up. You are there to challenge yourself and beat your own personal records, dont worry about where you are compared to others right now, just do what you can and continue to improve from there. There…
  • I personally choose and have other choose, low fat cottage cheese. It has only a few carbs and fat but also has quite bit of some good, slow breaking down, protein (casein), which is great especially if you are doing a good resistance program like you should be. 1/2 cup is under 100 calories too :)
  • The main problem I have noticed with diet sodas is that it tends to make you crave more sweets. If you really just need the caffeine, try tea (black has more caffeine content) as well as antioxidants or you could always use a lower dose caffeine pill or something (caffeine is actually a mild fat burner). But you are right…