scrimming Member


  • Amen! I haven't been under 200 pounds for at least 10 years, but probably closer to 15 years when my younger son was a baby. I'm almost there! I had a bad few months over the holidays, but I'm back on track and moving closer to that 200 mark. It will definitely be a day of celebration! The best of luck to you
  • I weigh in usually weekly, but no more than that. Everyone fluctuates a few ounces, or a pound or two, every day. It seems obsessive to weigh in daily. It's not the few ounces that we should worry about, but the overall weight loss. Plus, it's more frustrating if you see an increase by those few ounces, and more stressful.…
  • Hi all, I'm Michele, and I've only been on a few days. I've tried all kinds of things and I just seem to gain more than I lose. I have a couple friends from work on here too, and they are great support. So far I haven't lost anything, but I've certainly gotten more active and have been watching more closely. I have about…