

  • I will help you get and stay motivated as I am in the same boat trying to find some more friends on the site to help me with motivation too. So if you want to be friends Let me know and we can start :-)
  • I think I might be near my weight range b/c I have not lost anymore weight :-( 185 -190 must be my ideal weight. I am going to spend the rest of this challenge running at least 30 minutes straight everytime I workout and see if that moves the numbers on the scale.I don't know what else to do without feeling hungry. On…
  • I want to join in. As of last week I was 4 lbs from my orginal goal when starting this site. So I am sure this will help me to stay focused and get those dreaded last 4 lbs and then some off. I normally weigh in on Wednesdays but I'll be ready on Monday the 19th to begin doing Monday weigh ins (oh no that means I am going…