

  • Here, here! So true! I enjoy eating as well! And I exercise (not enough) to be able to enjoy less than healthful foods. I'm truly enjoying the postings. I've tried sites like this before, but fell off just days into it. My excuse was, it took too much time. But I'm committied this time. In less than a week I have dropped 6…
  • Good morning! This is my 6th day and I am doing great!!! Hang in there. I'm somewhat following the 17 Day Diet plan and using this site to keep track of food and exercise. I'm shocked at how quickly the sugars add up, especially when I don't follow the diet to a T. And sugars are my issue. I've had no bread for 6 days…
    in First Day Comment by soon2b150 June 2013
  • Wish I could say just over 50, but I'm 56. I'm on my 831st diet. I started less than a week ago and I am highly motivated after seeing a video of me. I wondered who that fat woman was. Eee gads, it was me! I dragged my stationary bike into the living room and have found it quite easy to put some time in while I'm having…
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