Posting for accountability's sake.

pgymjp Posts: 4 Member
So, I've been going up and down in weight and I am trying a different approach. I'm not sure why I just had this mini-epiphany, but here goes. I'm a guitar player and I'd seen a great YouTube video about Steve Vai talking about success. If you'd like to watch it, search YT for "Steve Vai 'How to be successful' Private Sessions Guitar Center" (I didn't include a link for fear of the mods thinking I'm doing something inappropriate). Anyway, my point is, Vai had said that to be successful, you need to be honest with yourself about what it is you *really* want and until you're honest with yourself about that, you'll derail your own efforts. I think this way of thinking can be applied to anything one does. What is it I *really* wanted when I thought about it and had reviewed my diaries? I wanted to eat what I wanted (within reason) while exercising and still see great results. It's derailing my other goals of getting fitter and healthier.

Until I am completely honest with the fact that I want to eat what I want, exercise, and still get great results, I will continue to derail myself. To be completely honest with my love for food will allow me to make better choices and hold myself more accountable because that honesty will help me understand why it is I'm eating what I am (because I love the taste, texture, makes me feel better, etc) and it will empower me to stop making excuses ("I worked out a lot today", "I'll be better tomorrow").

Right now, I feel it's time to take things one meal at a time because it's just too easy to snack between meals, so having some fine granularity will help me define a bigger picture.

I'm looking for friends on here so that I have more eyeballs than just me and my wife's. It'll hold me more accountable, too. However, I know that I am accountable to myself, first and foremost. To not be is to ensure I keep slipping.

So there it is. I eat because I like to. I work out because it allows me the caloric budget to eat more. I don't have to look at food like a chore. I can eat what I like, but the key is to change what I like so that I'm not continually derailing my efforts. The key is also to continue being active. The most important key, though, is to be honest. Even if it's embarrassing or unappealing. Without acceptance, there can be no change. I accept that I love food and eating. I accept that continuing on my current path will lead to more stagnation and, surely, declining results. Now it's time to change. Thanks for reading.


  • soon2b150
    soon2b150 Posts: 3
    Here, here! So true! I enjoy eating as well! And I exercise (not enough) to be able to enjoy less than healthful foods. I'm truly enjoying the postings. I've tried sites like this before, but fell off just days into it. My excuse was, it took too much time. But I'm committied this time. In less than a week I have dropped 6 pounds following the 17 Day Diet. And I have dragged my stationary bike into the living room to ride when I sit down to watch a little tv. I get on for 10-20 minute sessions (I set the timer). Such a simple addition during a time when I would be sitting anyway so it doesn't feel like I am having to make extra time to exercise! I love the calorie tracking, especially with regard to sugars, etc. Breads, cakes, etc. are my weakness. I haven't had any of that for 6 days, but I'm so on track I don't miss it at this point.