

  • I don't really suffer from any illness that prevent me from losing weight. I guess I am super lucky in that regard. But I come from a family of people with thyroid issues, both hyper and hypo. The issue, really, runs a lot deeper than what you think is just an "excuse". I don't think anyone in their life wants to use…
  • If I am depressed and feel the urge to eat, I tackle the depression rather than the eating. I normally get sad or frustrated about something related to my school work or academics. So, I go watch a few episodes of whatever show I like at the time. I laugh a little bit. I do things to take my mind off the stress/depression.…
  • I'm sure that if OP is confident in her life and her abilities to be a parent, that she will be making the right decision. A piece of paper that formalizes a relationship is not going to change that. Best of luck! I truly have no advice to give, but I know everything will go smoothly and wonderfully for you. :) Keep up…
  • Yup. Vegan pushers. I'm a vegetarian myself, and I experience the same type of idiocy from insistent meat-eaters who simply don't "get" why I wouldn't eat meat (I was raised vegetarian, I've never had it unless it was by accident). Even when you tell them politely why your eating habits are the way they are, I've had…
  • I looooove heels. I don't mind the ache that comes with it. But no. Lord no. I'd just take them to the cobblers and see what they could do about my shoes rather than the other way around.
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