

  • Lol. When I'm laying on my back and my arm grazes my pelvic bone! Its like whoa whoa who put that there?!
  • Hi Ladies, I lost 100lbs in the beginning of my health and fitness journey, and for the last several years I've just been maintaining. I recently noticed the pounds slowly creeping back on (7lbs) and I'm not having it! I am 160 lbs now, and I its time to knock off the last 20-30 lbs and get that toned. I need all the…
  • Kelly, Unless there are certain health issues to factor in, weight loss at your age should be a bit of a breeze (not to minimize your struggle). The fact that you are not obese or significantly overweight, and possibly very close to the size your body feels comfortable (biologically) DOES add to the difficulty of shedding…
  • OSmith1999, we are in the same boat! I'm currently 160 trying to get to 130. I am 5'4 as well. I started this journey at 253 lbs. and it seemed easy enough at first, but boy am I struggling now.