my birthday 2 months please help!

can someone help me its my birthday in 2 months and i really want to get to size 12 by then iv tried everything nothing is working im about size 14-16 and really wanna get down to size 12 so can feel good on my 22nd birthday. any idea?


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    you can do it,, get your butt moving,,, you cannot lose it, if you do not move it!
  • Dormowa
    Dormowa Posts: 4

    Unless there are certain health issues to factor in, weight loss at your age should be a bit of a breeze (not to minimize your struggle). The fact that you are not obese or significantly overweight, and possibly very close to the size your body feels comfortable (biologically) DOES add to the difficulty of shedding pounds. You will have to work much harder than a 300 lbs. 22 year old woman to see the same results. It sucks, but its true. I am not certain what you've tried already, but if you reeeeaaally want to be "birthday ready" in 2 months here are a few suggestions you may want to try:

    *A minimally processed diet (whole foods: fruits, veggies, grains, lean meats, legumes, etc.) Eat sufficiently to avoid going into starvation mode, which will slow down your metabolism.
    *1 gallon of water per day (less if you are not working out intensely, which leads to the next suggestion...)
    *WORK OUT INTENSELY (6 days a week)
    *Incorporate weight training in your workouts (a cardio workout only burns calories while you're doing it, but every ounce of muscle on your body is burning calories all throughout the day and night)
    *SLEEP, BE HAPPY (stress and depression kills weight loss), and enjoy a cup of unsweetened green tea after dinner.

    I hope this helps, and I apologize if these are all things you've heard before. I was 253 lbs. by the age of 20 (I'm 5'4). These are some of the things that have helped along my 100 lbs. weight loss journey.

    GOOD LUCK!! :wink:
