

  • People who give me 'Why the hell are you here, fatty?' looks while I'm working out. It's uncomfortable working out with half the other people in the gym judging you for not being instantly skinny and fit after two work-outs.
  • Before my surgery forced me off my feet for four months and started the epic weight gain, I was 138 lbs. and a size 8 or 10 depending on the brand. I'm aiming for size 8 again, back down to 140 lbs.
  • I also have a problem with having a HUGE sweet tooth, and while I'm still struggling to reduce my sugar intake, I've discovered that if I force myself to linger over the treat, a smaller portion is more satisfying. For example: When I eat Hershey's Kisses, I unwrap it, inhale the aroma, and once I put it in my mouth I suck…