People/Things at the gym that piss you off?..



  • It pisses me off when Joe Gorga is at the gym, minding his own business .... and in walks Teresa being a *****, having to start **** ... any of RHONJ fans here? Huh? Huh?
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    People getting pissed of at other people in the gym.

    There is more to life than being hung up on someone else's issues. If you've got enough time to get annoyed by someone else, you need to find something more to do, because you've got too much time.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    I agree with not cleaning your sweat. gross.
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    It pisses me off when Joe Gorga is at the gym, minding his own business .... and in walks Teresa being a *****, having to start **** ... any of RHONJ fans here? Huh? Huh?

    I believe I have a new girl crush!! :flowerforyou:
  • Amberwind
    Amberwind Posts: 3
    People who give me 'Why the hell are you here, fatty?' looks while I'm working out. It's uncomfortable working out with half the other people in the gym judging you for not being instantly skinny and fit after two work-outs.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    naked people walking around in the locker

  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Someone (not DOING anything) camping out on a machine/station that I need...

    Other than that- nothing.

    Someone leaves the weights on the bar.. whatever, mini bonus workout removing it.

    Someone stinks.. I think they've probably been working hard and 60 minutes in I won't smell like a rose either.

    Someone's looking in the mirror.. 1. what do I care, it's THEIR time being wasted and 2. maybe they've worked their butt off to look like that.. who am I to judge?

    Someone's flaunting it birthday style in the locker room- See the previous one, and I always love nice ta-tas.

    I usually do my own thing and worry about myself in the gym.. people are not always as considerate or knowledgeable as they could be, but that's life. No sense getting pissy about things you can't change.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Really irritates the hell out of me when i am doing my workout and someone stops me for whatever random reason and i have to pause my music and stop what i am doing. I am not there for chit chat.....unless you want to ask to spot me or me to spot you , i would like to just finish my sets.

    Oh and people that waste time in between their sets hogging up what i want to use next. you wanna chat or check your phone go to Starbucks...i got work to do.

    End rant lol
  • More_Dakka
    More_Dakka Posts: 119 Member
    People who jump on the machine you were using when you step away to get the sanitizing stuff
  • women that DONT wear yoga pants....

    nothing upsets me worse
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    doing 5 reps and counting that as a set and taking 3 times as long to recover and go '*smile* oh sorry there did you want this??

    The gym is probably the only time where I turn into a biiiiiiotch ;)
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    women that DONT wear yoga pants....

    nothing upsets me worse

    nah tights and short shorts are way better :)
  • orangebuttercat
    orangebuttercat Posts: 143 Member
    im actually going to do opposite cat here.

    My gym, when I go in the locker room to take off my pants..Shorts underneath, there are always super in shape people getting changed. I have found most of them to be polite, supportive, and very helpful. Even though when I see them working out, and looking in the mirror, being tough guys, I realize they are just trying to improve too. Just because I have more work that needs to be done, they too are trying to make themselves better. So I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

    Except the gallon water guys. Heh
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    Ole Mono-ball hogging the hair dryer....
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I often use the pool at the gym to swim laps. Most of my complaints come from the pool.
    *Old dudes that do not speak English, thus cannot be communicated with, who wear their old man boxer shorts in the hot tub and then after sitting for a while they go into the pool to cool off. Well those loosey goosey boxers ride up all over the place and really no one wants to see 70 year old man package.
    * when people use the lap swim pool like it is open swim at the community pool.
    * some 19 year old kid thought my flotation belt I use for deep water jogging,(mind you only when the lanes are open enough for me to deep water run without being in a lap swimmer's way) was a flotation device for his HEAD.
    * I think 2 old folks might have had sex in the hot tub today. She was sitting on his lap and their behavior was ...ummmm...odd.

    * outside that I think everyone who works hard is great.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    doing 5 reps and counting that as a set and taking 3 times as long to recover and go '*smile* oh sorry there did you want this??

    The gym is probably the only time where I turn into a biiiiiiotch ;)
  • Joshyusernametaken
    Joshyusernametaken Posts: 50 Member
    Guys that rock up to the gym for their 60 minute 'workout' only to spend 4 minutes between sets texting and checking them selves out in the mirrors. Note: By the time you have left the gym, you haven't completed a workout, you completed 15 minutes of exercise and 45 minutes of rest, you haven't even come close to reaching any intensity.
    I think this is what has pushed me away from training at a conventional gym with mirrors on every wall.
    Sure if you got a good bod - have a quick 'check my self out' moment.. The key word there was moment, not a minute.. Get off the bench you *kitten*, someone wants to actually train.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    People who give me 'Why the hell are you here, fatty?' looks while I'm working out. It's uncomfortable working out with half the other people in the gym judging you for not being instantly skinny and fit after two work-outs.

    bet they aren't even paying you any mind. I get a look on my face from exertion. I get a look on my face because I might be wondering if that person across the gym is my neighbor but I can't see very far. I get a look on my face when I am working hard and I am trying to keep my mind from getting bored so i count red shirts or how many reps the guy that does these crazy handstands is going to do.
  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    People doing lunges and what not in the squat rack. There are only two squat racks at my gym and it annoys me to no end when people do **** other than squat in the squat rack.

    I do OHP in the squat rack and use the squat bar for deads. There is no where else I can do them.

    Me too right after my squats and our gym only has 1 squat rack(plus smith) but hell nobody uses the squat rack any ways it seems in my gym. I also use it for some TRX.