People/Things at the gym that piss you off?..



  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    People on the phone while on heavily occupied equipment; IE bench, squat rack, or pretty much everything.

    Bench hogs using more than one piece of equipment.

    That one guy who spends more time talking about how awesome a lifter he is rather than actually lifting.

    Not whipping down equipment; the immunizations we get in the military is pretty serious. You DO NOT want to catch smallpox because someone decided to be inconsiderate.

    The random joe who tries tell everyone their "better" way to workout. There is a funny AFN commercial I wish I could link. A guy in flip flops does shoulder presses on the seated leg press.
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    naked people walking around in the locker

    yeah this-^, I get it you like letting your stuff "air dry" just stay in the corner and away from me. Also do not sit on the bench in the locker room without a towel down or putting some pants on.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    doing 5 reps and counting that as a set and taking 3 times as long to recover and go '*smile* oh sorry there did you want this??

    The gym is probably the only time where I turn into a biiiiiiotch ;)

    This is exactly what I do. After lifting a ****ton of weight for 5 reps, I give myself 2-4 minutes to allow my heart rate to fall close to normal.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    doing 5 reps and counting that as a set and taking 3 times as long to recover and go '*smile* oh sorry there did you want this??

    The gym is probably the only time where I turn into a biiiiiiotch ;)

    This is exactly what I do. After lifting a ****ton of weight for 5 reps, I give myself 2-4 minutes to allow my heart rate to fall close to normal.

    Yep. Even worse, on 1RM of deads I may let the weights slam a bit and even let out a grunt. *shudder*
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    doing 5 reps and counting that as a set and taking 3 times as long to recover and go '*smile* oh sorry there did you want this??

    The gym is probably the only time where I turn into a biiiiiiotch ;)

    Ummmm....this is how I lift. Lol
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    doing 5 reps and counting that as a set and taking 3 times as long to recover and go '*smile* oh sorry there did you want this??

    The gym is probably the only time where I turn into a biiiiiiotch ;)

    This is exactly what I do. After lifting a ****ton of weight for 5 reps, I give myself 2-4 minutes to allow my heart rate to fall close to normal.

    Yep. Even worse, on 1RM of deads I may let the weights slam a bit and even let out a grunt. *shudder*

    You mean you make noise when you are at you maximum level of exertion?! *gasp* Heathen!
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    They guy who wears that hefty back suit thing, then a nylon track suit over that, then a hoodie over that. Then runs his *kitten* off on the treadmill full speed, full incline. This in itself does not piss me off. Honestly it doesn't.

    Hey, whatever floats your boat there buddy.

    However, he gets off and can barely walk because he's so lightheaded and about to pass out. If he ever did, THAT would piss me off. I'm an old EMT and programmed to help, it's just in my dna. I'll do it. But I'll be grumpy while I do. :grumble: Because really this action is kind of goofy. Why does someone need to torture himself like that.

    And, he's too old to be on either the High School or College wrestling teams, so I don't get it. Also, he's too tall to be a jockey. I don't understand why he does this stuff to "make weight".
  • math1201
    math1201 Posts: 10
    People that uses the equipment and don't return it to where they got it from after they are done using it. Oh and when they leave the machines all sweaty. sick.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    doing 5 reps and counting that as a set and taking 3 times as long to recover and go '*smile* oh sorry there did you want this??

    The gym is probably the only time where I turn into a biiiiiiotch ;)

    This is exactly what I do. After lifting a ****ton of weight for 5 reps, I give myself 2-4 minutes to allow my heart rate to fall close to normal.

    Yep. Even worse, on 1RM of deads I may let the weights slam a bit and even let out a grunt. *shudder*

    You mean you make noise when you are at you maximum level of exertion?! *gasp* Heathen!

    Yep. Highway straight to Hell
  • cagefan
    cagefan Posts: 194 Member
    when people do NOT clean up their sweat mess
  • madamstn
    madamstn Posts: 19 Member
    I am so sick of people that do not wipe the equipment down when they are done. Some give it a half hearted quickie that they should not even bother with and others just don't give a s.... The workers that should be talking to these people just walk right by them without saying anything and when you say something they look at you like you just made up a new rule!! Well you know what, I did just make a new rule,"my rule" I wipe down the equipment good before I use it and just the little wipe when i'm done. At least I know I am using clean equipment....not that I am pissed off or anything :)
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    Oh man, this is why I go to the gym at that magical hour (6:45 am to 7:15am) when it is completely COMPLETELY empty. Not even any staff (24hr gym only gets staffed at 9am)

    Then I can prance around using whatever machines I want in any order without waiting and no judgement and do lots of weird flexi stretches in between exercises without feeling like a circus freak.

    Mmmm my own personal gym.
  • JRSchumaker
    JRSchumaker Posts: 93 Member
    People making sex noises as grunts to try to get attention. I have to turn my headphones up uncomfortably loud to block it out.
  • cloudj9
    cloudj9 Posts: 66 Member
    people who smell like 20 armpits, that leave the equipment smelling like 20 armpits..

    doesnt piss me off.. i just find it gross.. and think they should put on some deodorant.. lol .
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    My gym is really awesome. No complaints! It's a campus gym and there's not any blatant nudity in the locker room-always the chance of running into professors or classmates in there. And people are good about the equipment. Most people take it pretty seriously and are there to do work.
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    I hate the dipsticks who complain about other people staring at what people do in the gym. If I want to meticulously observe someone's every movement at the gym and then post about it on forums, then I'm gonna do it and you better learn to deal with that. I pay $39.99 at the end of month for this membership, you little nitwit. Like I'm supposed to look up at the ceiling. Like there's not any mirrors on every damn wall in this joint. Like that chick ain't wearing the brightest booty-accentuating pants in the Lululemon line. Like that fat guy is not doing every cable machine exercise wrong. I'm gonna stare, stare, stare, and continue to post my observations on the internet. You stare and you judge too, you little sanctimonius dweeby apologist.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    I love EVERYONE and EVERYTHING at the gym. Grunt, drop the weights, stare at me, knock yourself out. If you leave a sweat mess, I'll remind you to clean it, if I see you leaving. If not, I'll wipe it up myself. Wanna dry your junk at the hair dryer. Guess what? I don't have to look. Folks that talk to me, SHAZAM! I'm flattered that anyone even wants to talk to a creepy old man. Someone hogging a machine while texting? I walk up and say, "Can I work in while you're on the phone?". Never had a problem. If I absolutely HAD to name something, it would be folks that lift in a way that endangers people around them. It's rare, but I've seen it. If you wanna do plyometric box jumps with a barbell on your shoulders, do it in an area where you won't hurt anyone if you mess up. I've been going to commercial gyms for over 35 years and it's all good.

    Whew! My rant is done.:laugh:
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Small ****s with bad form themselves lifting advice....NOT LISTENING
  • frankiedb
    frankiedb Posts: 277 Member
    Hey, do you mind if I work in with you? Yes!!! Leave me the F alone!! And give me some damn room!! Move the hell over!!