People/Things at the gym that piss you off?..



  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    Guys that rock up to the gym for their 60 minute 'workout' only to spend 4 minutes between sets texting and checking them selves out in the mirrors. Note: By the time you have left the gym, you haven't completed a workout, you completed 15 minutes of exercise and 45 minutes of rest, you haven't even come close to reaching any intensity.
    I think this is what has pushed me away from training at a conventional gym with mirrors on every wall.
    Sure if you got a good bod - have a quick 'check my self out' moment.. The key word there was moment, not a minute.. Get off the bench you *kitten*, someone wants to actually train.

  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    ps you forgot 'staring at every chick in the process' ha!
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    im actually going to do opposite cat here.

    My gym, when I go in the locker room to take off my pants..Shorts underneath, there are always super in shape people getting changed. I have found most of them to be polite, supportive, and very helpful. Even though when I see them working out, and looking in the mirror, being tough guys, I realize they are just trying to improve too. Just because I have more work that needs to be done, they too are trying to make themselves better. So I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

    Except the gallon water guys. Heh

    My gym has a gallon water girl! Which she uses to "claim" a treadmill & wanders off. I personally view this as great an offence as beach towel/sunbed hoggers! Not cool :grumble: - Oh she also pulls up the fan directly infront of her - erm no, no thats fine no-one else is breaking a sweat! Jezzus...
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    people who don't re-rack the weights, and people who don't wipe down the machines...GROSS! And guys in short shorts, who step over me when i am on the mats, I have zero interest in seeing your junk, dude!
  • Ogress_2_Prncess
    People leaving sweat puddles on the equipment. BLECK!! :P
  • orangebuttercat
    orangebuttercat Posts: 143 Member
    im actually going to do opposite cat here.

    My gym, when I go in the locker room to take off my pants..Shorts underneath, there are always super in shape people getting changed. I have found most of them to be polite, supportive, and very helpful. Even though when I see them working out, and looking in the mirror, being tough guys, I realize they are just trying to improve too. Just because I have more work that needs to be done, they too are trying to make themselves better. So I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

    Except the gallon water guys. Heh

    My gym has a gallon water girl! Which she uses to "claim" a treadmill & wanders off. I personally view this as great an offence as beach towel/sunbed hoggers! Not cool :grumble: - Oh she also pulls up the fan directly infront of her - erm no, no thats fine no-one else is breaking a sweat! Jezzus...

    The gallonites need their own gym.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    The fact they always mop the floor in the locker room right before I get there annoys me. Just trying to get out of the locker room without wet feet or pants is always a challenge for me. At least it's clean?
  • bigbear167
    bigbear167 Posts: 39 Member
    people who think the gym is a singles bar or social hour!!im there to work out please go somewhere else
    to socialise!!
  • jaycbadass
    jaycbadass Posts: 325
    doing 5 reps and counting that as a set and taking 3 times as long to recover and go '*smile* oh sorry there did you want this??

    The gym is probably the only time where I turn into a biiiiiiotch ;)
    DYEL x2
    so wait a second. ive got 405 on the bar doing deadlifts..I hit it 5 times with perfect form and 2-1-4 range and you turn into a biotch cuz im giving my atp and glyco levels some time to catch up to the 3 scoops of jacked and hemavol I took?
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Not wiping down the machines really skeeves me out... but in truth, even if I saw the last person wipe down thoroughly and meticulously, I'm still gonna wipe it down before and after. So I probably need to just get over that.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    People who give me 'Why the hell are you here, fatty?' looks while I'm working out. It's uncomfortable working out with half the other people in the gym judging you for not being instantly skinny and fit after two work-outs.

    bet they aren't even paying you any mind. I get a look on my face from exertion. I get a look on my face because I might be wondering if that person across the gym is my neighbor but I can't see very far. I get a look on my face when I am working hard and I am trying to keep my mind from getting bored so i count red shirts or how many reps the guy that does these crazy handstands is going to do.

    I love some of the crazy faces I see people doing at the gym. People make some extreme faces when working out - I think this is correct - don't assume they're judging.
  • margieyoumans
    margieyoumans Posts: 181 Member
    People who give me 'Why the hell are you here, fatty?' looks while I'm working out. It's uncomfortable working out with half the other people in the gym judging you for not being instantly skinny and fit after two work-outs.

    I always yawn and if they yawn, I know they are looking. Then I smile and wave. I'm working on me who give a **** if they want to look at my fat *kitten*. I'll be small soon enough but they will always be rude.
  • ittyXbittyXbritty
    Girls who take photos of themselves pretending to work out. (either work out or leave no one wants you here anyway)
    Girls who come in hair done makeup done pretending to work out (no the cute trainer doesn't care about you so stop)
    Self entitled brats that come with their friend and ask you to get off your cardio machine so they can work out together (the answer is ALWAYS no and now I'm staying on 20 more minutes to spite you)
    People who talk on the phone while on a machine (GET OFF. NOW.)
    People who clearly have no idea what they're doing but refuse to ask for help (just ask a trainer, it's not that hard...really.)
    People who ask you to move because that's "their" machine (oh really buddy?? I don't see your name on it??? wow let me do 20 more minutes JUST to piss you off)
    People who judge you as you walk in (I see you judging me...and let me tell you something, you don't look that hot either so back off thanks)
  • pjp1125
    pjp1125 Posts: 313
    Wool hats in the summer. Half reps. Perma-flexers, grunters ( I don't mean regular grunts, I mean over the top grunts) ten dollar tough guys and the *kitten* that leave their weights all over the floor. I'm sure there is more.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I like my peaceful bubble at the gym. Most things, I just ignore. I hate it when people have loud conversations that I can't ignore, especially if they're dripping with political vitriol, or talking about killing animals.

    Grunting is ok though. I think of that as the call of wild, one of the natural sounds of the gym.
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    Someone leaves the weights on the bar.. whatever, mini bonus workout removing it.

    Someone stinks.. I think they've probably been working hard and 60 minutes in I won't smell like a rose either.

    Someone's looking in the mirror.. 1. what do I care, it's THEIR time being wasted and 2. maybe they've worked their butt off to look like that.. who am I to judge?

    Someone's flaunting it birthday style in the locker room- See the previous one, and I always love nice ta-tas.

    I usually do my own thing and worry about myself in the gym.. people are not always as considerate or knowledgeable as they could be, but that's life. No sense getting pissy about things you can't change.

    Get the *kitten* out of here with your level-headedness and common sense! We're having us a witch hunt, damn it! :-P
  • iris8pie
    iris8pie Posts: 224 Member
    there is this gross guy at my gym who makes crazy sex grunts on the cardio equipment while hes working out. like, LOUD CRAZY SEX GRUNTS Its totally vile, and alarming. ugh. I leave whenever I see him come in.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    People that pay attention to what everyone else is doing.

    Get your head straight and focus on what you're doing, not what I'm doing.

  • a_mandolin_
    a_mandolin_ Posts: 336 Member
    Leaving the weights all around haphazardly so that I trip over them, wearing unwashed stinky shorts, checking oneself out in any reflection, working out barefoot *and* leaving the shoes around so I trip over them.

    Oh wait, I work out in my garage so all of that was my fault. :(
  • pjp1125
    pjp1125 Posts: 313
    there is this gross guy at my gym who makes crazy sex grunts on the cardio equipment while hes working out. like, LOUD CRAZY SEX GRUNTS Its totally vile, and alarming. ugh. I leave whenever I see him come in.

    We have that guy too, except he is super hairy, puts the incline all the way up, holds on for dear life and sprays sweat and hair in a 5 ft radius around him. It is very disconcerting.