People/Things at the gym that piss you off?..



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you know, i used to wonder why so many people got self-conscious about going and being at the gym.

    but after seeing all of the threads out there like this, now i understand.

    i like to be the person that helps someone that is doing something wrong, because i hope they keep coming back because people are nice there, not because anyone is judging them.
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    People who give me 'Why the hell are you here, fatty?' looks while I'm working out. It's uncomfortable working out with half the other people in the gym judging you for not being instantly skinny and fit after two work-outs.

    Just keep doing your thing, chances are nobody is looking at you. And if somebody is watching/judging you, they're probably going "good for her, working out and taking care of her health!" :-)
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    It pisses me off when Joe Gorga is at the gym, minding his own business .... and in walks Teresa being a *****, having to start **** ... any of RHONJ fans here? Huh? Huh?

    But it's Teresa's gym! =P
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Crossed eyed people with staring problems.
  • pjp1125
    pjp1125 Posts: 313
    you know, i used to wonder why so many people got self-conscious about going and being at the gym.

    but after seeing all of the threads out there like this, now i understand.

    i like to be the person that helps someone that is doing something wrong, because i hope they keep coming back because people are nice there, not because anyone is judging them.

    I help people out all of the time- those aren't the people most of us are annoyed with. But don't be so sensitive, anyway.
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    naked people walking around in the locker
    Damn, I will stop doing this. Or maybe I should just do it in the women's locker room from now on. :wink:
  • fppalmer
    fppalmer Posts: 24 Member
    People squatting in my curl rack.

  • iris8pie
    iris8pie Posts: 224 Member

    We have that guy too, except he is super hairy, puts the incline all the way up, holds on for dear life and sprays sweat and hair in a 5 ft radius around him. It is very disconcerting.

    hahahah! EWWWW!!!
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    When the trainer comes up to ME and says, "You should work out in my group class" I told him no thanks, I'm happy with my heavy lifting that I do on my own, for free. He says, " Lifting heavy is bad for your joints. My high rep, machine lifting, strips off the fat and burns more calories." I LOL'd at him.
  • margieyoumans
    margieyoumans Posts: 181 Member
    From a gym employees perspective:

    Not re-racking....sure I don't mind the exercise of the 45 discs but my weak *kitten* can't lift the 120 lb dumbbells...well, not yet

    Leaving towels all around the gym...I get my steps in for the day but I don't want to touch your sweaty, nasty towel...there is a basket for that

    Weak know those that sound like they are "enjoying" a partner but lift very little....I know everyone can't lift the same poundage but this particular dude lifts like 200 lbs and acts like he's lifting 1700 lbs. Seriously, you gotta stop trying to lift heavier than you're need to work up to that...oh and he turns tomato red. He'll probably explode one day

    Someone who gets mad because their key is "broken"'s broken because you didn't pay your bill (usually)

    Oh and those that complain about the cost of the membership - seriously you think we can have all that equipment, pay the utilities, and employees without charging you??

    mmmmmm.... that's all I can think of right now

    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    People's thingies at the gym piss me off too.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    People getting pissed of at other people in the gym.

    There is more to life than being hung up on someone else's issues. If you've got enough time to get annoyed by someone else, you need to find something more to do, because you've got too much time.

    Oh, you must be so zen. Please, like you never get pissed off about anything.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    doing 5 reps and counting that as a set and taking 3 times as long to recover and go '*smile* oh sorry there did you want this??

    The gym is probably the only time where I turn into a biiiiiiotch ;)
    DYEL x2
    so wait a second. ive got 405 on the bar doing deadlifts..I hit it 5 times with perfect form and 2-1-4 range and you turn into a biotch cuz im giving my atp and glyco levels some time to catch up to the 3 scoops of jacked and hemavol I took?

    DYEL x3
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Not a thing.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    I don't understand why people are annoyed by a lot of things at the gym. Who cares if someone is wearing make up, maybe they just came from work. Who cares if someone has a big gallon of water. Who cares if someone is grunting.

    I've never seen anyone give anyone a "why are you here, you're fat" look. I think most people are imagining it.

    Also, people always complain about people trying to compete with them on the treadmill. I've never seen this and I think most people are also imagining it.

    All that bothers me is when people don't take their weights off the squat bar - only when they are the really heavy weights. I am a weakling and unracking them is a workout itself!

    I suppose if someone was wearing really really heavy perfume it would bother me, but I hardly ever run into that.
  • wpanderson
    wpanderson Posts: 194
    There are a few girls who have their phone shoved in their underwear on their side! It just skeeves me out to see them dig their phones out and then touch workout equipment!

    Other than that, I have these couples that follow each other around like puppies at the gym! I understand support but geez, there is no way I'd be stuck like glue to someone at the gym!
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    When there are people at the gym it pisses me off. :grumble:

    I work out in a private gym and almost always am alone in the weight room. There may be one or two people on the cardio equipment from time to time. I know what you're thinking . . . la ti freaking da princess. Whatever. :tongue:

    I know I'm spoiled but when I walk in and there's someone else in the weight room it just ruins my whole workout. Luckily, it's a rare thing.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    There is this guy who screen talks to college football while running on the treadmill.

    So imagine this, you're running or walking along, jamming out to, let's say, "I'm sexy and I Know It" (not that I would do this, just an example) in your headphones, and all of a sudden from three treadmills over someone yells, "C'MON MAN!!!" Oh my God. He startled me so much I nearly lost my footing. A few plays later, "WHAT THE HEEEEEEEEEEEL?? GET UP!" Dude, really? This goes on all college and NFL season.
  • Joshyusernametaken
    Joshyusernametaken Posts: 50 Member
    ps you forgot 'staring at every chick in the process' ha!

    Again, there's looking and then there is staring like an idiot.. I feel embarrassed for the girl having some one burn a hole through them from a long death type stare.. Sure she's hot as hell,..pull a sneaky look and get back to your *kitten*
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Everything about the gym pissed me off. That's why I only work out at home now. It's fantastic.

    I used to hate people who wanted to chat with me. If I wanted to talk while working out, I would have brought a buddy...and I wouldn't have earbuds in!