squankish Member


  • Okay so I looove swimming, but I'm really scared of being in a bathing suit in public. I know I look a lot better than I used to, but I still have really low self confidence. Oh and I'm really white too and I don't know anything about tanning. Any suggestions/techniques for not feeling so self-conscious in a bathing suit?
    in swimming Comment by squankish June 2008
  • *druels* oh my *druels* hottttttttttttttttt
  • my trainer told me to increase my protein because women are supposed to intake 1/2 of their body weight in grams of protein daily if they're trying to build muscle, so you're probably fine. it can cause you to gain weight though if you aren't exercising correctly... and even then, muscle weighs more than fat. really I…
  • you can but the day after you usually "gain" on the scale because fast food has so much sodium in it (water retention). don't be discouraged though! just work hard the next few days and don't eat so much sodium and you'll lose the water weight again. oh and avoid it entirely when you can because it does other bad things to…
  • :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  • that sounds soooo good!! did you put them into the food database under anything? thanks!!
  • Garlic Roast Chicken with Rosemary and Lemon? + broccoli + sweet potato or carrots or something like that ?
  • Starting weight: 170 Today's weight: 167 loss/gain: 3 lbs Overall goal: 140
  • MFP Start Weight: 190 Current Weight/Start Weight: 170 Goal Weight: 140 Weight Loss (this week) : 0 :sad:
  • I know this sounds weird, but sometimes increasing your calories momentarily helps your body start to lose weight again. I get through frustration by telling myself that I'm becoming more healthy even if I'm not losing weight at the moment. I know how you feel though!! Good luck! I know you'll overcome this "plateau" soon!…
  • YES! YES I DO!! ... and sometimes people ask... so then I try not to drink AS much when I know I'm going to be hanging out with people and/or going on a road trip :laugh: :blushing:
    in water? Comment by squankish May 2008
  • aw I think I speak for a lot of us when I say I know how you feel. whenever I have a craving like that, I try try try to think about 1)what my goals are [losing weight] and 2)how I'm going to achieve them [not by eating candy] and then I think about whether it's worth it to me or not.... which sometimes it definitely is.…
  • ahh I know how you feel!! lately whenever I run I start to feel sick a mile in... rrr :grumble: oh and then usually I have to pee ??? anyway, good luck today! you can do it!! I'm going to go running with my little brother at 8 hopefully and I walked 5 miles with my dad this morning, so my day is starting off good. I'll…
  • i'm in too!!:flowerforyou:
  • lolololololol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Thanks soo much to everyone for all the good advice! :drinker: ... seriously you helped a lot. I was completely discouraged and ready to give up and now I feel like I really have a chance at this again. I've decided that I actually will start cooking for my family. I talked to my mom about it and she hates cooking so it…
    in ahhhhhhhh Comment by squankish May 2008
  • Okay so I'm in college (I just got done with the spring semester) and for some reason, every time finals week comes, I chow down and stop recording and stop exercising and now it's really really hard for me to get back on the ball... especially because I'm back at home now and there is sooo much unhealthy food in our…
    in ahhhhhhhh Comment by squankish May 2008
  • my FAVORITE ever ever ever shimp dish is Szechuan Dry Braised Prawns from Chef Chu's cookbook. google it and I promise you you won't regret it. delishhhhhhh :drinker:
  • I feel the exact same way. At least for now I feel in control of my life a little bit more though.
  • I have the exact same question...
  • how many calories is that?
  • I had 2 morningstar sausage patties on a piece of Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread with a tablespoon of ketchup and .5 cup of minute made orange juice anddd vitamins/water. 378 calories, but I usually try to eat a big breakfast :)
  • I got depressed during 7th grade and decided that it was a good idea to pretend to be anorexic at school (I thought this was considered "cool") and then binge every day after school at McDonalds. Needless to say, no one bought the anorexic thing and I ended up getting more depressed and changing schools. After that, my…
  • If you do sit-ups, make sure you aren't hurting your back. I'm 5'11" and I used to do sit-ups all the time until I found out that I was hurting my back the way I was doing them and now I have back problems. I see a massage therapist and he recommended buying an exercise ball (you can find them ANYWHERE) and doing crunches…
    in Advice Comment by squankish April 2008
  • Can you maybe run or ride a stationary bike? I'm sorry you have to get surgery! Don't give up!!! :heart: Loretta
  • that's good to know! I really do think that it can be compared to addiction. I guess I just need to break the bad habit and then things will get easier.
  • Thanks for all of the replies! That actually helps a lot... so thank you thank you thank you! :drinker:
  • I'm just going by what myfitnesspal recommends. Maybe they only mean processed sugars?
  • lololololololol that made my day so much better. inside I swear I am like 5 years old! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Okay so I recently changed the settings on my food diary to include sugar and it's killing me! I think I might be sugar addicted because all of the foods that I love have sugar in them. It feels like it's impossible to stay under 24 grams of sugar per day... especially if I have fresh fruit (a banana) or cereal for…