

  • Is there a way to just plug in calories? I cook and created a veggie/sausage soup tomight and couldn't find a good option when i searcher for sausage vegetable soup.
  • Hello and welcome. i'm new as well (about a week). i track all my food and find that it is easier to be truthful if I slip because I know I am not alone. for me, the biggest problem will be exercise. Two bad knees and hips make it difficult to walk or ride a bike. i did get a Wii for Christmas so I am trying to do a bit…
  • The free part got me too. I have an iPad and am tracking everything on that. i then sync with my hope PC. I'll try harder to check in on a daily basis. thanks.
  • I pound down fiber. Whole grains, wheat germ, ground flax seed in almost everything I make from soups to casseroles. i find fiber fills me up and stays with me longer than empty carbs. hang in there.
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