

  • Hi there... i had droped about 30 pounds in a month when I went to my 10 year high school reunion....although I don't think it was the healthiest and i didn't keep it off. I did the Master Cleanse which is just lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. The maple syrup high quality is supposed to be all the vitamins and…
  • I adopted a drug baby who has mild autism and a small deletion of the 16 chromosome so he is developmentally delayed and is kind of socially awkward at times.. He is actually turning 8 tomorrow and so proud of him because he has come along way since I first got him. He is quick to tell me no, you can't have that you're on…
  • Hi there... I just joined today and could use a support team as well. I have about 40 pounds to lose and finding it hard to lose just one! I just started the HCG diet. I need to keep strong mentally so I don't quit before I even start! Hang in there..
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