

  • If you aren't losing weight, I would suggest looking at what you are eating. Are you eating a lot of meat and dairy? Sugar and sodium? Even if you are following a low calorie diet, these types of foods will impede weight loss. Maybe you need to increase your intake of veggies, fruits, legumes, and whole grains? Please…
  • "Starvation Mode" is a myth. Here is an article by a doctor explaining it. http://www.healthscience.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=512:are-you-in-the-starvation-mode-or-starving-for-truth&catid=102:jeff-novicks-blog&Itemid=267
  • If you do well with structure, then www.happyherbivore.com has very healthy meal plans that you can purchase for a reasonable price. She does individual and family.
  • Your organs need 500 calories a day to function. If you aren't getting enough calories, your body burns fat (eventually, it will burn muscle, but that is in extreme cases, like starvation). The idea that you need to eat more calories to lose weight (the whole your body will go into starvation mode myth) that I see on these…
  • I'm sorry, but it the metabolism thing is a myth. You will not destroy your metabolism by restricting calories. You can, however, alter your hormones with the food you eat, and that may make it more difficult to lose weight. If you eat plants, grains, and legumes, you are eating high fiber, nutrient dense food that are…
  • Sorry, this is long....and probably boring.... =) There are differing points of view expressed on this thread, but since a few people have asked, I will share my personal experience with juice fasts. In the interest of full belief disclosure, I do not subscribe to the thought that you can ruin your metabolism by eating…
  • I would recommend checking out meatoutmondays.com, happyherbivore.com, kidtestedfirefighterapproved.com for some easy things to try.
  • I do a juice cleanse/fast for five days when I feel like I need to "reset". I don't know your medical history, so I don't want to recommend something that may not be right for you, but it works really well for me. Cleans out the toxins and reminds my body to keep working. Good luck!
  • Wait, I'm confused. Isn't the purpose of fat to provide our bodies with nutrients in times of famine? So, if we are enduring a "famine", then wouldn't your body burn off the fat before it had to resort to muscle?
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