lol, nice if only that worked.
Thanks so much guys! And to everyone else recovering from injuries, good luck (:
I have been doing a TONNNN of walking (: I feel lame because I can't run but hey it's something right? I'm thinking about buying an elliptical within the next month or so!
hmmm, that's true! I can handle soft impact, jogging in place wasn't too terrible, but definitely no hard impacts.
that's a good one, never thought of that! (the swinging kettlebells one) not sure if this is showing who I am replying to!
right now i'm mostly looking for in home, no equipment alternatives to incorporate into the 30 day shred video. I have a 3 mile loop by my house that I also walk, I just want to do some other things as well! thanks guys!
can't jump! boxing could work though.