Cardio Alternatives

Hey guys! My name is Shanell and I'm just looking for some advice. August of last year I broke my ankle, leg, foot, shattered my heel, and severred all the nerves and ligaments. I was originally told I would never feel my foot again but a few surgeries and many months later I am walking just fine. I still limp pretty bad some days and still can't go down stairs normally and also have a hard time with hills and slanted ground but hey, better than nothing at all! The reason why I am posting is because the doctor told me that I would not be able to run because of my injury, which is fine by me because I HATE running, haha. I have tried jogging in place and it hurts, but I can manage it. I tried to do the 30 day shred video the other day and when It got to the jumping jacks I wasn't thinking and went to do them. I went up and when I landed I was on the floor in the fetal position in pain, so apparently I can't do jumping jacks, haha! Does anyone know of some good alternatives? I want to do the whole video but I don't want to feel like I'm cheating because I can't do some of the stuff that they do!


  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Try different callisthenics to find ones you can mange. Set up a routine of shorter, high intensity interval sets with short rest between sets. Just make sure you don't over do anything and be warry of reinjuring things.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    swimming, cycling, weight training...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    swimming, cycling, weight training...

    These are good...also, row machine or if you have a canoe or kayake, that's a great workout.
  • Beastmode454
    Beastmode454 Posts: 340 Member
    Boxing and jump rope....
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    swimming, cycling, elliptical, stairmaster, dancing, rowing (will get you sexy sculpted back and arms too), boxing, martial arts
  • shanellmhess
    can't jump! boxing could work though.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Swinging kettlebells is phenomenal in terms of cardio - and most importantly is zero impact. Sounds like you should avoid activities that include jumping!
  • shanellmhess
    right now i'm mostly looking for in home, no equipment alternatives to incorporate into the 30 day shred video. I have a 3 mile loop by my house that I also walk, I just want to do some other things as well! thanks guys!
  • shanellmhess
    that's a good one, never thought of that! (the swinging kettlebells one) not sure if this is showing who I am replying to!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    can't jump! boxing could work though.

    Problem with martial arts/boxing is you generate force from the foot, through the hip into the arm. Might be an issue for you?
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    that's a good one, never thought of that! (the swinging kettlebells one) not sure if this is showing who I am replying to!

    Hit the quote button on the post you want to reply to and it'll show up in your reply.....
  • shanellmhess
    can't jump! boxing could work though.

    Problem with martial arts/boxing is you generate force from the foot, through the hip into the arm. Might be an issue for you?

    hmmm, that's true! I can handle soft impact, jogging in place wasn't too terrible, but definitely no hard impacts.
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    A hand-cycling machine is used from a seated or standing position and provides cardio benefits. You will be amazed by mat workouts and barre workouts, modification can be done seating and on a mat.

    Read more:
  • rachiefofo
    rachiefofo Posts: 34 Member
    I had a chronic injury and ended up having back surgery last summer, it has been really hard for me to run. I prefer to bike or eliptical. It's not hard as hard on the body, but still gives you a good work out.. walking is ALWAYS good for you too :)
  • JRSchumaker
    JRSchumaker Posts: 93 Member
    can't jump! boxing could work though.

    Problem with martial arts/boxing is you generate force from the foot, through the hip into the arm. Might be an issue for you?

    I had a major issue with my pelvis last year, and you just have NO idea how much you engage your hips to do flipping EVERYTHING until it hurts to do it. OP, just start off slow and see how your leg handles it. Kettle bell workouts sound like a great idea.
  • shanellmhess
    I had a chronic injury and ended up having back surgery last summer, it has been really hard for me to run. I prefer to bike or eliptical. It's not hard as hard on the body, but still gives you a good work out.. walking is ALWAYS good for you too :)

    I have been doing a TONNNN of walking (: I feel lame because I can't run but hey it's something right?
    I'm thinking about buying an elliptical within the next month or so!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    can't jump! boxing could work though.

    Problem with martial arts/boxing is you generate force from the foot, through the hip into the arm. Might be an issue for you?

    hmmm, that's true! I can handle soft impact, jogging in place wasn't too terrible, but definitely no hard impacts.

    Yeah it's more of a rotational issue, you rotate your foot as you generate force from the ground that's passed up through the hip. That's where the force generated in the punch comes from. You may be fine with it though, only way to know is to try!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Hey guys! My name is Shanell and I'm just looking for some advice. August of last year I broke my ankle, leg, foot, shattered my heel, and severred all the nerves and ligaments. I was originally told I would never feel my foot again but a few surgeries and many months later I am walking just fine. I still limp pretty bad some days and still can't go down stairs normally and also have a hard time with hills and slanted ground but hey, better than nothing at all! The reason why I am posting is because the doctor told me that I would not be able to run because of my injury, which is fine by me because I HATE running, haha. I have tried jogging in place and it hurts, but I can manage it. I tried to do the 30 day shred video the other day and when It got to the jumping jacks I wasn't thinking and went to do them. I went up and when I landed I was on the floor in the fetal position in pain, so apparently I can't do jumping jacks, haha! Does anyone know of some good alternatives? I want to do the whole video but I don't want to feel like I'm cheating because I can't do some of the stuff that they do!

    Sorry about your leg problem and I wish you a prompt and total recovery. I can't do jumping jacks either or any kind of high impact exercise (knees!), and I am constantly modifying JM’s DVDs, which is not fun; however, the health and integrity of my body is more important.

    You can do jumping jacks in place, or replace them with show boxing, marching in place, ice skaters, or running man to name a few. I am sending you some links and I am sure that you can Google for other alternatives. Good luck and congratulations for not using your leg problem to keep you away from exercise. If plan A doesn’t work, just go to plan B, or C, or D. Hey we have lots of letter in the alphabet!
  • raingirl21
    raingirl21 Posts: 167 Member
    I had a knee injury that still plagues me so I can't run much either. I find the elliptical is low impact on my joints since I'm not hitting the floor (like running) or I walk at a incline. Just do what you can and listen to your body. I find that if I push myself through the pain, I sometimes end up not being able to do anything for the next week. So take it slow and you will get there! :)
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Sorry for redundancy, I didn't read the other responses. When I tore my Achilles, I did boxing, rowing machines, and hand/arm peddling. I also swam a lot after the surgery cuts healed.

    Good luck.