

  • The squat begins with pushing by butt out and bending the knees, so true to form following Medhi on YouTube. The pain is in the lower back (even though I wear a belt) and in the upper thigh area including. I think I may have to de load and concentrate on upping the reps as oppose to trying to build strength. My warm ups…
  • Thanks for your responses. The pain on the squat is at the bottom of the move where it feels as if I can't get back up (Medhi says this is good) but for around 5 days afterwards I have trouble getting up from the sofa or office chair and climbing stairs makes me look like an old woman! With the programme asking for…
  • Hey there! I'm a newbie too! I started 5x5 2 weeks ago and can honestly say I'm seeing the benefits already. You can actually YouTube the workouts (a & b) so it shows you form, duration between sets and how to warm up etc., For the moment, I start on the bar itself without any weight on it as a warm up for 2 sets (2x5…
  • It's simple. You're not logging everything you eat correctly. If you burn more calories than you eat, you WILL lose weight. FACT. Try logging everything in Myfitnesspal. Not just Weight Watchers points but all the 'free food' or Slimmers World 'sins'. There is no such thing as no calorie or free foods. Everything you eat…
  • Good luck with it. I read "the book" before quitting smoking and its been 8 years now. Just focus on exercise when you feel the urge and drink plenty of water. You'll do great I'm sure. And just remember, the people who tell you that giving up is hard because of the cravings etc., are the manufacturers who want you to…