Zebukiel Member


  • Yeah the iphone you can do it, but its just placed oddly. Hit more... then edit foods / exercise then which ever category you put it in
  • Do you feel good? Are you hungry? Are you loosing weight? Assuming all these are positive answers, I wouldn't worry about it. If / when something changes... Your no longer loosing.. Your hungry all the time.. You don't feel well.. then I'd start to worry. There is plenty of opinions on the matter that support both sides,…
  • I know you can hit the food tab at the top of the website, and then "my foods" then towards the upper right will be a button to create food. You can also do similar option to add juliens work out I imagine, Though your calorie burn and such would be unique to each person so likely why it may not be in the system.. A decent…
  • Since I have started MFP (6/10/13) My biggest challenge has been reaching the calorie goals each day. I personally have just given up on reaching it. As long as I am under, not hungry and loosing weight. I am not going to stress the number. To me it's all a matter of how I feel, and is it working. I know there are several…