

  • I make sure to eat my 500 EBFing calories and usually a chunk of my exercise calories. Some people hang onto weight when BFing and lose it easily when they wean, so you might need to decide which is more important to you and if it is BFing maybe not stress the last 10 lbs until you are done. With my daughter I hung onto a…
  • To bed I wear a target nursing tank or a stretchy tank over an ahh bra. For out and about I usually wear a shirt over a stretchy tank. It does not bother me to bunch my shirt and I like the tummy coverage of the tank and boob coverage of the shirt. My nursing cover gets hot. I have a few nursing pieces and I hate most of…
  • Beans are great in the crock pot.
    in time Comment by MermaidMY July 2013
  • Hi all! I have a 3 year old and a 7 week old. I had a lot of trouble losing weight after my daughter was born , so I am being much more proactive much earlier this time. Everything is a struggle but I am doing ok. Definitely making sure I protect my supply above all else.
  • For meals we have meat and 2 veggies usually. Sometimes DH grills, sometimes I put it in the crock pot, sometimes I put it in the oven. Anything that doesn't require constant monitoring. Exercise is walking my daughter to school, doing calisthenics during nap or with DS (squats and leg work) or during tummy time (plank,…
    in time Comment by MermaidMY July 2013
  • After my daughter was born it took me 2 years to get back in shape. My son was born 7 weeks ago and I am trying to get fit a bit faster without sacrificing BFing. I would love more friends, so please add me and introduce yourself. :)
  • My daughter fell off the growth chart at 9 months. It was bad. We tried to introduce formula but she wouldn't take it. We had to work really hard to get her to eat solids. Pouches helped. So did full fat yogurt. We mixed extra BM or formula into her cereal and other foods. We also had to stop homemade baby food because…
  • I was told if you are starving, first drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes. If you are still starving, eat something high in protein and wait 10 minutes. Still starving, then eat what you are craving. It has worked wonders for me. I found I was not drinking nearly enough water. Now that I have upped my fluid intake,…