I'm surprised no one ever responded to your post after all of this time. All other blood type diet related posts appear to be followed b several unhelpful, smart-@ss comments by people with no experience eating specific to their blood type. I can tell you that I have tried vegetarian, vegan, paleo, whole30 and have found…
I believe his question was specific to people who have actually tried eating specific to their blood type sharing their experience...not for every Joe Blow on the internet to make rude comments about something they haven't tried themselves. Sorry you were unable to get any useful feedback. Please update with your results…
- :smile:
I do agree that the concept of a "clean eating" challenge is pretty arbitrary and will have different rules depending on who is moderating the challenge. For anyone interested, I would suggest trying the Whole30 and then slowly reintroduce foods after the 30 days if you like to see if you have any type of reaction to a…
I think the issue with canned tomatoes is the fact that they are very acidic and cause the lining in the can to leach BPA into your tomatoes. Get them in a glass jar and check the ingrediant label as they often have added preservatives. I don't see a problem with non-fresh products if they consist of actual food and aren't…
this may very well have been the most delicious dinner I've ever cooked....and my husband and two picky kids loved it too! here's what i did: filled 2 large skillets with w30 compliant bacon and cooked it crisp. removed bacon but left all grease in both skillets. filled both skillets with trimmed and quartered fresh (NOT…
- please consider joining our whole 30 group! I am doing a reset as of today after a successful run in january. Many of the members there are no longer reporting since completing their 30 days in february and I am looking to…
the number of servings of fruit isn't really the best way for you to watch it since, as many others have mentioned, some fruits are much higher/lower in sugar than others. frozen raspberries are much lower in sugar than some other fruits. they taste like sherbert ice cream when frozen and will also take longer to eat that…
i scoured the earth high and low a couple of years ago for a high quality cheese alternative that matched the flavor and texture of real cheese as well as not being made of weird stuff i wouldn't normally eat. sorry to say that i wasn't happy with a single thing i tried. there is nothing on earth that can match the taste…
I'm on day 11 of the whole 30 and we have a group out there called "whole 30 starting january 2 2015" if you'd like to join!
I started my Whole 30 today too! My sister is on her second Whole 30 as of today. She did one last January and saw tremendous results. Once she completed the 30 days, she stuck to a Paleo diet up until fall time rolled around. As soon as she stopped following the paleo diet, she gained some weight back. I would not really…
I'm feeling your pain right now. It's absolutely miserable and depressing. I'm so mad at myself right now for binging on something this afternoon that I NEVER eat and haven't touched since I was a child....a whole box of Little Debbie cakes! I don't know what got into me today. I went to the store to buy a bar of dark…
Make your own sweet treats using healthy organic ingrediants like raw honey, coconut butter, dark chocolate, almond butter, coconut milk ice cream (skip the dairy!). you can lose weight by eating as much as you want without counting fat or calories if you focus on quality (real food) instead of quantity (processed junk…
wwwooooowwww, so many of you have made incredible transformations!! Thanks for posting your pics!
you shouldn't be so self-conscious about your face; it really does not look as chubby as you think it does!!