fimm Member


  • Given that you're saying £ and not $ for the price of your bike, I shall assume you are in the UK, and suggest that you look on the BTF (British triathlon) website for lists of races. I would guess that most people racing a duathlon are people who also do triathlon, though there are people who just do duathlon, and people…
    in Duathlon Comment by fimm January 2012
  • I love running NSVs!! Well done!! :drinker:
    in Couch to 5k Comment by fimm January 2012
  • I did Ironman Austria in 2011. In the run up I entered a Middle Distance (= half iron distance) but DNFed after the swim due to the cold. So I stood on the start line of the Ironman having never completed further than a Standard/Oly distance - and finished. So later in 2011 I did finish a Middle Distance which was a bit of…
    in IronMan Comment by fimm January 2012
  • For my first tris, I was cycling in the shoes I was also going to run in, and I put on socks. These days I have triathlon specific cycling shoes (the kind that have a single velcro strap rather than lots of straps) and I go barefoot into them in shorter races. I think I've done the run of some sprints without socks, but…
  • I don't know if this thread is much help, but ...
  • Are you able to pin or stitch your clothes so that they fit a little better? (I'm wearing rather a lot of safety pins at the moment :embarassed: )
  • Hi, I'm Fiona, and I live in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. I got into running and triathlon when I met my boyfriend. SInce then I've done a bunch of triathlons and also some 10Ks and half marathons. I completed an Ironman last summer, and have just entered a marathon for next April.
  • Name: Fiona Location: Edinburgh, UK Hello everybody! I got into Triathlons about 4 years ago when I met my boyfriend, who'd already done 2 Ironmans at that point. Since then I've done several Sprints, duathlons and a couple of Standard/Olys. Then I entered Ironman Austria this year and it was while training for that that i…
    in Intros Comment by fimm December 2011
  • My boyfriend's mother is British but has lived in Austria for the past 40 years. Things we have to take out to her: tea bags, marmelade, steak and kidney pies, suet (to make a Christmas pudding), sausages (they have sausages out there, of course, but British sausges are different), baked beans. In return, we bring back…
  • That is really interesting, thank you for that.
  • There's a pile of them on the desk next to mine! The man who sits there was off sick for a few days and they piled up... I agree with what others say about them being expensive for what you get. However I think what you are really paying for is the convenience of them just being there, and so hopefully removing the…
  • I'm 39, 5"7', 56 kg, eat over 2000 calories most days including my exercise calories. Trying to maintain/ build a bit of muscle.
  • Hello, I'm Fiona, and I live in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Many years ago I did a Chemistry degree, but now I work in IT. I spotted this group and thought it might be interesting, because I'm interested in how our bodies work.
  • Hi, I'm Fiona, and I live in Edinburgh.
  • Oh, and bizarrely, I weighed 56kg exactly this morning. Don't know how that happened as I definitely haven't been eating for it! I guess it won't stay that low for long (so I'll just keep off the scale for a bit! :wink: ) WRT what I eat - my boyfriend got interested in the "paleo diet" recently, so we have been…
  • Gosh, you lot are so healthy... :wink: 1) No - apart from food I just don't like, for example very hot or spicy stuff. That's not a health reason, though. 2) No 3) I'm lazy Did some more weights and then my pilates class yesterday. I've a question for you ladies who lift heavy weights - what would be a typical number of…
  • I never manage to get onto the thread over the weekend! Saturday I was out on my bike with the triathlon club - ended up having to draft like mad to keep up while they tried (and failed) to catch up with the rest of the group (we'd stopped for a puncture). Sunday I did a cross-country race: only 4 miles or so, but it was…
  • I'm in the UK, so mostly the weather is clement enough to run outside. The problems come if it is very snowy and especially icy, when the pavements can get quite dangerous. This never lasts for very long, though. I use the treadmill ocassionally. It is definitely much more fun to vary the speed, do some sort of little…
  • My boyfriend and I are cooking sausages and mash with onion gravy. Not perhaps as totally unhealthy as it sounds as the sausages are good ones from the Farmers' Market. I'm still going to be way over calories for the day. I need to be better with the snacks I have during the day at work, I'm not doing well at having…
  • Oh, I know, thank you. I've seen them in a book but not tried them. I'll give them a go sometime!
  • Hello all! TGIF indeed! I think I'm going to spend the whole weekend making soup... we got our second veg box this week and now have zillions of potatoes, so I'm going to try and turn most of them into soup and freeze it. Also there's a big squash-thing from last week which I'm going to have to tackle, eek.
  • What are split squats? I like one legged squats - they're good body weight exercises, and work your ankles and your balance too. Miles covered, I think - but like SatelliteCrush80 I'm usually training for something. Like stubbysticks, I want to go faster!! I think I'm slightly unusual on this thread in that I am concerned…
  • love4fitness, I'm sorry things aren't going well for you. I've done my run, which was nice if quite hard work. I guess still a hang over from giving blood. The other thing I'm happy about today - a few weeks ago I went shopping with my sister and got a new pair of trousers which I'm wearing for the first time today.…
  • Good morning from sunny Scotland! Did my mega club run fllowed by swim combo last night - took it a bit easily after giving blood on Tuesday but it was still good. I've got my running kit with me to go running at lunchtime - I wish I could go running now, as it is lovely and sunny :smile: however having caught up with the…
  • Either... both... and/or lunchtime... (don't think I've ever done all three...). For me, I think straight after work and before dinner suits quite well - but a morning workout is good, too :o)
  • Nice work, ruststar :o) Caveats, I was mostly messing about with my "how many calories for giving blood?" question :o) I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that someone found an answer! I ate loads yesterday anyway, restricting calories after a blood donation is not a good idea... (I once nearly fainted several hours after…
  • Morning all! Did my second Pilates class yesterday, which was interesting - all we did was stand and then lie down, but everyone in the class was commenting on what hard work it was!
  • Good morning all! It is a beautiful morning here in Scotland - it is unseasonably warm at the moment - though I guess all that snow you've been having in North America is coming our way... Pilates class number 2 for me yesterday - it is interesting how hard it felt given that all we did was stand and then lie on the floor!…
  • Morning everybody! I had a super weekend with my family, ate lots, only did a 45 minute run (plus a bit of running after 4-year-olds which doesn't count) and so surprise, surprise I wiegh more this morning. Oh, well. I weigh myself first thing in the morning when I feel like it - probably about once a week but just…
  • Ouf, I'm tired. Rest day for me today - the only exercise I'll log will be the short, easy, cycling sections of my commute. I think I'm doing fine at eating for maintainance - well I seem to be staying the same shape and weight - but if I actually want to loose any more I need to be a bit more disciplined about the amount…