

  • You can do it!!! I think drinking water, eating high fiber, and cardio are the keys. I'll be looking forward to reading about your success! :)
  • Looks great! I saw your post on the 600 calorie muffin thread and wondered if I could find a recipe. (I didn't even think to ask you) Thanks for sharing!
  • This reminds me of something I saw recently... "Lick the frosting off your cupcakes. Without frosting, a cupcake is just a muffin, and muffins are healthy, right?" Ha!
  • This is a good point. I was wondering if the nutrition label even states the serving size is 1/2 a muffin. I've seen that on other packaging.
  • Good tip - thanks! There are also several brands making sugar-free margarita mix now. It has 10 calories per serving, tequila is 70 calories per oz... 80 isn't so bad for a cocktail! :)
  • Okay, just one more comment from me... My sister-in-law (husband's sister) told him he better watch out because once I lost the weight I would probably find someone better. That was insulting on SO MANY levels!! I know she was trying to be funny and even encouraging to me, but that one got to me. What a silly thing for her…
  • I am annoyed with "You have such a pretty face," and comments like it, but I hope I won't be annoyed if people tell me I look great after losing weight. My main reason for wanting to lose weight is health, but looking better will be nice as well! This is a good topic... I'm glad you brought it up. :smile:
  • Good for you! You're right, it is useless; but most of us still feel a pang when the message "You're not acceptable the way you are" is glaring us in the face.
  • This looks like a great board! Lots of inspiration! I just started so not much to say... just wanted to check in and ask: What is DH? :)