ceemonkee Member


  • If I were you and just starting to work out, I'd actually *not* restrict my calories for weight loss during the first couple weeks. When I'm restricting calories (even just down to 1600 net), I find that my fitness progress is terrible -- I'm weak, tired, and get worn out very quickly. What about giving yourself two weeks…
    in 1200/Day? Comment by ceemonkee June 2015
  • This conversation got really derailed... @jamiehero‌ Yeah, your calculations are right. And if I'm reading your surprise right, yes, there is a lot of protein per serving of meat. On the measuring side -- sure, the chicken breasts are differently sized, but I doubt that they're more than 1-2 oz off. So maybe one is 70…
  • It doesn't sound like many people have responded to your actual question, so here's my two cents: Switch to monthly weigh-ins if you're currently doing weekly. Or even better, quit weigh-ins entirely and go by how you feel (most important) and how you look (less important). Your questions: If i begin weighing myself…