
webuiltthisnicky Posts: 84 Member
edited June 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I recently joined a gym. Starting off small, just three mornings a week at the moment, but I'm now trying to update my profile on MFP to keep things accurate/safe/whatever.

So, my goals thing here set itself as 1200 net calories a day, but using a BMR calculator tells me that I can get away with just over 1500. Is the BMR calculator an actual trustworthy system or should I disregard it and stick with MFP's recommendation of 1200?


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I recently joined a gym. Starting off small, just three mornings a week at the moment, but I'm not trying to update my profile on MFP to keep things accurate/safe/whatever.

    So, my goals thing here set itself as 1200 net calories a day, but using a BMR calculator tells me that I can get away with just over 1500. Is the BMR calculator an actual trustworthy system or should I disregard it and stick with MFP's recommendation of 1200?

    You have your goal set to 2lb/week, I'm guessing. With 35lbs to lose, you can get away with 1lb/1.5lb a week, which will give you a more generous calorie allotment with your deficit built in.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I got 1220 with a goal of 1lb per week. :P I eat more than that, though, by exercising. I set my goal at 22lbs, but 35 would have been a healthy BMI, too.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Aggressive weight loss goals are usually only fine if you're obese. I know it's tempting to lose weight quickly. But notice I said weight? Your goal is to lose fat. The problem with quick weight loss is that you also lose lean muscle mass.

    You don't want to do that.

    Reassess your goals. It's more realistic to shoot for a pound a week if you're looking to lose 35 pounds.

    1200 calories a day is really only a suitable intake if you're very short, already a very low weight, and/or much older.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I recently joined a gym. Starting off small, just three mornings a week at the moment, but I'm now trying to update my profile on MFP to keep things accurate/safe/whatever.

    So, my goals thing here set itself as 1200 net calories a day, but using a BMR calculator tells me that I can get away with just over 1500. Is the BMR calculator an actual trustworthy system or should I disregard it and stick with MFP's recommendation of 1200?

    BMR has very little to do with it - you should be cutting from your TDEE (or following MFP which gives you a starting point then you add in your exercise)

    Don't have a 2lb a week goal

    eat back your exercise calories

    unless you are tiny with little to lose nobody should be on 1200 IMO

    (I was for the first few weeks until I learned better)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I don't think 3 mornings a week is starting off small personally - that's still all I do and I'm in maintenance having lost 54lbs .. I just try to get my steps up the other days
  • Toadstool_
    Toadstool_ Posts: 120 Member
    edited June 2015
    It does sound like you've got 2lbs / week selected. As the posters above have said, changing it to 1 or 1.5lbs a week will give you a better calorie allowance and is still a good loss to aim for a week. I'm on 1200 a day, but I'm short and quite close to my goal. Whilst 1200 is ok, I do find it takes planning ahead and can be a little unforgiving - there's not much leeway with it really. Having your calories a little higher will be easier and still allow a good loss for now. :)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Toadstool_ wrote: »
    It does sound like you've got 2lbs / week selected. As the posters above have said, changing it to 1 or 1.5lbs a week will give you a better calorie allowance and is still a good loss to aim for a week. I'm on 12


    that's tough

  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Toadstool_ wrote: »
    It does sound like you've got 2lbs / week selected. As the posters above have said, changing it to 1 or 1.5lbs a week will give you a better calorie allowance and is still a good loss to aim for a week. I'm on 12


    that's tough

    I assume it is DR supervised.

    I take in more than that by just licking my fingers while I cook.

  • webuiltthisnicky
    webuiltthisnicky Posts: 84 Member
    edited June 2015
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I don't think 3 mornings a week is starting off small personally - that's still all I do and I'm in maintenance having lost 54lbs .. I just try to get my steps up the other days

    I checked out my TDEE and it's saying it's 2161, so I might actually try to stick to around 1500. 1200 was proving difficult after I started exercising.

    Yeah maybe it's actually not so small a start now I think of it. It's hard to gauge because the girl who encouraged me to start coming along with her is a total tank and she's out there killing it every day, so in comparison what I'm doing feels small. It's encouraging to hear you say that, though, because I doubt I'll ever have time to do more than three or maybe at a push 4, and frm your photos you look really good for it. What did you do when you were still trying to lose?
  • Toadstool_
    Toadstool_ Posts: 120 Member
    edited June 2015
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Toadstool_ wrote: »
    It does sound like you've got 2lbs / week selected. As the posters above have said, changing it to 1 or 1.5lbs a week will give you a better calorie allowance and is still a good loss to aim for a week. I'm on 12


    that's tough

    I assume it is DR supervised.

    I take in more than that by just licking my fingers while I cook.

    Lol! It should have edited for the rest of the post to be included. I seem to have a habit of jabbing the 'post' button too early. 12 would suck! 1 strawberry a meal...
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    I am 1.7m and am on 1200 and stick to it 19 days out of 20, but I know if I was exercising or younger it would have to be higher to stick with it long term. To be honest, I could probably pick it up a little and still lose, but for the time being I am ok sticking to it. I don't think there is any reason to consider 1200 the devil's number though (I have never understood the "EAT MORE!!" rage I sometimes see on these forums), your body can manage at that intake without packing up, if that is the way you decide to go, it just requires careful choices and planning.

    I am a very sedentary 40 year old. As long as you are losing you are low enough, so choose a number that is right for you - never be shamed into eating more OR less.
  • Merci4u
    Merci4u Posts: 41 Member
    MFP builds in a deficit each day so you will loose weight. When you exercise you 'earn' more calories to eat. Are you trying to loose weight or maintain and build fitness?

    MFP puts me at 1200cal no matter what I put in - 1/2 pound, 1 pound or 2 pounds.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I don't think 3 mornings a week is starting off small personally - that's still all I do and I'm in maintenance having lost 54lbs .. I just try to get my steps up the other days

    I checked out my TDEE and it's saying it's 2161, so I might actually try to stick to around 1500. 1200 was proving difficult after I started exercising.

    Yeah maybe it's actually not so small a start now I think of it. It's hard to gauge because the girl who encouraged me to start coming along with her is a total tank and she's out there killing it every day, so in comparison what I'm doing feels small. It's encouraging to hear you say that, though, because I doubt I'll ever have time to do more than three or maybe at a push 4, and frm your photos you look really good for it. What did you do when you were still trying to lose?

    That sounds more sensible and doable. Stick around 1500 and see where you are in about 4 weeks. It takes most people 4-6 weeks to get into a normal weight loss pattern. You may drop extra water at the beginning, or put on some extra water because of the new exercises and your muscles need it to repair. After 4-6 weeks, re-assess and decide if you need to eat more, less, or you found your sweet spot on the first try. It is also good to assess what you are currently doing every 10 lb lost or so.

  • suerontur3
    suerontur3 Posts: 18 Member
    I would love to read some daily food diaries for 1200 to get some ideas and guidance.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I eat 1200-1300 calories a day. Do a little exercise and I'm back to 1200. My diary is open. I'm doing what is called a whole foods diet. A protein and some vegetables or fruit. Simple ingredients....easy to make....easy to track...pretty low on carbs. I tend to stay away from the processed or packaged foods. Just my preference. I BBQ almost all of my protein and steam my vegetables. I divide my day into three 400 calorie meals and then add a fruit or two as snacks in between as needed.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I'm at rough 1200 and 1300, probably closer to 1300
    a typical day is 1 egg, English muffin lite or waffle lite, simple jam, string cheese lite, lite greek yogurt, apple/banana, half a sandwich with spinach and turkey or ham and cheddar cheese. then either kashi golean and skim milk or a small chicken breast with spinach and a tablespoon of dressing

    my diary is open to my friends
  • ceemonkee
    ceemonkee Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    If I were you and just starting to work out, I'd actually *not* restrict my calories for weight loss during the first couple weeks. When I'm restricting calories (even just down to 1600 net), I find that my fitness progress is terrible -- I'm weak, tired, and get worn out very quickly.

    What about giving yourself two weeks to get used to *one* new habit (working out), and then adding in a moderate calorie restriction, like 250 calories under what you're using? You won't lose 20 lbs overnight, but with moderation, you're also less likely to feel crappy and end up bouncing right back to your starting weight.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I don't think 3 mornings a week is starting off small personally - that's still all I do and I'm in maintenance having lost 54lbs .. I just try to get my steps up the other days

    I checked out my TDEE and it's saying it's 2161, so I might actually try to stick to around 1500. 1200 was proving difficult after I started exercising.

    Yeah maybe it's actually not so small a start now I think of it. It's hard to gauge because the girl who encouraged me to start coming along with her is a total tank and she's out there killing it every day, so in comparison what I'm doing feels small. It's encouraging to hear you say that, though, because I doubt I'll ever have time to do more than three or maybe at a push 4, and frm your photos you look really good for it. What did you do when you were still trying to lose?

    That sounds like a very sensible plan I lost the majority of my weight at an MFP 1560 so I was eating around 1800 calories

    I started with a personal trainer twice a week, but I was really unfit and had some anxiety issues around getting out of breath due to some previous health issues ...I thought that would be for a few weeks but a year later I still see him once a week. I do progressive weights - squats, deadlifts, bench press, clean and push (badly) etc, calisthenics..TRX, kettle bells, cables, and about 15-20 mins on elliptical / treadmill as warm up ...he keeps pushing me every week and keeping it fresh

    I took a Pilates class for a while but the teacher changed and I didn't like replacement so I went back to the gym so 2x45 min sessions and one around 80 (an hour with PT)

    I also have a fitbit and try to be generally more active ..taking the dog out, taking a lunchtime walk at work ...it adds up to the same calories as a gym session alone if I hit 10K

    But you have to find what you enjoy ...I'd strongly recommend the lifting because being strong makes you feel awesome and if you fancy taking a class do it for a couple of weeks you might like it

    Oh and thank you for the compliment :)
  • angelbarbz123
    angelbarbz123 Posts: 23 Member
    I eat 1200 cals everyday and sometimes less and I don't seem to have a problem. But this is based on my body and I what I need. Know what your body needs and ask a doctor if you want :)
  • webuiltthisnicky
    webuiltthisnicky Posts: 84 Member
    edited June 2015
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    That sounds like a very sensible plan I lost the majority of my weight at an MFP 1560 so I was eating around 1800 calories

    I started with a personal trainer twice a week, but I was really unfit and had some anxiety issues around getting out of breath due to some previous health issues ...I thought that would be for a few weeks but a year later I still see him once a week. I do progressive weights - squats, deadlifts, bench press, clean and push (badly) etc, calisthenics..TRX, kettle bells, cables, and about 15-20 mins on elliptical / treadmill as warm up ...he keeps pushing me every week and keeping it fresh

    I took a Pilates class for a while but the teacher changed and I didn't like replacement so I went back to the gym so 2x45 min sessions and one around 80 (an hour with PT)

    I also have a fitbit and try to be generally more active ..taking the dog out, taking a lunchtime walk at work ...it adds up to the same calories as a gym session alone if I hit 10K

    But you have to find what you enjoy ...I'd strongly recommend the lifting because being strong makes you feel awesome and if you fancy taking a class do it for a couple of weeks you might like it

    Oh and thank you for the compliment :)

    I have actually dared to glance at the freeweights in our gym, haha! My main source of cardio right now is alternating between the Bodycombat classes and the elliptical. The freeweights area is all full of big men in tank tops with rippling biceps, so as vain as it might be I want to look a bit more like I even belong at the gym before I venture over there. Right now I think I almost have 'newbie' stamped on my forehead because I'm still so soft and unfit lol!

    But I will make it over there once I gain a bit of confidence. I'm honestly not looking to get skinny so much as trim off all the wobbly bits that I don't need and look/feel like a badass so the weights are probably where I'll go in the end.