

  • Thanks for replying! Yeah, I decided to go ahead and lose weight because at my old weight I was becoming infertile, and I want children so badly in the future that I basically said 'I am going to do this. I am going to lose weight.' Thanks for the support and keep at it yourself!
  • The chatty best-friend that always knows best, but the main character never listens.
  • Beautiful eyebrows and eyes. :)
  • The star actress playing as a gentle south western woman gone 'bad' and happens to meet the handsome rebellious outlaw in a tavern that sweeps her off her feet completely. Lol.
  • Lovin' the sunglasses and you look like you could be a comedian!
  • Sometimes, and usually on a portion of them because I strictly believe the calories they give you before the exercise is what someone needs to eat no matter what. Plus I am never really that hungry due to what I eat during breakfast (high protein, fiber, fat with some carbs). Not saying what someone else does is wrong, but…
  • Yeah, just about. I have been watching tons of documentaries (and reading books) on about just everything, including taste which affects what we like to eat and how unique are taste buds happen to be (which for me is important considering I am a Supertaster). Heck, I love to watch anything on BBC, including Secret Eaters.…
  • I am also looking for encouraging friends, so please (anyone out there) add me! :) My diary is open to friends, if that means anything!
  • I always put mixed fruit, skim milk, some brown sugar in mine. Of course I never over-do it with the sugar, lol. :)
  • I remember being told to stay away from avocados due to their high fat content, but honestly those people do not know the difference between different fats in our foods. Also, do need certain fats to keep our brain as healthy as possible. :tongue: Here are some interesting facts on these little buggers:…
  • Even though I am not actively conceiving, I DID notice that my periods came back on a regular basis after I lost 25 pounds last year. I was so relieved I was absolutely giddy and I even hugged my fiance! Please try to not to worry so much, though the worry is absolutely understandable. *hugs*
  • Whole grain, nuts (be careful though, nuts contain a high amount of fat if you eat too much), beans, Vegetables, and Oatmeal are few that I can mention I eat on a day to day basis. Just make sure your cereal does not contain too much sodium, fat, or sugar. Recently I have been eating Kashi (with honey) cereal, and even if…
  • If you're gaining due to eating too much from being hungry all the time, I found that fiber really helps with staying full longer, plus I always remind myself that cravings only last 20 minutes (like when I REALLY want a chocolate bar, but I know I shouldn't eat it). I hope you finally lose the weight, Allstatemom! :)
  • Hey, I am new as well and would love a few pals. Please add me if you wish! <3