spg71 Member


  • Overnight oats for breakfast, i make it the night before and just add some protein powder whilst sat at my desk at work. Works really well for me, healthy and mega filling keeps me topped up till lunch most days.
  • Well done :) Glad its Friday, shattered this week. Still another swim done. Big bike ride tomorrow.
  • Eat the entire egg, there is nothing unhealthy about it in balanced diet, its full of goodness.
  • 20g of mixed nuts, some satsumas (eat the nuts after the satsumas), cut carrots, cucumber and some humus Don`t take the packet of nuts to work, you would munch the lot :) and its mega cals then, but there really good for you :)
  • Its a nice program, worked for me :) and it really does get easier, then you look at getting a better time and its pain again :)
  • Woohooo 5.3k run done.
  • Day off work today, MOT on the bike and bit of running around. Still managed a swim but not at 6am. Going to try a run in the morning as i have been neglecting running so much 5k all being well.
  • Its dark again in the mornings :( still another swimin the bag.
  • Rachels low fat Vanilla Yoghurt.
  • Its actaully cheaper to make your own, buy some protein powder (i like Reflex) some yogurt and almond milk, frozen fruit and your pretty much doing the same thing the drinks are.
  • wooo hoo 2 weeks with 5 in a row early morning swims :) Treated myself to a latte, bad news my clothes are going back to 90`s baggy style :D
  • Another mile this morning :) One more day and lie in :) :)
  • So easy really. Monday - Curry Tuesday - Curry Wednesday - Curry Thursday - Curry Friday - Curry Saturday (cheat day) - Thai green Curry Sunday (Calming day) - Thai red curry. :)
  • Swim for me empty pool as well, win win.
  • Have to say when the sun is up and the blue sky morning, doing exercise first thing is actually quite nice, i just swim in the mornings and it leaves the evening free for a run or if the weather is nice Bike ride.
  • In again, going for 5 in a row this week.
  • Ooo Busy day, Swim again for me this morning. was really tired and not in the mood for it at all. Hate it when there is 3 or 4 in a lane.
  • Swimming a little odd on calorie burning, as technique plays so much. I am sure i burnt more calories when i was flailing around like i was drowning, but after 6 months of it, i am a little smoother and a little more efficient so burn less. Its great for interval training though and the added benefit that after you have…
  • Thankyou for the post on the ATLAS, looks a nice product. Not quite there with the ergonomics, could do with the strap being more of sweatband type size. Still using the LOOP though, and still confusing software.
  • http://ruthkazez.com/SwimWorkouts/ZeroTo1mile.html It all started for me with this, took me a extra week at week 4, then got knocked of my bike, which took me about a month to recover then xmas hit and it all got put on hold, So started from week 2 and now i am banging out the freestyle mile in about 30-35mins. This is…
    in Swimming! Comment by spg71 March 2014
  • If its a none exercise morning, i just tend to have a couple of eggs, spinach and yakult. If its a exercise morning then its a yakult before i exercise and a big 450 calorie pot of overnight oats and some protein powder (i love exercise mornings as i get to eat something quite tasty instead of eggs and spinach)
  • I was in the same boat around the end of June last year when i just happened to step on some scales and owch 220lb i then found MFP and decided to lose 1/2 a stone of just pure dieting (this took me to mid august) then i promised myself i would join a gym with a pool and swim 3 times a week. 9 months on its 194lb and now i…
  • Another nice swim for me makes 5 in a row for this week plus a couple of runs in the evening as well. As for fasting, its no from me tend trying to lose weight so need to put back 50-70% of exercise calories.
  • 21 Days is all it takes to change the habbit of snoozing. Clean bedding Start off go to bed 30mins early your not missing anything by doing this. Set the alarm for 15mins before with a snooze of 5 mins. Snooze 3 times. Take a shower. While in the shower chew some gum or a mint., you cant fall alseep if your eating,…
  • Another swim for me this morning, Used the hand paddles for a change and can really feel it in my chest. Seems to going well this week, Gratz TL on your 3 in a row :)
  • Think there more suited to constant cardio more than the stop start of lifting. But it will give you a guide for sure.
  • Swim again for me this morning 1000m, nasty 6k run to do this evening as well :(
  • Mile swim for me this morning. No idea what a COP is apart from the police :)
  • Booo Curse the nice weather the pool was heaving this morning. Hate having to change my swim rythem every 3rd stroke. Doesnt help when your technique is pretty rubbish. Really should get some lessons again.
  • I dont know if it was just me but the times i did try them they seemed to be totally unlike sugar with a odd taste that wasn't even sugary if that makes any sense. So i just went cold turkey on sugar and started drinking green tea instead of coffee. damm i miss coffee :( but when i have one now its treat so go full out…