

  • Ok so I have used my flush water for three days. I went from 196.8 to 193.6 in just three days... I'm going to keep doing it. I feel great, it tastes great. I actually made the sassy water. It works. It's refreshing. I used 2 liters of water, 1 lemon (peel and all, sliced into thin slices), 1 cucumber, (peeled and sliced)…
  • I actually made some up today with veriation. I used one lemon peel and all, spearmint, cucumber and ginger..I will let you know how it works. These drinks actually do work to some extent, because of the nurtrients from the veggies and fruit that you use flush toxins from your body. I have done several of them and find…
  • Ok there could be a few things that are doing that to you. Obviously your diet could be bloating you through out the day. Lactose intolerance could also be playing a role in it. Try soy milk. You may also try to eat yogart like activia once a day because it could be just as simple as you need more good probiotics in your…
  • I'm 5'2 and I have found that eating between 1000 to 1200 cals a day really works for me. But I have found that the fat intake affects me more than the calories. I think that it really depends on the person. Just experiment with it and use the calorie counter here and track your intake and see where you lose. That's what I…