

  • Wow...way to turn a negative into a positive. Good to find out now what a low life he is rather then throw years away to someone who simply doesn't deserve you. Good on you hun. xx
  • I agree with everyone else.:smile: I would have one slice of cheese or veggie pizza with a lovely crisp salad. I've been out a few times and still managed to lose weight. Its more about portion size so don't go crazy! Have a great night. :bigsmile:
  • I'm a serial weigher too. The scales play naughty tricks on us. You can look like you've gained only to lose a several lbs a few hours later. You certainly cannot gain 5lbs of fat in three days, like the previous poster mentioned. Its likely to be water retention, or sorry to say this, but maybe you need to go to the loo!!…
  • I love cocktails....ciaparainas are my favorite (not sure I've spelt it right!!). I now try and make a lower calorie version. If you love limes you'll love this...... Here's how I make them.....I muddle a lime with two spoons of granulated sweetner. Add a dash of cachasa (never check the oz's but a nice glug lol). Then I…
  • I try and save a couple of hundred calories for some snacks before bed. I love a cuppa with some jaffa cakes (don't think you have them in the US), but they are a little cake/cookie with chocolate on. They only have a gram of fat in each, but taste so lovely. I don't have a cut off. I tried that, but then get really…
  • Hello, I'm new too. Looks like a fab site. I'm still learning my way around it. :0)
    in HeLLo! Comment by nickyh13 January 2010