

  • I really have a hard time staying on this too. I have started walking on my lunch period. Now if I could get myself to start doing excersise after I get home from work. Instead I sit and play my games on the cptr to unwind. Today, however I FINALLY got thru a whole day without using all my calories. Big VICTORY for me!…
  • I feel for you. I have only been late one time for an interview and she made sure I knew I was late. She was a recruiter, most recruiters are very understanding, however I never heard from this recruiter again. The interview went well, but I think she held the being late over my head. So now I'm always there really early…
  • I'm 51 and I lost some weight a couple of months ago and gained it all back and then some. I'm joining this and hoping to find people that can give me support. I lack in will power. I would like to lose 50 to 70 pounds. If anyone has reciepes to share or ideas of things your doing to help keep that weight off let me know.…
  • I don't have to lose 100 pounds, but I'm thinking I would love to lose at least 50 to 70 pounds. I have no will power. Everytime I start dieting I do good for about a couple of weeks then I quit.
  • Ok I read your story and had to laugh not in a negative way because some parts of it sounded like me. I'm Sue and I just joined this today. I was what I thought heavy in school 150 pounds. Now I look back at that and I would love to get done to that. I have no idea what I really weigh, but I know I'm over 200. I got this…
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