stoyanov Member


  • Cool, gonna give it a try then Thanks, bro
  • thanks :) Actually, I don't think I will be able to do ABCABCx, but I might change it to AxBxCxx. I'll have slower progress obviously, but it should work, right? Or is there no point of doing a split if it's only 3 times a week?
  • For me my lifts were ok, even moved up a bit in the beginning. Then a couple of months in and everything stalls. I'm like ok, that's to be expected, when I finish the cut, I'll start moving up again. However, it gets worse if you cut for too long. For me the real problem was all my lifts going down every time I skip a…
  • Well, as the others already said, you count everything. 100%. A calorie is a calorie no matter the source. Now that being said, vegetables in general don't have a lot of calories, so in most cases it won't make much of a difference, especially, if you're bulking. I still count them, but I'm not as meticulous - for example,…
  • 1g of protein per pound of lean body weight is pretty much the standard minimum recommendation for protein for fiber, it's a bit more complicated, I only recently started tracking it - someone on /fit/ suggested tracking fiber instead of sugar in mfp and that's what I'm doing. Here's a good article on fiber:…
  • yeah, creatine is the most proven-to-work supplement out there, ton of research according to also cheap if you don't fall for the marketing bull****.
  • > In general, juicing just for weight loss is almost impractical. yeah, that's my point, taught you were implying otherwise > And cutting is very hard for some people. I know some people who only needed to drop maybe 10 kg, but couldnt do it in over a years time. well, maybe I'm just lucky, but since I started counting…
  • It doesn't have to be hard if you know what you're doing, that's the point of the thread - to share things that help. You don't have to juice to lose weight, brah, that's ridiculous - if you wanna gain more muscle, faster or if you're near your genetic potential - sure. But just to lose a few pounds of fat? C'mon!
  • maybe upload to imgur and post a link to the album btw. here's an imgur album with a lot of fit recipes, but i haven't read most of them, so I don't know if they're any good Looks like you can also use an img tag like, so [-img]link[\img] (without the hyphen(-) just img).
  • 5'10 / 178cm 73kg / 160lb down from 85kg/187lb ~13%bf measured with calipers current goal is to get to ~9-10%bf, which should mean like 70kg/154lb - I hope that's another few weeks or a month maybe, but I'm going on a vacation next week, so probably a little more After my cut's finally over I'm going for lean gains/clean…
  • The Low-Cal/Carb Cheesecake definitely sounds good, I'm gonna try this next time I want a dessert
  • Greek yogurt is my favorite, man! One can make so many cool desserts with it and some protein powder. When I want a sweet protein snack, I'll often just mix one scoop of protein powder with 100-200 grams of yogurt. It's like chocolate muss with 40+ grams of protein. And then you can add all kinds of nuts, fruits, etc.…
  • 25 yo, web dev currently cutting, down to 74kg from 85kg. Just a few more weeks, I hope, and I'll start bulking again. Lifting 3 times a weeks and lately running 6 times a week. don't know what else I am supposed to say in the introduction
  • maybe just some cool lifting related photo like pic related or similar