

  • at I plan to do is level 1 for 10 days, level 2 the next 10 and level 3 the final.
  • :smile: Welcome I have only been at this myself for a little over a week but good for you for getting started. I too am a SAHM Mama, of 2 beautiful kids. It can be hard to remember to put yourslf as a priority when you have babies and I find that MFP helps me to do just that. Hopefully it does you too. Goodluck with your…
  • My husband does the same thing!!!!. I'm like, ok, I doing this for real, no excuses. The next day while we are at the store he goes, "So you want to buy some ice cream? And I want a bag of chips" :/ seriously? I told him then have his mommy buy it for him lol